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Determining the Relationship Between Stress and Unexplained In-Custody Deaths: Solicitation Questions and Answers

This page presents questions and answers about the fiscal year 2012 solicitation Determining the Relationship Between Stress and Unexplained In-Custody Deaths (pdf, 19 pages). It will be updated periodically.

Q: :  In the solicitation, it states that "NIJ anticipates that it will make up to one award of up to $400,000 for an initial period of up to 12 months."  But it also states that "Applicants should try to structure the phases so that the funding required in any fiscal year will not exceed $500,000."  Will applications that exceed a request of $400,000 be considered for funding?

A: Currently NIJ has budgeted up to $400,000 for the first 12 months of this effort.  All applications that meet the requirements of the solicitation will be reviewed and considered for funding regardless of the amount of proposed cost.  If an applicant that proposes more than $400,000 is selected for funding and the additional funds are not available in this funding cycle, then adjustments will be negotiated with the successful applicant (e.g., shortened project period).  If during this initial phase it is found that the project continues to be viable and funding is available in future funding cycles, additional funds may be awarded to continue the effort