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Disability Rights Coordinating Committee

The U. S. Department of the Interior (Department) Disabilities Rights Coordinating Committee (Committee) is an advisory and proactive working group established to assist the Department in addressing accessibility issues and developing a comprehensive strategy to provide persons with disabilities access to all programs, activities, services and facilities consistent with legal requirements and Departmental policies.  The Committee focuses its attention on accessibility issues in the following areas:  Architectural, Programmatic, Employment, Electronic and Information Technology and Emergency Preparedness.


Membership on the Committee is comprised of representatives from a broad range of organizational units of the Department and reflects the diversity of the Department's work force including persons with disabilities.  The Committee also includes individuals with subject matter expertise, including but not limited to employees with experience in human resources, equal opportunity, building design and construction, safety, accessibility program management, and information technology.

Bureau/Office Contact


Tsosie Tsinhnahjinnie


Temporarily Vacant
BOR Al Bernstein
Brian Sutherland
Ann Haynes


Temporarily Vacant


Ray Bloomer
Kay Ellis


Ophelia Anderson
Sharon Eller
Sloan Farrell


Temporarily Vacant

Pat Lowery
Pamela Veal
Maurice Banks


Doug Gentle


Aaron Hamilton

The Committee reports to and serves under the direction of Sharon Eller, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Department of the Interior