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U.S. Department of the Interior
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Policy, Management and Budget (PMB) Offices

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Office of Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources has primary staff responsibility for planning, developing, and implementing policies, programs, standards, and systems for effective acquisition, utilization, development, and management of human resources to accomplish the overall mission of the Department; for evaluating effectiveness of the Department's personnel management program; and for the analysis of position structures. The Office has Departmental responsibility for the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Personnel Management, Merit Systems Protection Board, and Federal Labor Relations Authority directives and is the liaison with these organizations and other agencies concerning human resources management. The Office interprets laws, executive orders, rules and regulations, and provides technical and professional assistance, advice and guidance to the Secretariat and the bureaus.

The Director of Human Resources responds to the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management, and Budget and reports to the Assistant Secretary through the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Human Capital and Diversity and is aided by four Directors.

The office develops and implements policies, procedures, programs and services to facilitate the successful implementation of the described initiatives on behalf of the Office of the Secretary. Policies, programs, procedures and services are developed and implemented by four divisions.

Employee and Labor Relations

The Division has responsibility for the Departmental employee relations, benefits, absence and leave, awards programs (length of service, incentive awards, and functional awards), occupational health and safety programs, drug testing, violence in the workplace, family-friendly and personnel-related quality of work-life/productivity activities. Among the employee relations areas handled are performance management (appraisals and standards), grievances, adverse actions, disciplinary actions, dispute resolution, and appeals. Provides guidance on a variety of issues, e.g., alternative work schedules, acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), trial and probationary periods, and benefits (retirement, health and life insurance, social security, Thrift Savings Plan, Employee Express, Medicare, VERA), injury and unemployment compensation. Awards activity concentrates on the Secretary's performance awards and prestigious awards of external organizations. Administration of the above programs is accomplished through analysis of legislative and regulatory proposals, development of Departmental policies and procedures, advice and assistance on unusually complex cases, periodic studies and evaluation efforts.

The Division has primary responsibility for Department-wide management advisory services on dealings with labor unions and the application of policy concerning labor-management relations under Title 5, united States Code (U.S.C.), Chapter 71. The Division establishes long and short-range objectives, develops strategies, projects, and plans for a systematic approach to labor-management relations on a Department-wide basis. These responsibilities include such areas as: policy issuances; guidance and direction; representational matters; unfair labor practices; grievances; arbitrations; contract administration; negotiations; impasse proceedings; consultations with unions; labor agreement approval; training in labor relations; and contingency planning for work stoppages. The Division maintains liaison with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), to ensure coordinated Department-wide approaches on Government-wide efforts, and ensures appropriate internal coordination within the Department. Exercises leadership in evaluating the labor relations programs of bureaus and monitoring major labor-management developments throughout the Department. Consults with national and international labor organizations and has primary responsibility for maintaining relations with national headquarters offices which have Department recognition. Serves as primary contact for all issues requiring national consultation with unions under Title 5, U.S.C. on behalf of the Department. Exercises leadership in third-party activity for cases before the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), the Federal Service Impasse Panel (FSIP), the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS), arbitrators, and other Third-party administrative forums where necessary. Reviews negotiated agreements and recommends approval or disapproval to the Director of Personnel.

Executive Resources

The Executive Resources Division develops, formulates, coordinates, and administers the Department's Executive Resources program. This includes facilitating decisions by and providing administrative support to the Department's Executive Resources Board (ERB). The ERB plays a prominent role in managing the Senior Executive Service (SES) Senior Level (SL) and Scientific and Professional (ST) needs and allocation requirements of DOI's bureaus and offices. The division provides the following services in support of ERB activities: position management, classification, qualifications determinations, documenting merit selections, pay setting, pay adjustments, developing performance appraisal systems, adjudication of pay-for-performance decisions for pay adjustments and performance awards, Presidential Rank Award coordination, assisting with executive development programs, Presidential Management Fellow certification, and other assigned tasks.

Human Resources Information Systems

The Division has primary responsibility for planning policies and programs, including strategic planning (and the development of the Department's Human Resources Management Strategic Plan); tactical planning; workforce and succession planning; the human resources portion of the Department's Government Performance and Results Act strategic plan; performing personnel-related aspects of OMB circular A-76; demonstration projects; workforce modeling and analysis; the Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act; maintaining relationships with professional societies; monitoring legislative and regulatory developments; identifying and recommending changes in program direction and emphasis.

The Division has primary responsibility for planning, implementing, and operating the Department's human resources management data and information management systems, including the Federal Personnel and Payroll System (FPPS), and other satellite systems.

The Division has primary responsibility for planning, coordinating, and monitoring major personnel policies and programs for the Department, and for evaluating the effectiveness of human resources management in the Department. The Division's responsibilities include: the department's Human Resources Accountability System; administering the personnel management delegations of authority program; managing the personnel issuance system; assuring coordination of programs across functional and organizational lines; monitoring major program objectives; reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of Departmental personnel programs and policies; integrating and coordinating bureau personnel evaluation programs with those of the Office of Personnel Management and the Department; reviewing and evaluating bureau and office personnel programs.

Staffing, Classification, and Career Management

The Division has primary responsibility for recruitment (selective factors, OPM certification, delegated examining, applicant supply file), placement, merit promotion (competitive actions, non-competitive actions, areas of consideration, certification), employment policy, staff planning, qualification standards, medical qualification standards, testing, Outstanding Scholar appointments, Intern programs (Diversity, Presidential Management, Student), seasonal employment, details, volunteer programs, buyouts, furloughs, variation requests, Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program, Reduction-in-Force and Veterans programs. Develops and operates the Department's applicant referral processes and the placement assistance programs (including the Career Transition Assistance Program, Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program, and Special Placement Program). The Division also coordinates and monitors the Department's Welfare to Work program.

The Division has primary responsibility for position classification, position management, classification standards programs, consistency reviews, adjudication of classification appeals, pay, and compensation programs. The Division analyzes and reviews position structures in bureaus and offices and recommends appropriate action; designs position structures and requirements to achieve maximum cost effectiveness and contribution to program goals; provides advice and assistance to management in these program areas; and administers the classification appeals program for the Department. Reviews proposed organizational revisions and makes recommendations regarding position management and other personnel implications. Provides classification advice and assistance to the bureaus and generally oversees the effectiveness of the classification program throughout the Department. Compensation and Pay aspects include merit and premium pay, hourly wage rates, General Schedule pay setting, special rates, FEPCA, FLSA, pay determinations, pay appeals, backpay, and wage surveys.

The Division has primary responsibility for the Department's policy on training; upward mobility; supervisory, manager, and executive development systems; assessment systems; mobility programs; participation in the Executive Seminar Centers; Intergovernmental Personnel Act assignments; and the Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program. The Division also establishes policies in all areas of career management including, orientation and acculturation programs, succession planning, technical and skills training, mentoring programs, management and leadership training, supervisory training, and career development programs (career entry and developmental, mid-level intake and developmental, career broadening, leadership potential, and executive preparation).