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Assim vi-se que, pars a bacia do Ribeirao da Lontra, a ..... rao Balsamo, Ribeirao Jangada, Corrego do Barreiro a Ribeirao da Lontra) ...

NASA Website

Pareiorhina brachyrhyncha (Loricariidae: Siluriformes): a New Species of Fish from the Paraíba do Sul Slope of Serra da ...

... é descrita do Ribeirão Grande e bacias adjacentes, na margem esquerda da bacia do Rio Paraíba do Sul, no Estado ... do Sul drainage located above 600 m of altitude, but P. brachyrhyncha is ... Serra da M...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Uma Avalia��o da Dieta, da �rea de Vida e das Estimativas Populacionais de Cebus nigritus (Goldfuss, 1809) em um ...

... munic�pio de Ibipor�, norte do estado do Paran�, na por��o baixa da bacia do Rio Tibagi, a 484 m de altitude. � um fragmento florestal de 170 ha, coberto ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Poluicao Difusa: Gestao e Simulacao da Qualidade da Agua de Bacias Hidrograficas (NonPoint Pollution: Management and Prevision of Water Quality in Watersheds).

The state of the art of nonpoint pollution is presented. The building up and transport mechanisms of pollutants in a watershed are explained and the procedures for pollution control are outlined. Several methods for the environmental impact assessment of ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Impacto DA Acao Antropica NA Bacia Do Lago Acu (Ma) Atraves de Imagens Landsat (Impact of Anthropogenic Effects on the Lake Acu Basin Based on Landsat Imagery).

In December 1987, there was a very high fish mortality in Lake Acu, motivating concern in the regional authorities about the environment. The objective is a multitemporal analysis to evaluate the antropic action effects and some natural factors in the env...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Estagio atual de conhecimento da geoquimica organica das bacias de Campos e Espirito Santo. (Actual stage of organic geochemical knowledge from Campos and Espirito Santo basins, Brazil).

Campos and Espirito Santo basins display several similar geochemical aspects. The microbial and other degradation processes caused changes in the composition of the oils in the reservoir rocks. The oils are biodegraded in different degrees, with the reser...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Caracterizacao geoquimica das rochas vulcanicas da Bacia do Parana: implicacoes petrogeneticas. (Geochemical characterization of Parana Basin volcanic rocks: petrogenetic implications).

A detailed study of the geochemical characteristics of Parana Basin volcanic rocks is presented. Results are based on analyses of major and trace elements of 158 samples. Ninety three of these volcanic samples belong to 8 flow sequences from Rio Grande do...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Idades isocronicas Pb/Pb e geoquimica isotopica de Pb das rochas carbonaticas do Grupo Bambui, na porcao sul da Bacia do Sao Francisco. (Pb/Pb isochron ages and Pb isotope geochemistry of Bambui Group carbonate rocks from the southern portion of the Sao Francisco Basin).

This study involves the establishment of chemical and analytical procedure for Pb/Pb dating of Neo proterozoic carbonate rocks and their application to obtaining isochron ages of Bambui Group rocks from the southern portion of the Sao Francisco Basin, Min...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Brazil-UK CollaBoration in Climate sCienCe The Brazilian National Space Agency (INPE) and the UK's

tomadas medidas imediatas para reduzir as emiss�es de GEE. Um aumento menor dos GEE na atmosfera levar� estabilizar os GEE na atmosfera. impaCtos do desmatamento no Clima Brasileiro Embora as mudan�as clim�ticas hidrol�gico. A floresta interage com a atmosfera para regular a umidade dentro da bacia amaz�nica, mas �

E-print Network

Itaipu: never underestimate the Latins. [Paraguay/Brazil binational project

The Itaipu hydroelectric project, a joint effort of Brazil and Paraguay (with a cost of US $16 to 18 billion), will be finished in December 1989. The project is situated on the Parana River, 14 km beyond the Puente de da Amistad (Friendship Bridge), which connects the city Presidente Stroessner, in Paraguay, with Foz do Iguacu, in Brazil. It is considered ...

Energy Citations Database

Biospheric Sciences Branch Highlights May-June 2001 - NASA

Context of the Kyoto Protocol". Dr. Marc Imhoff gave an invited plenary talk at the Xth Brazilian Remote. Sensing Symposium in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, ...

NASA Website

APOD: 2010 May 14 - Iguacu Starry Night

May 14, 2010 ... 2010 May 14. See Explanation. Moving the cursor over the image will bring up an annotated version. Igua?u Starry Night ...

NASA Website

The South American Electric Fish Genus Platyurosternarchus (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae)

... Amazônica. Platyurosternarchus macrostoma é redescrito das bacias dos rios Amazonas, Orinoco, e Essequibo. As duas espécies são diagnosticadas ... type species of monotypic Platyurosternarchus; Río Orinoc...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

A Hydrometeorological Model for Medium Sized Hydrographic Basins Um Modelo Hidrometeorologico Para Bacias Hidrograficas de Medio Porte.

The model proposed is a technique of hydrometeorological simulation, which consists of assigning mathematical functions for phenomena in hydrological cycle and simulating their interactions. The area under study is divided into finite elements called 'cel...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Hydrogeology and groundwater flow in a basalt-capped Mesozoic sedimentary series of the Ethiopian highlands

A hydrogeological study was undertaken in the Zenako-Argaka catchment, near Hagere Selam in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, during the rainy season of 2006. A geological map was produced through geophysical measurements and field observations, and a fracture zone identified in the north west of the catchment. A perched water table was found within the Trap Basalt series above the laterized upper Aram ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Argentine-Brazilian declaration on common nuclear policy.

The document reproduces the texts of the speeches made by the Presidents of Argentina and Brazil at Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, on 28 November 1990, at the signing of the Argentine-Brazilian Declaration on Common Nuclear Policy. (Atomindex citation 22:026747)

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Infrared inspection applied to offshore platforms: Petrobras experience at Campos Basin

Bacia de Campos (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) is one of the biggest offshore petroleum fields in the world today. In June 2001, Bacia de Campos, having more than 490 oil wells, 34 offshore platforms and 7 modified ships in operation, reached 1,3 million barrels/day. If compared to OPEP countries only nine of them got an average production higher than 1 million ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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