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Ice shelf - GCMD - NASA

Ice Shelf is the major embayed shelf in East Antarctica, and the subject of considerable previous ANARE investigation. Ocean interaction processes occurring ...

NASA Website

An investigation into the forces that drive ice-shelf rift propagation on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica

An investigation into the forces that drive ice-shelf rift propagation on the Amery Ice Shelf, East receivers and seismometers around the tip of a propagating rift on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica is the dominant term in the force balance. ...

E-print Network

Ice shelf - ocean interaction in the cavity beneath ... - GCMD - NASA

Ice Shelf is the major embayed shelf in East Antarctica, and the subject of considerable previous ANARE investigation. Ocean interaction processes occurring ...

NASA Website

General Disclaimer One or more of the Following Statements may ...

Known blue-ice areas in East Antarctica exist at Burger's Oasis, around the West Ice. Shelf, on the west side of Amery Ice Shelf, in Enderby Land, ...

NASA Website

Seismic refraction and reflection measurements of the east-west - NASA

... of the east-west Antarctic plate boundary near the Lowery Glacier and onto ... Transantarctic Mountains and moving north-east onto the Ross Ice Shelf. ...

NASA Website

Predictability of Ice Concentration Anomalies in the High ...

... Sea ice drifting in the East Greenland Current is sub- ... have shown that the lateral drift rate is fastest near the continental-shelf break, where an ice ...

DTIC Science & Technology

ICE MOTION - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

Ice velocity and strain rate fields over the Lambert Glacier - Amery Ice Shelf system, East Antarctica [AAD_Ant_LG-AIS_vel_strain] ...

NASA Website

Multi-year monitoring of rift propagation on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica

Multi-year monitoring of rift propagation on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica H. A. Fricker,1 N and ERS Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to monitor the lengths of two rifts on the Amery Ice Shelf, from the rifts, and seasonal changes in ocean circulation beneath the ice ...

E-print Network

Episodic propagation of a rift on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica J. N. Bassis

Episodic propagation of a rift on the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica J. N. Bassis Institute; published 19 March 2005. [1] We investigate ice shelf rift propagation using a combination of GPS and seismic measurements near the tip of an active rift in the Amery Ice ...

E-print Network

AISLE proposal V1.0 Page 1

Ice Shelf, East Antarctica: Amery Ice Shelf Laser Experiment (AISLE) Helen Amanda Fricker (SIO), Jean This short document describes a proposal for an airborne laser altimeter experiment on the Amery Ice Shelf) to be launched in late 2001. Since the ...

E-print Network

Seismic refraction and reflection measurements of the east-west ...

... of the Transantarctic Mountains and moving north-east onto the Ross Ice Shelf. ... T.A. 1993 Geophysical investigations of the tectonic boundary between ...

NASA Website

Seismic refraction and reflection measurements of the east-west - NASA

... of the Transantarctic Mountains and moving north-east onto the Ross Ice Shelf. ... T.A. 1993 Geophysical investigations of the tectonic boundary between ...

NASA Website

Seismic refraction and reflection measurements of ... - GCMD - NASA

... of the east-west Antarctic plate boundary near the Lowery Glacier and onto ... Transantarctic Mountains and moving north-east onto the Ross Ice Shelf. ...

NASA Website

LAMBERT GLACIER - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

Ice velocity and strain rate fields over the Lambert Glacier - Amery Ice Shelf system, East Antarctica [AAD_Ant_LG-AIS_vel_strain] ...

NASA Website

ERS-1 - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

Ice velocity and strain rate fields over the Lambert Glacier - Amery Ice Shelf system, East Antarctica [AAD_Ant_LG-AIS_vel_strain] ...

NASA Website

GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 28, NO. 11, PAGES 2241-2244, June 1, 2001 Distribution of marine ice beneath the Amery Ice Shelf

ice beneath the Amery Ice Shelf Helen Amanda Fricker1 Sergey Popov2 Ian Allison3 and Neal Young3 Abstract.We present a map of the marine ice accreted to the base of the Amery Ice Shelf (AIS), East Bottom Water production [Wong et al., 1998]. Water ...

E-print Network

Curriculum Vitae: Helen Amanda Fricker 28 November 2000 1

radar altimetry in the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system, East Antarctica". Supervisors: Richard Amount of funding: $127,640 Title: Investigating the Grounding Zone and Tidal Response of Amery Ice Shelf Meltstreams on the Amery Ice Shelf, ...

E-print Network

The Amery Ice Shelf Rifting Experiment 2004-2007

Abstract: Seismic and geodetic measurements near the front of the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica: This data set contains 200 Hz data from 12 L-28 ...

NASA Website

Ice velocities on the front of Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, from static GPS observations

The Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf (LAS) system is the largest glacier-ice-shelf system in East Antarctica, the Amery Ice Shelf (AIS) and its tributaries drain ice from the LAS system. During the austral summer season of 2002/03, the 19th Chinese ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Rheology of the Brunt Ice Shelf Inferred by Data Assimilation The Role of Marine Ice

The disintegration of ice shelves in Antarctic Peninsula over the past two decades clearly demonstrated the connection between the removal of ice shelves and the acceleration of their tributary glaciers. This enhanced flow of continental ice to the ocean contributes directly to global sea level rise and emphasizes the need for improved ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Active Microwave Radar Observations of Weddell Sea Ice

dc.formecl ice occur along the Riiser-1.arsen (75? S 30?W), ancl the east and west ends of the Ronne. Ice shelf front (at 77?S 47?W and 74?S 59 W, ...

NASA Website

Changes in elevation of the AmeryChanges in elevation of the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, over 40Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, over 40

pattern in Joughin [2002] Differences on grounded ice 1-3m/yr, suggesting tides + "inverse barometer) Tides (T) ~1-2m (TPXO6.2) Inverse Barometer Effect (IB)

E-print Network

Roles of marine ice, rheology, and fracture in the flow and stability of the Brunt/Stancomb-Wills Ice Shelf

Marine ice, sometimes as part of an ice m�lange, significantly affects ice shelf flow and ice fracture. The highly heterogeneous structure of the Brunt/Stancomb-Wills Ice Shelf (BSW) system in the east Weddell Sea offers a rare ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Seismic Experiment Ross Ice Shelf - GCMD - NASA


NASA Website

Tidal motion and ice velocity at ice front of Ronne Ice Shelf as ...

ERS images of the two end points of the ice front of Ronne Ice Shelf were ... the rate of deformation of the ice shelf, due to tides and viscous creep, and the ...

NASA Website

Perennial water stratification and the role of basal freshwater flow in the mass balance of the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, Canadian High Arctic

A pronounced perennial water stratification in Disraeli Fjord behind the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf on the north coast of Ellesmere Island is described. The ice shelf acts as a hanging dam at the mouth of the fjord and minimizes mixing between inflowing meltwater runoff and the seawater. Consequently, a 4 1 -m-deep layer ...

Energy Citations Database

An analysis of the Amery Ice shelf, East Antarctica, ice flow system

This paper presents the structure and characteristics of motion analysis of the ice flow system of the Amery ice shelf, East Antarctica. The structure of ice flow system is defined as domains on the ice shelf related to glacier source areas, and each of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ice Shelf-Ocean ... - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) - NASA

Ice Shelf-Ocean Interactions and Ice Shelf Dynamics ... The melting and freezing beneath the Amery Ice Shelf ... will be studied and the likelihood of change ...

NASA Website

Investigating the marginal ice zone on the Newfoundland Shelf

From the ice and current data collected over the Newfoundland Shelf by the second Canadian Atlantic Storms Program (CASP II), it is evident that ice motion is affected by wind-generated ocean current. This points to the importance of coupled ice-ocean response to wind forcing in the study of shortterm ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

NASA - Larsen Ice Shelf Meets Open Water

The edge of the Larsen Ice Shelf meets open water and sea ice, viewed from ... 16, 2009, surveyed the Antarctic Peninsula including the Larsen Ice Shelf and ...

NASA Website

NASA - Brunt Ice Shelf

Brunt Ice Shelf. NASA's DC-8 flew over the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica on Oct. 26, 2010, during the first flight of NASA's Operation IceBridge Antarctic ...

NASA Website

Sea ice as a tracer for circulation features associated with the Barrow area Bowhead whale feeding hotspot

Satellite images of sea ice distribution are used to provide synoptic illustrations of generalized wind-current regimes that promote favorable feeding conditions for Bowhead whales on the western Beaufort shelf near Barrow, Alaska. Images of grease ice and broken ice show convergences zones along the southern flank ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Wilkins Ice Shelf - NASA

Mar 17, 2008 ... The disintegration of the Wilkins Ice Shelf was announced by the National Snow and Ice Data Center, the British Antarctic Survey, ...

NASA Website

Supplemental Document

... enhanced melting at low elevation, sea ice retreat, enhanced surface and basal melting of land and shelf ice; glacier and ice shelf fracturing; ...

NASA Website

NASA - Wilkins Ice Shelf

The Wilkins Ice Shelf, on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, experienced multiple disintegration events in 2008. By the beginning of 2009, a narrow ice ...

NASA Website

AIS Compiled Thickness and Bottom Elevation Map - NASA

SAE_7174_1 - Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE17-19) airborne RES survey in Enderby Land east to West Ice shelf (1971-74). ...

NASA Website

AIS Compiled Thickness and Bottom Elevation Map - GCMD - NASA

SAE_7174_1 - Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SAE17-19) airborne RES survey in Enderby Land east to West Ice shelf (1971-74). ...

NASA Website

Ice-Shelf Response to Ice-Stream Discharge Fluctuation: I. ...

... Accession Number : ADA188147. Title : Ice-Shelf Response to Ice-Stream Discharge Fluctuation: I. Unconfined Ice Tongues,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Ice Shelf Water plume flow beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Ice Shelf Water plume flow beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica Paul R. Holland,1 Daniel L Filchner- Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica and its underlying ocean cavity. Ice Shelf Water (ISW) plumes are initiated by the freshwater ...

E-print Network

McMurdo Ice Shelf Project: Measurements of ice sheet movement ...

Abstract: Surface elevation and movement of the McMurdo Ice Shelf and Ross Ice Shelf were conducted as part of the McMurdo Ice Shelf Project which was ...

NASA Website

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McMurdo Ice Shelf Project: Measurements of ice ... - GCMD - NASA

Abstract: Surface elevation and movement of the McMurdo Ice Shelf and Ross Ice Shelf were conducted as part of the McMurdo Ice Shelf Project which was ...

NASA Website

Ice-shelf dynamics near the front of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf - NASA

finite-element ice-shelf flow model to study the dynamics of Filchner-Ronne Ice ... that: (1) HIR introduces weakness into the ice shelf through the generation of ...

NASA Website

Modeling the Effects of Tides on Sea Ice Around the Antarctic Peninsula

Around the Antarctic Peninsula, ocean tidal energy is high to the east (in the Weddell Sea) and relatively weak to the west (in the Bellingshausen Sea). The effect of tides on sea ice in this region has been studied using a high resolution (4 km horizontal grid spacing) coupled ocean sea-ice model by comparing simulations of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Visible Earth: Victoria Land and Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Feb 25, 2008 ... Spanning nearly 600 miles in length, and achieving a thickness of 3000 feet in certain areas, the Ross Ice Shelf is the largest ice shelf in ...

NASA Website

Visible Earth: Clouds and the Ross Ice Shelf - Visible Earth - NASA

Feb 25, 2008 ... Ross Ice Shelf (smooth looking ice shelf the size of the state of California ) Stratocumulus clouds over the Ross Sea ...

NASA Website

Ocean - Ice Shelf Interaction: Prydz Bay - GCMD - NASA

This warm water melts the shelf, creating a less dense and relatively fresh water that flows out from under the ice shelf. Ice shelves around the Antarctic ...

NASA Website

Modelling Ice Shelf/Ocean Interaction

limits supercooling with implications for ice shelf ... supercooling due to ice- shelf/ocean interaction. " Remove in 1 timestep? ...

NASA Website

Model Development and Study of the Importance of Ice-Shelf Drag ...

the observed changes were caused by the loss of a buttressing ice shelf, and that the ... ice-shelf buttressing and the potential for inland thinning due to the ...

NASA Website

Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf interferometry studies - NASA

Fifteen synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) images of the Ronne Ice Shelf (also referred to as the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, or FRIS), Antarctica, obtained by the ...

NASA Website

Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf ...

Mar 13, 2008 ... Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf System: Phase II ... -Ice Shelf video of calving front. Related URL ...

NASA Website

Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf ...

Abstract: The Larsen Ice Shelf is the third largest ice shelf in Antarctica and has continued a pattern of catastrophic decay since the mid 1990's. ...

NASA Website

Investigation of glacial dynamics in lambert glacial basin using satellite remote sensing techniques

The Antarctic ice sheet mass budget is a very important factor for global sea level. An understanding of the glacial dynamics of the Antarctic ice sheet are essential for mass budget estimation. Utilizing a surface velocity field derived from Radarsat three-pass SAR interferometry, this study has investigated the strain rate, grounding line, balance ...

E-print Network

A diverse benthic assemblage 100 km from open water under the Amery Ice Shelf, Antarctica

A hot water drill was used to penetrate 480 m of ice to reveal a diverse benthic assemblage, dominated by suspension-feeding invertebrates, under the Amery Ice Shelf (East Antarctica) at a location 100 km from open water and at a depth of 775 m below sea level (840 m below the ice ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)



DTIC Science & Technology


... Accession Number : AD0284309. Title : ICE RUNWAY INVESTIGATIONS ON THE ELLESMERE ICE SHELF. Descriptive Note : Final rept. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

New constraints on the structure and dynamics of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet from the joint IPY/Ice Bridge ICECAP aerogeophysical project

Ice within marine basins of East Antarctica, and their outlets, represent the ultimate limit on sea level change. The region of East Antarctica between the Ross Sea and Wilkes Land hosts a number of major basin, but has been poorly understood. Long range aerogeophysics from US, Australian and French stations, with significant British ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Mass Balance of the Ward Hunt Ice Rise and Ice Shelf: An ...

... Accession Number : ADA081833. Title : The Mass Balance of the Ward Hunt Ice Rise and Ice Shelf: An 18 Year Record. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Sea Ice: An Introduction to Its Physics

... ice breakups in both the Arctic (Ward-Hunt Ice Shelf in September 2003) and the Antarctic (Larsen B Ice Shelf in February�March 2002) focused media attention on ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Mass Balance of the Ward Hunt Ice Rise and Ice Shelf: A 10 ...

... Accession Number : AD0714904. Title : Mass Balance of the Ward Hunt Ice Rise and Ice Shelf: A 10 Year Record,. Corporate ...

DTIC Science & Technology

The Ross Ice Shelf Wren Middle 3 Final Proposal - NASA Quest

I choose The Ross Ice Shelf because it's the largest ice shelf in ... The Ross Ice Shelf pushes out into the sea at the rate of between 5ft and 10ft ...

NASA Website

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Ross Ice Shelf Wren Middle 3 - NASA Quest

I choose The Ross Ice Shelf because it's the largest ice shelf in Antarctica. It is ... Ice Shelf could break off without warning causing a dramatic rise in ...

NASA Website

Ice-shelf dynamics near the front of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf - NASA

Fifteen synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) images of the Ronne Ice Shelf. (also referred to ... to study ice-shelf dynamics near two ends of the iceberg-calving front. ...

NASA Website

Flow of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet on the continental margin of the Bellingshausen Sea at the Last Glacial Maximum

Geophysical data show that during the last glaciation the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) drained to the continental shelf edge of the Bellingshausen Sea through a cross-shelf bathymetric trough (Belgica Trough) as a grounded, fast flowing, ice stream. The drainage basin feeding this ice stream ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Square ice shelf - ISSM - NASA

This is an example of velocity computation in steady state for a square ice shelf. First thing, go to the trunk/ and launch matlab. ...

NASA Website

Antarctica: Fimbul Ice Shelf Preview

Animation showing the camera flight path over the Fimbul Ice Shelf. This camera flight path is used in animation #986.

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Amery Ice Shelf - Postdocs - NASA

The deployment was in cooperation with the Amery Ice Shelf Oceanographic Research (AMISOR) project of the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD). The JPL ...

NASA Website

Glaciological investigations on Fimbulisen, East Antarctica - first results from the 2009/10 field season

We show first results from the 2009-2010 summer season glaciology field campaign on Fimbulisen, East Antarctica. Previous modeling and remote sensing studies imply that this ice shelf has a strong negative mass balance. Yet the most recent measurements under the ice shelf indicate that the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Late Quaternary glacial history of the Pennell Coast region, Antarctica, with implications for sea-level change and controls on ice sheet behavior; and, Late Quaternary statigraphic evolution of the west Louisiana continental shelf

The Pennell Coast continental shelf is isolated from West Antarctic Ice Sheet drainage; for an ice sheet to ground in this region it must flow over the Transantarctic Mountains from East Antarctica. Features observed indicate that ice grounded on the Pennell shelf. Cores ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Changes in ice dynamics and mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet.

The concept that the Antarctic ice sheet changes with eternal slowness has been challenged by recent observations from satellites. Pronounced regional warming in the Antarctic Peninsula triggered ice shelf collapse, which led to a 10-fold increase in glacier flow and rapid ice sheet retreat. This chain of events ...


Comparison of Ice-shelf Creep Flow Simulations with Ice-front ...

Jan 22, 2011 ... dc.title, Comparison of Ice-shelf Creep Flow Simulations with Ice-front Motion of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, Detected by SAR ...

NASA Website

Grounding line migration and West-Antarctic ice sheet dynamics

It has been suggested that rapid thinning of the West-Antarctic ice sheet is due to increased melting under ice shelves caused by a gradual ocean warming. Payne et al. (2004, GRL) showed that such melting could lead to an acceleration of grounded ice flow. However, the model used in their analysis still lacks the proper treatment of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Sediment Flux, East Greenland Margin.

We investigated sediment flux across an ice-dominated, high latitude continental margin, using cores from the East Greenland Shelf (ca. 68 deg N). Density, weight percentages of the various sediment components, and sediment/age relations (AMS C- 14 dates)...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Antarctic soft-bottom benthos in oligotrophic and eutrophic environments.

The benthos of the east and west sides of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, is characterized by dramatically different infaunal assemblages. The eutrophic East Sound has higher infaunal densities than almost any other benthic assemblage in the world. In contrast, the oligotrophic West Sound, bathed by currents from beneath the Ross Ice ...


Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (2007) 2316�2321 Rapid communication

, Copenhagen, Denmark. Hjort, C., 1981. A glacial chronology for northern East Greenland. Boreas 10, 259 Greenland constrain the extent of the Greenland ice sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum Lena Ha� kanssona Greenland continental margin during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM): ice to the shelf break south of ...

E-print Network

Continental shelf record of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution: seismo-stratigraphic evidence from the George V Basin

The late Quaternary ice sheet/ice shelf extent in the George V Basin (East Antarctica) has been reconstructed through analyses of Chirp sub-bottom profiles, integrated with multi-channel seismic data and sediment cores. Four glacial facies, related to the advance and retreat history of the glaciated margin, have ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

NOPP: Circulation, Cross-Shelf Exchange, Sea Ice, and ...

... NOPP: Circulation, Cross-Shelf Exchange, Sea Ice, and Marine Mammal Habitats on the Alaska Beaufort Sea Shelf Thomas ...

DTIC Science & Technology

NOPP: Circulation, Cross-Shelf Exchange, Sea Ice, and ...

Page 1. NOPP: Circulation, Cross-Shelf Exchange, Sea Ice, and Marine Mammal Habitats on the Alaska Beaufort Sea Shelf ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Greenland Ice Sheet Retreat from the Central West Greenland Shelf during the Last Deglaciation and the early Holocene (Invited)

Geophysical and sediment core data collected in 2007, 2008 and 2009 provide evidence for the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet on the central West Greenland shelf seaward of Jakobshavns Isbrae, and the history and style of ice sheet retreat since the LGM. Sediment gravity flows delivered to the trough mouth fan document an active ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Initial effects of oceanic warming on a coupled ocean-ice shelf-ice stream system

Initial effects of oceanic warming on a coupled ocean-ice shelf-ice stream system Ryan T. Walker temperature beneath its ice shelf depends on the assumed form of its basal flow law. For the same applied for predicting ice-sheet response to climatic forcing. Key words: ice ...

E-print Network


... 8 September 2007 International Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes (FRISP) combined with the West Antarctic Ice ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

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Ice Shelf Modeling: A Cross-Polar Bayesian Statistical Approach

Ice streams interlink glacial terrestrial and marine environments: embedded in a grounded inland ice such as the Antarctic Ice Sheet or the paleo ice sheets covering extensive parts of the Eurasian and Amerasian Arctic respectively, ice streams are major drainage agents facilitating the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

ice shelf (6) - NASA - Blogs

ice shelf: Here is the list of entries for Operation Ice Bridge based on the selected criteria. Rollercoaster of Opportunity Nov 14, 2010 07:09:12 AM | Kathryn ...

NASA Website

Visible Earth: Larsen Ice Shelf Comparison - Visible Earth - NASA

Antarctica: Larsen Ice Shelf Side by Side Comparison. In 1978, scientists predicted that global warming would lead to a disintegration of Antarctic Peninsula ice ...

NASA Website

Summer Climate at Selected Sites on the Ross Ice Shelf and ...

... Accession Number : ADA005034. Title : Summer Climate at Selected Sites on the Ross Ice Shelf and the Greenland Ice Sheet. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Rheology of the Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, inferred from satellite ...

Jan 22, 2011 ... Constraints to the model are provided by the ice shelf geometry, precise and comprehensive ice velocity observations from satellite radar ...

NASA Website

Researchers document ice ... - Cryospheric Sciences Program - NASA

The Larsen B ice shelf began disintegrating around Jan. 31, 2002. Its eventual collapse into the Weddell Sea remains the largest in a series of Larsen ice shelf ...

NASA Website

NASA - Retreat of Serson Ice Shelf

Sep 11, 2008 ... The grayish-white ice of the Serson Ice Shelf is near the center of the images. Between July 28 (top) and 29 (middle), two large chunks of ...

NASA Website

NASA - Glaciers Surge When Ice Shelf Breaks Up

Sep 21, 2004 ... The papers illustrate relationships between climate change, ice shelf breakup, and increased flow of ice from glaciers into oceans. ...

NASA Website

NASA - Getz Ice Shelf

The Getz Ice Shelf extends several miles into the ocean from the Getz glacier as it empties into the ocean along the Antarctic coast. The vertical face of the ice ...

NASA Website

NASA - Earth's Antarctic Ice Sheet

Image of the Day Gallery. Image of the Riiser-Larsen ice shelf in December 1995 ... The picture was taken on the Riiser-Larsen ice shelf in December 1995. ...

NASA Website

Ice-shelf dynamics near the front of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf ...

amphidromic points located at approximately the mid point of the ice front and farther ..... infiltration of seawater, both of which would have a softening ...

NASA Website

Fragment of its Former Shelf - NASA Earth Observatory

The disintegration of the Larsen B Ice Shelf will not affect sea level any more than a melting ice cube would raise the level of water in a glass of ice water. ...

NASA Website

Creep Cracking And Acoustic Emissions In Polar Shelf Ice At ...

... creep tests, in the stress range of ( ), were carried out on polycrystalline ice from Ward Hunt (83 degrees N, 75 degrees W) ice shelf, at ( ), using a ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Axisymmetric Ice Shelf Dynamics

West Antarctica is composed principally of marine ice sheets, in which the mainland (grounded) ice sheet extends over the coastline as a floating ice shelf. Fed by snowfall far upstream, these sheets transport ice from the grounded component, over the grounding line, where the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Late Neogene shift from polythermal to cold polar conditions of the Antarctic ice sheet indicated by glacial stratigraphy and sea-ice history

Discussions on the Neogene history of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet center on the age of the switch from a 'dynamic' mode (polythermal) to the modern, 'stable' mode (cold-polar) of Antarctic glaciation. Interpretations derived from landscape evolution, ash deposits and polar desert pavements in the Dry Valley region support a persistent cold-polar climate ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Distribution of dissolved iron in Antarctic sea ice: Spatial, seasonal, and inter-annual variability

Results from recent field studies in Antarctic sea ice show no clear differences in dissolved iron (dFe) concentrations between pack ice sampled in East Antarctica (2.6-20.5 nmol/L), in the Weddell Sea (0.7-36.8 nmol/L), and in the Bellingshausen Sea (1.1-30.2 nmol/L). Dissolved Fe concentrations were also similar in land-fast ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ross Ice Shelf Wren Middle 6 Final Proposal[1] - NASA Quest

floating ice shelf is under water. It was claimed by New. It was claimed by New ... freezing together to form ice shelves like the Ross Ice Shelf. ...

NASA Website

Rheology of the Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, inferred from ... - NASA

Ronne Ice Shelf that best matches observations of ice velocity from satellite ... bottom surface of the ice shelf increases its rigidity, while freezing decreases it. ...

NASA Website

Comparison of ice-shelf creep flow simulations with ice-front ... - NASA

Comparison between numerical model ice-shelf flow simulations and synthetic ... corners of the iceberg-calving front of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. (FRIS). ...

NASA Website

OCEANS > SEA ICE > ICE TYPES - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

Platelet ice is a particular sea ice type that is prevalent in McMurdo Sound, probably due to the proximity of the Ross Ice Shelf. ...

NASA Website

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Ice Shelf and Ice Sheet Simulation

In this interactive activity adapted from Texas A&M University, a block of melting ice simulates ice shelves and ice sheets and their differing effects on global sea level.

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Ice Scour on the Northern Continental Shelf of Alaska.

... Descriptors : Ice Islands, *Alaska, Sea ice, Offshore, Storms, Icebreakers, Structures, Ice reporting, Aerial reconnaissance, Side looking sonar, Ice ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Surface winds over West Antarctica

Five winter months (April-August 1988) of thermal infrared satellite images were examined to investigate the occurrence of dark (warm) signatures across the Ross Ice Shelf in the Antarctic continent. These features are inferred to be generated by katabatic winds that descend from southern Marie Byrd Land and then blow horizontally across the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

An optimized estimate of glacial melt from the Ross Ice Shelf using noble gases, stable isotopes, and CFC transient tracers

Isotopes of helium and neon and the H2 18O/H2 16O ratio of water are proven proxies for melt from glacial ice beneath floating ice shelves and at ice shelf fronts. Their high concentrations in glacial meltwater, compared to other environmental sources, make them ideal tracers for studies of the pathways of glacial ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Antarctica and Its Ice Sheet: Knowledge Gained During the IGY/IGC

At the end of World War II, the interior of Antarctica, with the exception of the mountains south of the Ross Ice Shelf, was still terra incognita. It was described simply as a nearly continuous high plateau. Even less was known about the ice thickness; the eminent glacial geologist, Richard Foster Flint, believed it "unlikely that the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

QUATERNARY RESEARCH 31, 119-134 (1989) Modeling the Growth and Decay of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet

. The Ronne Ice Shelf is over 1000 m thick in places (Doake, 1987), whereas George VI Ice Shelf is commonly upland centers. In the case of the Ronne Ice Shelf, a large proportion of the ice is derived from ice)summarizedresults from ...

E-print Network

Equations Verification and validation Results Conclusion Basal motion beneath the Antarctic ice sheet

-HEINO (Calov et al poster; yesterday!) � Ross ice shelf model (i.e. reproduction of EISMINT I result) � Ongoing (force, to a mathematician) on base of ice from sliding: Fb = 0 ice shelf (Morland 1987) -u ice stream Results Conclusion Ice ...

E-print Network

ANDRILL Targets Coulman High, Ross Sea, Antarctica to Recover History of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet

The ANDRILL Program completed two 1 km+ holes in McMurdo Sound (MIS, SMS), and will now move east of Ross Island to the ice shelf over Coulman High. Here it will utilize new drilling capabilities to operate from a fast moving ice shelf platform (~700 m/year northward) and complete two deep ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Effect of a New Drag-Law Parameterization on Ice Shelf Water Plume Dynamics ALEXANDER V. WILCHINSKY*

The Effect of a New Drag-Law Parameterization on Ice Shelf Water Plume Dynamics ALEXANDER V of ice shelf water (ISW) ascending and turning beneath an Antarctic ice shelf with draft decreasing away from the grounding line. As the ISW plume ascends the sloping ...

E-print Network


.W. (2008) Ice-shelf - Ocean interactions at Fimbul Ice Shelf, Antarctica from oxygen isotope ratio.R., Heywood, K.J. and Nicholls, K.W. (2007) Ice-shelf � ocean interactions at Fimbul Ice Shelf, Antarctica an Antarctic ice shelf ...

E-print Network

J. Fluid Mech. (2006), vol. 556, pp. 227�251. c 2006 Cambridge University Press doi:10.1017/S0022112006009591 Printed in the United Kingdom

-shelf buttressing, we find that the removal of an ice shelf can cause an ice stream feeding the ice shelf to speed conditions, for instance to the disintegration of an ice shelf (e.g. Schmeltz et al. 2002), then a model, and their ...

E-print Network

Circulation and melting beneath the ross ice shelf.

Thermohaline observations in the water column beneath the Ross Ice Shelf and along its terminal face show significant vertical stratification, active horizontal circulation, and net melting at the ice shelf base. Heat is supplied by seawater that moves southward beneath the ice ...


Evidence of ice-stream stability during glacial cycles in the Weddell Sea sector, Antarctic Ice Sheet

It is widely accepted that ice streams draining the Antarctic Ice Sheet have thinned in response to ocean warming and sea-level rise since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Indeed, the loss of ice mass from the Ross and Weddell Sea embayments may have contributed to the rise in sea level associated with Meltwater Pulse 1a. Here we ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Scandinavian, Siberian, and Arctic Ocean Glaciation: Effect of Holocene Atmospheric CO2 Variations.

A computer model of coupled ice sheet-ice shelf behavior was used to evaluate whether observed changes in atmospheric CO(2) concentration could have caused the advance and retreat of Pleistocene ice sheets in the Eurasian Arctic. For CO(2) concentrations below a threshold of approximately 250 parts per million, an ...


Podcast: RAGING WISSARD-How do You Get to the Bottom of an Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf

The Podcast: RAGING WISSARD-How do You Get to the Bottom of an Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf is a segment of the Web Seminar: RAGEing WISSARDs Study Ice Sheets in a Warmi

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Incorporation of Frazil Ice into a Sea Ice/Ocean Model Nikhil Radia1

in the ocean cavity beneath an ice shelf. The model categorizes ice crystals into different size classes z=zi/2 Fig 4. Diagram of the transformations that occur to the sea under a ice shelf. The highly

E-print Network

The Ice Regime of the Eastern Part of the Ross Ice Shelf Drainage System.

Net accumulation at the surface for the eastern part of the Ross Ice Shelf drainage system including the ice shelf is estimated at (219 plus or minus 46) 10 to the 15th power g./yr. Ice discharge through a section extending near and along the ice shelf ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. ???, XXXX, DOI:10.1029/, Grounding line movement and ice shelf buttressing in1

sheet by15 its ice shelf, the transverse direction must also be resolved. We introduce a16 model are23 carried out to determine how both ice shelf buttressing and ice rises affect24 the marine also find that the27 effect of an ice rise is similar to that of narrowing the ...

E-print Network

Ice and ocean processes in the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica Paul R. Holland,1

variability. Melt rates beneath George VI Ice Shelf are investigated in detail, concluding that the ice shelf of the southern end of the ice shelf. This stands in contrast to the Amundsen Sea, where models suggest that ice shelves fringe the BS (Figure ...

E-print Network

Chapter 12. Siple Coast Subglacial Aquatic Environments: The Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD) project

al. [2008] demonstrated that the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS) and the WAIS responded to warming during through ice shelves to access sub-ice shelf ocean cavities, [e.g. Craven et al., 2009; Clough and Hansen environments to improve parameterizations of ice-shelf mass balance and ...

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Sources and fate of freshwater exported in the East Greenland Current

Monitoring the sources and fate of freshwater in the East Greenland Current (EGC) is important, as this water has the potential to suppress deep convection in the Nordic and Labrador Seas if the outflow of freshwater from the Arctic Ocean increases in response to climate change. Here, hydrographic, oxygen isotope ratio and dissolved barium concentration sections across Denmark ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Impact of the Eastern Weddell Ice Shelves on water masses in the eastern Weddell Sea

We use a primitive equation Ocean General Circulation Model to simulate the ocean circulation regime in the Eastern Weddell Sea. The computer model ROMBAX (Revisited Ocean Model based on Bryan And Cox) is an improved version of an earlier ocean model, which has been developed to allow the simulation of the flow regime in ice shelf covered regions. The ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Visible Earth: Ross Ice Shelf Zoom over Time - Visible Earth - NASA

Jun 8, 2006 ... Antarctica Morph through Time: Ross Ice Shelf Zoom. 20000 year morph animation of the Ross Ice Shelf. Metadata. Sensor. Animation ID ...

NASA Website

Visible Earth: Larsen Ice Shelf Pan - Visible Earth - NASA

Jun 8, 2006 ... Pan around Landsat 7 data of the Larsen Ice Shelf area. ... Keywords. Larsen, Ice, Shelf, GCMD--Location--Antarctica, Panchromatic ...

NASA Website

Visible Earth: Larsen Ice Shelf Animation - Visible Earth - NASA

Jun 8, 2006 ... Larsen Ice Shelf Animation. Time series of Larsen ice shelf. Image sequence was taken on December 26, 1993; February 13, 1995, March 21, ...

NASA Website

SVS Animation 2421 - MODIS: Larsen B Ice Shelf Collapses

+ Podcasts blank image Previous Animation Number Next Animation Number MODIS: Larsen B Ice Shelf Collapses Five true color images of the collapse of the Larsen B ice shelf of... Websites

Ross Ice Shelf Wren Middle 5 - NASA Quest

I chose the Ross Ice Shelf because it looks cool, and it's very big. ... You could see how old the Ross Ice Shelf is by the dust that comes in layers by the ...

NASA Website

Profiles - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Sep 21, 2004 ... Larsen Ice Shelf Close-up of Larsen ice shelf breakup in Antarctica. ... Since 2002, when the Larsen B ice shelf broke away from the coast ...

NASA Website

Ice shelf surface elevation data: Amery Ice Shelf 1995 - GCMD - NASA

Abstract: A GPS survey was completed on the central Amery Ice Shelf (AIS) and Beaver (BL) Lake. STATIC GPS measurements were made, both at BL and on the AIS ...

NASA Website

Glaciers Surge When Ice Shelf Breaks Up - NASA Jet Propulsion ...

Sep 21, 2004 ... Close-up of Larsen ice shelf breakup in Antarctica. ... Since 2002, when the Larsen B ice shelf broke away from the coast of the Antarctic ...

NASA Website

Condition of the Ross Ice Shelf Derived from AVHRR Imagery.

Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite imagery is combined with the Ross Ice Shelf Geophysical and Glaciological Survey (RIGGS) data to study recent changes on the Ross Ice Shelf. Flow stripes that appear on the AVHRR imagery agree wit...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Coastal-change and glaciological map of the Ross Island area, Antarctica

... southern Victoria Land that includes the northwestern Ross Ice Shelf, the McMurdo Ice Shelf, part of the polar plateau and Transantarctic Mountains, ... extend to the coast or into the Ross Ice Shelf. The...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Brunt Ice Shelf Wren Middle 1 Final Proposal[1] - NASA Quest

The latitude of Brunt Ice Shelf is -74.8� and the longitude is -22.5�. It's assumed that the Brunt Ice Shelf will break up and float out into the ...

NASA Website

Breakup of the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica - NASA Earth Observatory

Mar 20, 2002 ... The Larsen B shelf was about 220 meters thick. Based on studies of ice flow and sediment thickness beneath the ice shelf, scientists believe ...

NASA Website

Bottom samples from Larsen Ice Shelf, NW Weddell Sea region

Bottom samples from Larsen Ice Shelf, NW Weddell Sea region ... in the Larsen-A and Larsen-B embayments, regions formerly occupied by the Larsen Ice Shelf. ...

NASA Website

Amery Ice Shelf - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) - NASA

Amery Ice Shelf - hot water drill borehole, AM03 Brancker thermistor data. Entry ID: ASAC_1164_AM03_Brancker ... The ice shelf is approximately 722 m thick. ...

NASA Website

2002 News Releases - NASA ... - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Aug 30, 2002 ... Larsen ice shelf links box. Ice shelf caption ... Melting of ice shelf bottoms is far larger than expected here due to intrusion of warm water on the ...

NASA Website

Sedimentary Carbon Flux and Source Apportionment in the Laptev and East Siberian Sea: Strong Shelf Imprint of Old Organic Carbon from Coastal Erosion

The Arctic Ocean has unusually large and shallow continental shelves, covering more than 50% of its total area. Large amounts of riverine transported terrestrial organic carbon (OC) are delivered to the Siberian Arctic Shelves, in addition to input of coastally eroded material that, based on very limited data, is estimated to be equally large. While the East-Siberian Arctic ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

East Antarctic Ice Streams #2

Flying across east Antarctic ice streams using data from RADARSAT measured during the Antarctic Mapping Mission

NSDL National Science Digital Library

East Antarctic Ice Streams #1

Flying across east Antarctic ice streams using data from RADARSAT measured during the Antarctic Mapping Mission

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Ad�lie Depression seasonal circulation and dense shelf water export

We present the hydrographic results of the Australian 2007/08 expedition to the East Antarctica Mertz polynya region and describe the circulation over the shelf and dense water outflow across the Ad�lie Sill. The Austral summertime survey shows low oxygen, warm and relatively fresh modified Circumpolar Deep Water (MCDW) intruding southward across the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ocean-Ice Sheet Interaction in the Amundsen Sea - NASA: Ocean-Ice ...

Feb 17, 2011 ... Define the shape (surface elevation and thickness) of the ice shelf ( Bindschadler); Define the shape of the ocean cavity beneath the ice ...

NASA Website

Investigation of Ice Island Scouring on the Northern ...

... Abstract : Ice Islands (Tabular Ice Bergs) which break off the Ice Shelf of Ellsmere Island have been known to ground on the northern coast of Alaska ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Ice Bridge Ruptures in Antarctic : News - NASA Earth Observatory ...

Ice Bridge Ruptures in Antarctic. An ice bridge linking a shelf of ice the size of Jamaica to two islands in Antarctica has snapped, and scientists say the ...

NASA Website

Obliquity-paced Pliocene West Antarctic ice sheet oscillations.

Thirty years after oxygen isotope records from microfossils deposited in ocean sediments confirmed the hypothesis that variations in the Earth's orbital geometry control the ice ages, fundamental questions remain over the response of the Antarctic ice sheets to orbital cycles. Furthermore, an understanding of the behaviour of the marine-based West ...


Obliquity-paced Pliocene West Antarctic ice sheet oscillations

Thirty years after oxygen isotope records from microfossils deposited in ocean sediments confirmed the hypothesis that variations in the Earth's orbital geometry control the ice ages, fundamental questions remain over the response of the Antarctic ice sheets to orbital cycles. Furthermore, an understanding of the behaviour of the marine-based West ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Tabular Iceberg Evolution and Break-up at Low Latitude: Imitating Ice Shelves

Over the past five years, a series of large icebergs have calved from the Ronne Ice Shelf front and drifted northward, first along the Antarctic Peninsula east coast, and later across the Scotia Sea towards South Georgia Island. The bergs broke up or disintegrated within a year of reaching the island. Observations of the icebergs ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

This article was originally published in a journal published by Elsevier, and the attached copy is provided by Elsevier for the

model for ice shelf�ocean interaction Ryan T. Walker *, David M. Holland Center for Atmosphere A simplified coupled model of ice shelf�ocean interaction including an evolving ice shelf is presented significant changes to the shape of the sub-ice ...

E-print Network

Introduction In March, 2000, a giant piece of the Ross Ice Shelf calved

Introduction In March, 2000, a giant piece of the Ross Ice Shelf calved and formed the largest. B15A moved west along the Ross Sea Ice Shelf, and knocked another iceberg, C16, from the shelf; both, which had been parallel to the Ross Ice Shelf, began to ...

E-print Network

Ice-Shelf Response to Ice-Stream Discharge Fluctuation: I. Unconfined Ice Tongues,

Unsteady thickness and flow observed on the Ross Ice Shelf are thought to result primarily from fluctuations of ice streams and outlet glaciers that feed the ice shelf at its inland boundaries. Ice-stream discharge fluctuations constitute an independent m...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

AUTOSUB-UNDER-ICE Science Strategy &

to obtain data from the sub-ice shelf environment. However, the scientific theme of AUI is both to Autosub missions. For example, support may be available for sea ice and ice shelf modelling, ice surface. Sidescan sonar can give measurements of ice ...

E-print Network

Desertization of the continental shelf of China in the later stage of Late Pleistocene

In the later stage of Late Pleistocene, global climate entered into the climax period of W�rm when temperature decreased remarkably and glaciers developed. Information from the East China Sea also confirm that the sea level fell by at least 130 m at that time (Emery, 1968). The Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea at the climax period were totally exposed, while the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

proposal nasa lima davis123[1] - NASA Quest

We choose The Antarctic Larsen Ice Shelf because it is extremely interesting and scientific. ... The altogether picture of the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctic ...

NASA Website

Visible Earth: Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica - Visible Earth - NASA

Feb 25, 2008 ... Warmer surface temperatures over just a few months in the Antarctic can splinter an ice shelf and prime it for a major collapse, NASA and ...

NASA Website

Visible Earth: Larsen Ice Shelf Zoom - Visible Earth - NASA

Jun 8, 2006 ... Zoom into RADARSAT data then to Landsat 7 data of Larsen Ice Shelf area, then into Landsat panchromatic band (15m) data. ...

NASA Website

Visible Earth: Larsen Ice Shelf Collapse - Visible Earth - NASA

The Larsen ice shelf at the northern end of the Antarctic Peninsula experienced a dramatic collapse between January 31 and March 7, 2002. First, melt ponds ...

NASA Website

Visible Earth: Fimbul Ice Shelf Preview - Visible Earth - NASA

Jun 8, 2006 ... Animation showing the camera flight path over the Fimbul Ice Shelf. This camera flight path is used in animation #986. ...

NASA Website

Unique Views of a Shattered Ice Shelf - NASA's Planetary Photojournal

Apr 10, 2002 ... Both single and multi-angle views of the breakup of the northern section of the Larsen B ice shelf are shown in this image pair from the ...

NASA Website

Three true color images showing the col- lapse of the Larsen B ice ...

lapse of the Larsen B ice shelf in 2002. Top: January 31, 2002. This image shows the shelf in late austral summer with dark bluish ...

NASA Website

The Brine Zone in the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica,

... Title : The Brine Zone in the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica,. ... The present brine wave is overriding an older brine-soaked layer. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

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Space Images: Wilkins Ice Shelf - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Apr 20, 2009 ... The Wilkins Ice Shelf, as seen by NASA's Terra spacecraft, on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, experienced multiple disintegration ...

NASA Website

Space Images: Wilkins Ice Shelf - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Apr 20, 2009 ... The Wilkins Ice Shelf, as seen by NASA's Terra spacecraft, on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, experienced multiple ...

NASA Website


... Accession Number : AD0684421. Title : SNOWDRIFT ON THE ROSS ICE SHELF, 1965-66. Descriptive Note : Technical note,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology


... Accession Number : AD0453273. Title : SNOW ACCUMULATION ON THE ROSS ICE SHELF, 1961-64,. Corporate Author ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Rifting and Calving on the Amery Ice Shelf

Abstract: GPS data were collected in the form of RINEX files for a network of 6 sites near the front of the Amery Ice Shelf. The data cover the period Dec 8, 2002 ...

NASA Website

NASA - Wintertime Disintegration of Wilkins Ice Shelf

Jul 21, 2008 ... The Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) on the European Space Agency's Envisat satellite observed the ice shelf between May 30 and July ...

NASA Website

NASA - New Cracks in the Wilkins Ice Shelf

Dec 4, 2008 ... In late February 2008, a large part of the Wilkins Ice Shelf on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula disintegrated. ...

NASA Website

NASA - Breakup of the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf

Feb 19, 2004 ... In the summer of 2002, graduate student Derek Mueller made an alarming discovery: the biggest ice shelf in the Arctic was breaking apart. ...

NASA Website

NASA & IPY - Search -

Breakup of the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica: 03.20.02 -- NASA satellite imagery revealed that the northern section of the Larsen B ice shelf, ...

NASA Website

Larsen Ice Shelf Zoom

Zoom into RADARSAT data then to Landsat 7 data of Larsen Ice Shelf area, then into Landsat panchromatic band (15m) data. Data is from August 8, 2000.

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Larsen Ice Shelf Animation

Time series of Larsen ice shelf. Image sequence was taken on December 26, 1993; February 13, 1995, March 21, 1998; November 21, 1998; and March 2, 2000.

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Larsen B Ice Shelf Collapse : Image of the ... - NASA Earth Observatory

Apr 11, 2002 ... The Larsen B ice shelf collapsed and broke away from the Antarctic Peninsula during February and March, 2002. The collapse is thought to ...

NASA Website

Larsen B Ice Shelf - Atmospheric Science Data Center - NASA

Sep 4, 2007 ... The Larsen B ice shelf collapsed and broke away from the Antarctic Peninsula during February and March, 2002 -- a progression observed by ...

NASA Website

Largest Arctic Ice Shelf Breaks Up, Draining Freshwater Lake : News

Sep 22, 2003 ... An immediate consequence of the ice shelf's rupture was the loss of almost all of the freshwater from the northern hemisphere's largest ...

NASA Website

LIMA Quest Challenge Preliminary Proposals - NASA Quest

Amery ice shelf is a broad ice shelf at the head of Prydz Bay between the Lars Christensen Coast and Ingrid Christensen Coast. First mapped in February, 1931 , ...

NASA Website

January/February 2008

Feb 17, 2011 ... NASA: pine island glacier ice shelf - logo image by Sarah Arsenoff ... A 2 kilometer strip of blue ocean separates the ice shelf from a more ...

NASA Website

Ice Shelf Drilling and Ocean Cavity Exploration

Ice Shelf Drilling and Ocean Cavity Exploration Robert Bindschadler, Code 614, NASA GSFC. Robert Bindschadler led a successful Antarctic field campaign ...

NASA Website

Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

Coupled modelling of ice shelf ocean interaction and of the response of the Amery ice shelf to global warming (Warner and Roberts with John Hunter and Ben ...

NASA Website

Glacier acceleration and thinning after ice shelf collapse in the ...

flowing into the now-collapsed section of the Larsen B Ice Shelf. ... cases large areas have collapsed suddenly: the Larsen A in January 1995 (1600 km'); ...

NASA Website

Fracturing and deformation along the Amery Ice Shelf - GCMD - NASA

This "Fracturing and deformation along the Amery Ice Shelf" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Data Set Progress ...

NASA Website

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Fracturing and deformation along the Amery Ice Shelf

Fracturing and deformation along the Amery Ice Shelf. Entry ID: ASAC_2581. [ Update this Record ]. Updating this record requires registration. ...

NASA Website

Fracturing and deformation along the Amery Ice Shelf

Fracturing and deformation along the Amery Ice Shelf Entry ID: ASAC_2581. [ Update this Record ]. Updating this record requires registration. ...

NASA Website

Earth Science Picture of the Day: Aureole from Mauna Kea (continued)

Ice Shelf Drilling and Ocean Cavity Exploration (continued). Ice Shelf Drilling and Ocean Cavity Exploration (continued) ...

NASA Website

Collapse of the Larsen-B Ice Shelf - NASA Earth Observatory

In early 2002, scientists monitoring daily satellite images of the Antarctic Peninsula watched in amazement as almost the entire Larsen B Ice Shelf splintered and ...

NASA Website

Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf System ...

Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf System: Phase II: Diatom Data. Entry ID: Larsen_Diatoms. [ Update this Record ]. Updating this ...

NASA Website

Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf ...

Mar 13, 2008 ... Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf System: Phase II. Entry ID: Larsen_Phase-II ...

NASA Website

Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf - NASA

Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf System: Phase II: Diatom Data. Entry ID: Larsen_Diatoms ... Dataset ID: Larsen Diatoms ...

NASA Website

Coastal-Change and Glaciological Map of the Larsen Ice Shelf Area, Antarctica: 1940-2005

... measure the change in area of the Larsen Ice Shelf from 1940 to 2005. The analysis resulted in ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Chemical Profile of the Ross Ice Shelf at Little America V ...

... Accession Number : AD0774196. Title : Chemical Profile of the Ross Ice Shelf at Little America V, Antarctica. Descriptive Note : Research rept.,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Chemical Fractionation of Brine in the McMurdo Ice Shelf ...

... Accession Number : ADA127821. Title : Chemical Fractionation of Brine in the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica,. Corporate ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Catalog Page for PIA11991 - NASA's Planetary Photojournal

Apr 20, 2009 ... The Wilkins Ice Shelf, as seen by NASA's Terra spacecraft, on the western ... The Wilkins Ice Shelf, on the western side of the Antarctic ...

NASA Website

Antarctica Morph through Time: Ronne Ice Shelf Zoom

Close up animation of Antarctica morphing from 20,000 years ago to the current day. (View centered on the Ronne Ice shelf.)

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Analysis of fossil sponge material from the McMurdo Ice Shelf for ...

Exposed 'fossil' sponge material at Bratina Island, McMurdo Ice Shelf, was collected and dating was attempted although extremely difficult. ...

NASA Website

Amery Ice Shelf ... - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) - NASA

This proposal describes an exciting new initiative for Coordinated Research into Antarctic Calving (CRAC) on the Amery Ice Shelf during the International Polar ...

NASA Website

Antarctica - operating conditions and petroleum prospects

With an area of 5.48 million mi/sup 2/, Antarctica is only slightly smaller than South America and rests upon the world's deepest continental shelf. The Transantarctic Mountains separate East Antarctica - a high ice-covered plateau - from West Antarctica, an archipelago of mountainous islands covered and bonded by ...

Energy Citations Database

The Response of Ice Shelf Basal Melting to Variations in Ocean Temperature PAUL R. HOLLAND AND ADRIAN JENKINS

The Response of Ice Shelf Basal Melting to Variations in Ocean Temperature PAUL R. HOLLAND ice shelf basal melt increases quadratically as the ocean offshore of the ice front warms. This occurs layer directly beneath the ice shelf, both of which are ...

E-print Network

Environmental Gradients, Fragmented Habitats, and Microbiota of a Northern Ice Shelf Cryoecosystem, Ellesmere Island, Canada

Environmental Gradients, Fragmented Habitats, and Microbiota of a Northern Ice Shelf Cryoecosystem mats. Using digital images from over-flight transects we determined that 8% of the combined ice-shelf. There were distinct differences between each ice shelf with regards to ...

E-print Network

AUGUST 2001 1905H O L L A N D A N D J E N K I N S 2001 American Meteorological Society

in detail and then applied to an idealized ice shelf�ocean geometry. Simple tests with zero surface buoyancy the ice shelf. Outflow along the ice shelf base, driven by melting of the thickest ice, is balanced by deep inflow. The abrupt change in water ...

E-print Network

Recent Changes in High-Latitude Glaciers, Ice Caps, and Ice Sheets

The mass balance of high-latitude glaciers and ice sheets is highly variable on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, but through a combination of remote sensing and in situ measurements, some significant changes have been observed in recent years. On the Greenland ice sheet most of the coastal regions have thinned substantially as melt has ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Meet Antarctica

Educational website and fact sheet on Antarctica. "Antarctica is the highest, driest, coldest, windiest and brightest of the seven continents. It is roughly the size of the United States and Mexico combined and is almost completely covered by a layer of ice that averages more than one mile in thickness, but is nearly three miles thick in places. This ice ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

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