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Little Ice Age Glaciation in Alaska: A Record of Recent Global ...

... Therefore the Little Ice Age record of glacial fluctuation in Alaska may provide a good proxy for these events and a test for models of future climatic ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Holocene melt layer record for Siple Dome, West - Hydrospheric and ...

Previous studies have used melt layers in Arctic ice cores to infer Holocene ... climatic events such as the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period. ...

NASA Website


... feet] of sea-level rise. Between individual ice age events, the Earth�s sea level has varied as much as ... Ice, Northern Hemisphere�s largest remnant of the Earth�s most recent ice age, is 1,736,095 squa...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Glaciology and the Ice Age.

Discusses: (1) the beginning of glaciology; (2) origin of erratic boulders, meteorites, volcanic explosions, floods, and drift; (3) ice age hypothesis in Europe and the United States; (4) development of glacial theory; (5) and a unified explanation of glacial events. A bibliography of classical research on glaciology is included. (BC)

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

The little ice age as recorded in the stratigraphy of the tropical quelccaya ice cap.

The analyses of two ice cores from a southern tropical ice cap provide a record of climatic conditions over 1000 years for a region where other proxy records are nearly absent. Annual variations in visible dust layers, oxygen isotopes, microparticle concentrations, conductivity, and identification of the historical (A.D. 1600) Huaynaputina ash permit ...


Little ice age as recorded in the stratigraphy of the tropical quelccaya ice cap

The analyses of two ice cores from a southern tropical ice cap provide a record of climatic conditions over 1000 years for a region where other proxy records are nearly absent. Annual variations in visible dust layers, oxygen isotopes, microparticle concentrations, conductivity, and identification of the historical (A.D. 1600) Huaynaputina ash permit ...

Energy Citations Database

How to date an Ice Core Without Breaking a Sweat

A variety of methods can be used to determine the age of the ice in an ice core. Each method has advantages and disadvantages and is only usable in certain situations. Several methods are commonly used on the same core. This talk is an overview of the commonly used methods. Methods that will be reviewed include, annual layer counting, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

US International Trans-Antarctic Scientific ... - GCMD - NASA

Jan 8, 2009 ... Extreme events such as volcanic eruptions provide absolute age ... Caption: Removing ice core from drill. Small multimedia sample image ...

NASA Website

Sohl - Goddard Institute for Space Studies - NASA

One of the more challenging issues in Precambrian paleoclimate concerns the extreme glaciations called snowball Earth events. These ice ages, which saw ...

NASA Website

Origin, Evolution and Age Considerations on a Hypogean Ice Deposit from a Cave in the Central Italian Alps

The LO LC 1650 "Abisso sul Margine dell'Alto Bregai" ice cave is located in the central Italian Alps east of the Como Lake at an altitude of 2030 m. One snow and two ice deposits are known in this cave, where ice has been found down to a depth of about 120 m below the entrance. We show the results of the integration of data about the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

The Great Ice Age

The Great Ice Age, a recent chapter in the Earth's history, was a period of recurring widespread glaciations. Mountain glaciers formed on all continents, the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland were more extensive and thicker than today, and vast glaciers, in places as much as several thousand feet thick, spread across North America ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Ice Engineering. Number 21, April 1999. Ice Events in the ...

... Ice Events in the Susquehanna River Basin Ice Engineering Figure 1. Susquehanna River at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 1875 ice jam. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Ice Engineering. Number 21, April 1999. Ice Events in the ...

... engineering community in general. This particular issue concerns the ice events in the Susquehanna Rive Basin. It provides a ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Glacial and Marine Chronology of Mars.

A hydrological model involving episodic oceans and ice sheets on Mars has been presented by Baker, et al. One of the main uncertainties concerning this model is the age and correlation of these events. Even more uncertain are their absolute ages. However,...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Early Holocene history of the west Greenland Ice Sheet and the GH-8.2 event

The margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet retreated rapidly during the first few thousand years of the Holocene. During this period of relative warmth, known as the Holocene thermal maximum, ice core records identify a significant short-lived cooling event at approximately 8.4 8.0 ka cal. yr BP (the �GH-8.2 event�) ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Constraints on martian lobate debris apron evolution and rheology from numerical modeling of ice flow

Radar observations in the Deuteronilus Mensae region by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have constrained the thickness and dust concentration found within mid-latitude ice deposits, providing an opportunity to more accurately estimate the rheology of ice responsible for the formation of lobate debris aprons based on their apparent age of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Rapid changes in ice core gas records - Part 1: On the accuracy of methane synchronisation of ice cores

Methane synchronisation is a concept to align ice core records during rapid climate changes of the Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) events onto a common age scale. However, atmospheric gases are recorded in ice cores with a log-normal-shaped age distribution probability density function, whose exact ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Were Dansgaard-Oeschger events forced by the Sun?

Large-amplitude (10�15 Kelvin), millennial-duration warm events, the Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events, repeatedly occurred during ice ages. Several hypotheses were proposed to explain the recurrence pattern of these events. For example, it was suggested that DO events ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Antarctic stratification, atmospheric water vapor, and Heinrich events: A hypothesis for late Pleistocene deglaciations

1 Antarctic stratification, atmospheric water vapor, and Heinrich events: A hypothesis for late that the Antarctic and subarctic North Pacific are stratified during ice ages, causing to a large degree the observed overturning in the Antarctic, which, in turn, releases CO2 to the atmosphere and reduces Antarctic sea ...

E-print Network

Components of the ice age circulation

The effects of ice age boundary conditions on atmospheric dynamics and regional climate patterns are

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

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Mantle viscosity and ice-age ice sheet topography

Ice-age paleotopography and mantle viscosity can both be inferred from observations of Earth`s response to the most recent deglaciation event of the current ice age. This procedure requires iterative application of a theoretical model of the global process of glacial isostatic adjustment. Results demonstrate that ...

Energy Citations Database

The precession constant of the Earth: Variations through the ice-age

We directly calculate the history of variations in Earth`s precession constant H that are forced by variations in surface mass associated with late Pleistocene ice-age glaciation and deglaciation events. Our analyses show that the magnitude of Delta H/H(sub zero) is lower than that required to cause the recently hypothesized resonant reduction of the ...

Energy Citations Database

Integrating Teaching about the Little Ice Age with History, Art, and Literature.

Discusses climate change during the Little Ice Age as experienced during several historical events, including the settlement and demise of the Norse Greenland colonies, the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, and both the Battle of Trenton and Washington's encampment at Valley Forge during the American Revolution. Associated artistic ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Subglacial floods beneath ice sheets.

Subglacial floods (j�kulhlaups) are well documented as occurring beneath present day glaciers and ice caps. In addition, it is known that massive floods have occurred from ice-dammed lakes proximal to the Laurentide ice sheet during the last ice age, and it has been suggested that at least ...


The role of changing seasonality in North Atlantic abrupt climate changes

Cooling around the North Atlantic associated with ice-age millennial oscillations was primarily a wintertime phenomenon, enforced and amplified by sea-ice formation. As summarized by Denton et al. (submitted, QSR), Greenland ice-core indicators of mean-annual temperature change show the Younger Dryas much colder than the Little ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A tentative chronology for the EPICA Dome Concordia ice core

A tentative age scale (EDC1) for the last 45 kyr is established for the new 788-m EPICA Dome C ice core using a simple ice flow model. The age of volcanic eruptions, the end of the Younger Dryas event, and the estimated depth and age of elevated Be, about 41 kyr ago were ...

E-print Network

Palaeoclimate: ocean tides and Heinrich events.

Climate varied enormously over the most recent ice age--for example, large pulses of ice-rafted debris, originating mainly from the Labrador Sea, were deposited into the North Atlantic at roughly 7,000-year intervals, with global climatic implications. Here we show that ocean tides within the Labrador Sea were exceptionally large over ...


NASA - Event Catalog

The learners will discuss the different ways that planets are viewed and ... Comet: A chunk or rock and ice moving about the Sun, usually in a highly ... You would be over 100 and would probably die of old age on the return trip.) ...

NASA Website

Book Reviews of the Southeastern Naturalist, Issue 5/1, 2006

... been shaped by the changing environment of our planet. Chapters address how major planetary events such as ice ages and other forms of climate change, the composition of atmospheric gases, ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Meteoritic event recorded in Antarctic ice

During systematic sampling of volcanic ash (tephra) layers at a well-known Antarctic meteorite collection site (the Allan Hills main ice field), a band of unusually dark and rounded (many spheroidal) particles was discovered. This debris layer (BIT-58) extends parallel to the stratigraphy of the ice established from the tephra bands, apparently marking a ...

Energy Citations Database

NASA - Wilkins Ice Shelf

The Wilkins Ice Shelf, on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, experienced multiple disintegration events in 2008. By the beginning of 2009, a narrow ice ...

NASA Website

Ice age terminations.

230Th-dated oxygen isotope records of stalagmites from Sanbao Cave, China, characterize Asian Monsoon (AM) precipitation through the ends of the third- and fourthmost recent ice ages. As a result, AM records for the past four glacial terminations can now be precisely correlated with those from ice cores and marine sediments, ...


Ice streaming and the demise of the Last British Ice Sheet: geomorphological evidence, modelling experiments, and cosmogenic nuclide chronology

We synthesise recent work on the palaeoglaciology of the British-Irish Ice Sheet, focusing on the glacial geomorphology preserved on the seabed around the northern UK [Bradwell et al., 2008]; and a suite of numerical modelling experiments spanning the last ~40 ka [Hubbard et al., 2009]. In addition, we present a new temporal dataset to better constrain the decay of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Operational Significant Event Imagery

Special Event Imagery Special Event Imagery 2010 - Ice Special Event Imagery Special Event Imagery OSEI ice products (ICE) include single-channel grayscale imagery and,... Websites

Correlating Cordilleran Ice Sheet Collapse with North Atlantic Heinrich Events using Global Radiocarbon Plateaus.

The small, ephemeral Cordilleran Ice Sheet, present in Alaska, British Columbia and northern Washington during the last glacial cycle is believed to have behaved differently than the larger Laurentice Ice Sheet to climate forcing. High quality chronology is required to understand the relationship between this ice sheet and global ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Little Ice Age Summer Temperatures and Annual ... - GCMD - NASA

Little Ice Age Summer Temperatures and Annual Precipitation, Northern United States. Entry ID: EARTH_LAND_NGDC_LITTLE_ICE_AGE1 ...

NASA Website

Little Ice Age Summer Temperatures and Annual ... - GCMD - NASA

Little Ice Age Summer Temperatures and Annual Precipitation, Northern United States Entry ID: EARTH_LAND_NGDC_LITTLE_ICE_AGE1 ...

NASA Website

Ice Age Histogram ( - NASA

The data pertain ; to the last observation of the cell up to the time of the product. ; printf,unitw,"" printf,unitw,"ICE AGE HISTOGRAM PRODUCT: Histogram ...

NASA Website

Existing Ice Age Trail (2008) [iatrtrll

This data set is an ArcInfo line coverage representing existing Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin. It was developed cooperatively by the Ice Age Park and Trail ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Ice, quakes, and a wobble shake san francisco.

The fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco last month was bumped to the Moscone Center while the Civic Auditorium, its venue in past years, was being reinforced against earthquakes. And that may have been fitting, given the meeting's focus on sudden events in Earth history: the first moments of fault rupture, repeated outbursts of icebergs during ...


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Ice, quakes, and a wobble shake San Francisco

The fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco last month was bumped to the Moscone Center while the Civic Auditorium, its venue in past years, was being reinforced against earthquakes. And that may have been fitting, given the meeting`s focus on sudden events in Earth history; the first moments of fault rupture, repeated outbursts of icebergs during ...

Energy Citations Database

Ice bubbles confirm big chill

Clues buried in Greenland`s icesheet indicate that during the last ice age, the climate repeatedly warmed sharply, only to slide into a renewed chill lasting thousands of years. New indicators derived from trapped bubbles of ancient gases, nitrogen and methane, indicate that these were indeed catastrophic events. This article describes ...

Energy Citations Database

The Oldest Dryas last significant fluctuation of the Scandinavian ice sheet margin in Eastern Baltic and problems of its regional correlation

Ice marginal formations, glaciotectonic phenomena, directional ice-flow features and new absolute age dating results of the Pleistocene deposits were subjected to systematic analyses and re-interpretation for clarification of deglaciation history, especially on the timing and position of the glacial margin of the Linkuva (North ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Physical Geology 101 1

changes is the occurrence of ice ages in Earth's past. The ice ages point to the global climate having in Earth's history and may last around a million years. Examples of major ice ages longer periods of time. For example, the climate may get much cooler, such as during an ...

E-print Network

On the trail of an important Ice Age fossil deposit

... Search + GO + On the trail of an important Ice Age fossil deposit Rediscovering the Port Kennedy ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Lesson 15A: ICE AGE

Finally, the Milankovitch Theory will be explored as an explanation for the existence of ice ages. Background knowledge / teacher notes: Climate results from the ...

NASA Website

Influence of Little Ice Age on New England Vegetation

... provide: (1) an objective characterization of the Little Ice Age and climate history in New England, (2) ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Are Deserts Still Drying Out Since the Ice Age?

... Intranet Are Deserts Still Drying Out Since the Ice Age? (click image for a larger version) ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

The accumulation record from the GISP2 core as an indicator of climate change throughout the holocene

A depth-age scale and an accumulation history for the Holocene have been established on the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) deep core, providing the most continuously dated record of annual layer accumulation currently available. The depth-age scale was obtained with the use of various independent techniques to count annual ...

Energy Citations Database


... Abstract : The stability of large ice caps is investigated using the present-day theory of the flow of ice in glaciers and ice sheets. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

NASA - Penny Ice Cap in 1979 and 2000

Sep 18, 2008 ... Penny Ice Cap is the southernmost of Canada's big ice caps. ... been going on since the end of a climate period called the Little Ice Age. ...

NASA Website

Eastern-Western Arctic Sea Ice Analysis: 1988.

These are approximately 7-day analyses of sea ice by the Naval Polar Oceanography Center. Included are ice concentrations, thickness of ice, and age determination.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Eastern-Western Arctic Sea Ice Analysis 1983.

These are approximately 7-days analysis of sea ice prepared by the Naval Polar Oceanography Center, Suitland, MD. Included are ice concentration and ice thickness (age).

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

SEA ICE AGE - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

This dataset includes weekly ice concentration and ice age/type data for the period ... Responsible NASA Official: Lola Olsen. Last Updated: September 2011.

NASA Website

RGPS Documents - NASA

... Combined Ice Age and Ice Thickness Histogram Products; Converted Ice Age/ Thickness and Backscatter Histogram ... Last updated: February 10, 1998 ...

NASA Website

Constraints on ice volume changes of the WAIS and Ross Ice Shelf since the LGM based on cosmogenic exposure ages in the Darwin-Hatherton glacial system of the Transantarctic Mountains

Quantitative assessment of the spatial and temporal scale of ice volume change of the West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS) and Ross Ice Shelf since the last glacial maximum (LGM) ~20 ka is essential to accurately predict ice sheet response to current and future climate change. Although global sea level rose by ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Reconstructing sea-ice conditions in the Arctic and subarctic prior to human observation

Sea-ice is a very important parameter in the climate system that has experienced large amplitude changes during the recent geological past of the Earth. However, it is also a parameter difficult to reconstruct quantitatively from proxy-data. The most direct indicators of past sea-ice conditions are found in marine sediments. They include sedimentary ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Eastern--Western Arctic Sea Ice Analysis--1984.

These are approximately 7-days analysis of sea ice prepared by the Naval Polar Oceanography Center, Suitland, MD. Included are ice concentration and ice thickness (age). Originator-supplied Keywords: Sea ice, Polar ice fields, Satellite imagery, Concentra...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Ice Events in the St. Louis District. Ice Engineering, Number 20 ...

Number 20 February 1999 Ice Events in the St. Louis District ... US Army Corps of Engineers® Ice Engineering Page 2. Report Documentation Page ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Determining the Intrinsic Permeability of Frazil of Frazil Ice. ...

... Frazil deposits ... the volume of ice in the deposit and can be approximat- been deposited sequentially during discrete events. These ...

DTIC Science & Technology

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Living with a Chronic Disabling Illness and Then Some: Data from the 1998 Ice Storm

This study examined the impact of the 1998 Canadian ice storm on the physical and psychological health of older adults (age greater than 55 years) living with a chronic physical illness, namely osteoarthritis and/or osteoporosis. Although disasters are relatively rare, they are a useful means of examining the impact of a single stressor on a group of ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Solar System Exploration: News & Events: News Archive: Ice Probe ...

Mar 16, 2001 ... Studies show that significant changes in glacier melting and ... in ice caps -- Earth's ice caps, Martian ice caps and ice caps on Europa. ...

NASA Website

Ship Superstructure Icing: Crystalline and Physical Properties.

In February and March 1990, measurements were made of superstructure ice on a United States Coast Guard cutter in the Bering Sea. Ice samples were removed from bulkheads, decks, and icicles during two icing events. Ice crystal measurements included crysta...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Rock magnetic detection of distal ice-rafted debries: clue for the identification of Heinrich layers on the Portuguese margin

High resolution measurements of concentration and grain size dependent magnetic parameters along a sedimentary sequence deposited on the Portuguese margin (38�N) during the last 120 ka allowed the detection of multiple thin layers slightly enriched by a coarse lithogenic fraction. Sizes, mineralogy, shapes and mode of deposition identify the material as ice-rafted detritus ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Interaction of ice storms and management practices on current ...

Jun 16, 2011 ... Title: Interaction of ice storms and management practices on current carbon ... Description: Ice storms are disturbance events with potential ...



News and Events IceCube Acronym Dictionary More Media Reports since completion Spencer Klein in the IEEE Spectrum reflects on the deployment of IceCube's last string. (February... Websites

Data collected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, including the ...

Abstract: IceCube data will consist of times, directions and other properties of events observed with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope, including its surface ...

NASA Website

Data collected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory ... - NASA

Abstract: IceCube data will consist of times, directions and other properties of events observed with the IceCube Neutrino Telescope, including its surface ...

NASA Website

Rock varnish evidence for latest Pleistocene millennial-scale wet events in the drylands of western United States

Rock varnish from late to latest Pleistocene geomorphic featuresin the drylands of the western U.S. provides evidence of ninemillennial-scale wet events from 11,500-18,000 calendaryr B.P., represented by regionally replicable and approximatelyevenly spaced manganese- and barium-rich dark bands in varnishmicrostratigraphy. Preliminary radiometric age ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Coming Of The Ice

In this activity students will observe and record sea level changes caused by an ice age and will describe why this change occurs. They will also identify the effect on human migrations. Students tell what they know about the last Ice Age and its effects. The teacher will build on their comments to describe a ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Little Ice Age Glaciation in Alaska: A record of recent global climatic change

General global cooling and temperature fluctuation accompanied by expansion of mountain glaciers characterized the Little Ice Age of about A.D. 1200 through A.D. 1900. The effects of such temperature changes appear first and are strongest at high latitudes. Therefore the Little Ice Age record of glacial fluctuation ...

Energy Citations Database

The curious relationship between volcanic fallout layers and millennial climate changes recorded in polar ice

For more than three decades investigators have noticed an apparent link between volcanic eruptions and stages of glaciation during the last ice age. We have pursued a remarkable association between the onset of millennial cold phases and volcanic or volcano-like explosive fallout layers deposited in polar regions, by deploying a high-resolution optical ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ice core from Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya (Russian Arctic), dated with a Nye model modified for a growing glacier

From 1999 to 2001 a 724 m deep ice core has been drilled from surface to bedrock close to summit of the Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya (Russian Arctic), within a joint German-Russian project. The analysis of stable water isotopes and major ion concentration in high resolution were used for reconstruction of past climate and environmental changes. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Atmospheric CO2 and abrupt climate change in Antarctic warming events 3 and 4 (65 ~ 48 kyrBP)

Understanding phase relationship between atmospheric CO2 and abrupt climate change (e.g., Dansgaard- Oeschger [D-O] and Heinrich events) in the last glacial period has been hampered by uncertain chronology of CO2 records from Antarctic ice cores. We developed a new extraction/analytical system to measure CO2 in ice cores, and are using ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

NALPS: a precisely dated European climate record 120-60 ka

Accurate and precise chronologies are essential in understanding the rapid and recurrent climate variations of the Last Glacial - known as Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events - found in the Greenland ice cores and other climate archives. The existing chronological uncertainties during the Last Glacial, however, are still large. Radiometric ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Large-scale Ice Discharge Events in a Pure Ice Sheet Model

Sediment cores in the North Atlantic show evidence of periodic large-scale ice discharge events between 60 ka and 10 ka BP. These events occurred with a typical period between 5 kyr and 10 kyr. During each event, a significant amount of ice was discharged from the Hudson Bay region through the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

First attempt to combine terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) and Schmidt hammer relative-age dating: Strauchon Glacier, Southern Alps, New Zealand

This study provides the first attempt to combine terrestrial (in situ) cosmogenic nuclide (10Be) surface exposure dating with Schmidt hammer relative-age dating for the age estimation of Holocene moraines at Strauchon Glacier, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Numerous Schmidt hammer tests enable a multi-ridged lateral moraine system to be related to three ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Paleotopography of glacial-age ice sheets

This is technical comment and response to the subject of paleotophography of glacial age ice sheets. The model presented by Peltier reconstructing the paleotopography of glacial age ice sheets has implications for atmospheric general circulation models of ice age climate. ...

Energy Citations Database

Insights into the late Cenozoic configuration of the Laurentide Ice Sheet from 40Ar/39Ar dating of glacially transported minerals in midcontinent tills

Glacial sedimentary sequences in the north central United States record multiple advances of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) since ~2 Ma. Although the tills found in these sequences were deposited by southward flowing glacial lobes, little information is available on the geometry of flow lines in the interior of the LIS during any one glaciation, and the provenance of glacial ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Detrital Carbonate Events on the Labrador Shelf, a 13 to 7 kyr Template for Freshwater Forcing From the Laurentide Ice Sheet

A complex sequence of abrupt glacial advances and retreats punctuate the late phases of Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation. These episodes have been reconstructed from interpretation and mapping of glacial deposits on land and in marine basins proximal to the former ice margins in Hudson Strait, Hudson Bay, and the SE Baffin Island shelf. As these ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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MEaSUREs: Small-Scale Kinematics of Arctic Ocean Sea Ice - NASA

Abstract: This data set of the Arctic Ocean sea ice cover is derived from ... 3) Ice Age and Thickness a record of the area, age and thickness of new ice ...

NASA Website

MEaSUREs: Small-Scale Kinematics of Arctic Ocean Sea Ice

Abstract: This data set of the Arctic Ocean sea ice cover is derived from radar ... 3) Ice Age and Thickness a record of the area, age and thickness of new ice ...

NASA Website

MEaSUREs: Small-Scale Kinematics of Arctic Ocean Sea Ice

Abstract: This data set of the Arctic Ocean sea ice cover is derived from ... 3) Ice Age and Thickness a record of the area, age and thickness of new ice ...

NASA Website

CRYOSPHERE > SEA ICE > SEA ICE AGE - Global Change Master ...

This dataset includes weekly ice concentration and ice age/type data for the period ... Responsible NASA Official: Lola Olsen. Last Updated: September 2011.

NASA Website

The relationship of Heinrich events and their European precursors over the past 60 ka BP: a multi-proxy ice-rafted debris provenance study in the North East Atlantic

High resolution, multi-proxy records of ice-rafted debris (IRD) flux and provenance in the NE Atlantic detail the development, variability and decline of marine margins of the last glacial circum-North Atlantic ice sheets. Coupled lithological identification, Sr and Nd isotopic composition and 40Ar/39Ar ages of individual hornblende ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Vostok Ice Core: Excel (Mac or PC)

Students use Excel to graph and analyze Vostok ice core data (160,000 years of Ice core data from Vostok Station). Data includes ice age, ice depth, carbon dioxide, methane, dust, and deuterium isotope relative abundance.

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Ice-age Ice-sheet Rheology: Constraints from the Last Glacial Maximum Form of the Laurentide Ice Sheet

State-ot-the-art thermomechanical models of the modern Greenland ice and the ancient Laurenticle ice

NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

Antarctic Ice Movement: Part II

Within Antarctic ice sheets are fast-moving streams of ice. This video segment adapted from NOVA hypothesizes about how ice streams are the result of warming at the end of the last ice age.

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Chinese stalagmite ?18O controlled by changes in the Indian monsoon during a simulated Heinrich event

Carbonate cave deposits in India and China are assumed to record the intensity of monsoon precipitation, because the ?18O of the carbonate tracks the isotopic signature of precipitation. These records show spatially coherent variability throughout the last ice age and suggest that monsoon strength was altered during the millennial-scale climate variations ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Revolutionary Deep ... - Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment - NASA

movement in ice formations, and atmospheric events. This onboard knowledge of science events will be used to drive further operations of the spacecraft. ...

NASA Website

Snow Roads and Runways

... ice cap and in northern Michigan by CRREL and the strength indices, somequite arbitrary. ... from the Greenland ice cap at three ages: approximately ...

DTIC Science & Technology



DTIC Science & Technology

Geochronology and paleoclimatic implications of the last deglaciation of the Mauna Kea Ice Cap, Hawaii

We present new 3He surface exposure ages on moraines and bedrock near the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, which refine the age of the Mauna Kea Ice Cap during the Local Last Glacial Maximum (LLGM) and identify a subsequent fluctuation of the ice margin. The 3He ages, when combined with those ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Periphery to Late Pleistocene MWP-1a Event: Sedimentologic, Geomorphologic, and Chronologic Evidence

Nowhere were ice sheets grounded to such depth and were exposed to such rapid increases in sea level as they were around the periphery of the Antarctic Ice Sheet during Termination 1, a unique period in the last 100,000 years. We document the conditions within nine ice drainage systems including the NW Weddell Sea, Palmer Deep, western ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

US ITASE-03-4 ice core (Research funded by NSF OPP)

Jan 8, 2009 ... Ice cores, obtained for the glaciochemical component of the US ITASE ..... changes in atmospheric circulation during the Little Ice Age. ...

NASA Website

Sea Ice Thickness from Kinematics - NASA

thickness from Lagrangian observations of ice motion derived from sequential SAR images of the ... estimate the ice age and thickness. In the winter, open ...

NASA Website

Project: Ice in Sublimation Environments � UH � 2005 � Annual ...

Radiometric dating suggests the ice is at least 8 million years old and ranks as the oldest ice ever found on Earth. This age was thought to be incompatible ...

NASA Website

Metadata - Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

The 4 types of products are: ice motion, ice deformation, ice age and thickness, .... Responsible NASA Official: Lola Olsen. Last Updated: September 2011.

NASA Website

Ice Ages on Mars - Astrobiology - NASA

As our understanding of the distribution of ice on Mars progresses, we can take a new look at how this ice moves around in response to Milankovitch forcing. ...

NASA Website

Digital Ice Concentrations Grid Point Dataset for Canadian ...

Abstract: This dataset includes weekly ice concentration and ice age/type data for the period 1959 to 1983. The parts of Canada covered include the Canadian ...

NASA Website

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Delta 15N measurements as a calibration tool for the paleothermometer and gas-ice age differences: A case study for the 8200 B.P. event on GRIP ice

Isotopic composition measurement on atmospheric nitrogen (?15N) trapped in ice cores is established as a gravitational enrichment indicator. Recently, it was discovered that thermal diffusion has a significant influence on this parameter during periods of large temperature fluctuations [Severinghaus et al., 1998]. Here we present results for the 8200 B.P. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Oceanic role in terrestrial climate

A review is given of the role of the oceans in terrestrial climatogenesis. The review leads to development of a criterion for recognizing areas of potential climatogenesis through atmosphere-oceanic interaction and to speculations as to the causes of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation events, the Medieval Little Optimum, Little Ice Age ...

Energy Citations Database

Great Tambora eruption in 1815 and its aftermath

Quantitative analytical methods are used to reconstruct the course of events during and after the cataclysmic eruption of Mount Tambora, Indonesia, on 10 and 11 April 1815. This was the world's greatest ash eruption (so far as is definitely known) since the end of the last Ice Age. This synthesis is based on data and methods ...

Energy Citations Database

SKB/TVO ice age scenario.

Ice ages have repeatedly occurred throughout geological history, and it is likely that they will also occur in the time-span considered for the disposal of nuclear fuel. Based on the present status of knowledge, this report discusses when future ice ages ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Mars Odyssey: Newsroom - Mars Exploration Program - NASA

Dec 17, 2003 ... In contrast to Earth's ice ages, a Martian ice age waxes when the poles ... they estimated the most recent ice age occurred just 400 thousand to ...

NASA Website

Mars May Be Emerging from an Ice Age - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Dec 17, 2003 ... NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey missions have provided evidence of a recent ice age on Mars. In contrast to Earth's ice ages, ...

NASA Website

The relationship of Heinrich events and their European precursors over the past 60 ka BP: a multi-proxy ice-rafted debris provenance study in the North East Atlantic

High resolution, multi-proxy records of ice-rafted debris (IRD) flux and provenance in the NE Atlantic detail the development, variability and decline of marine margins of the last glacial circum-North Atlantic ice sheets. Coupled lithological identification, Sr and Nd isotopic composition and 40 Ar / 39 Ar ages of individual ...

E-print Network

A chemical pacemaker to refine chronology for the deep East Antarctic ice cores

A current dating approach of ice core records of the deep East Antarctic ice cores relies on ice flow modelling (thinning function of ice layer) as well as on the estimate of the snow accumulation rate. By the use of inverse method, the modelled ice chronology is generally constrained by few ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Modeling precipitation over ice sheets: an assessment using Greenland

of the quasi-periodic ice ages of the last 26106 years remain unknown, and it is thought likely-scales is not well understood, and studies of the ice ages typically employ simpli- fied parameterizations age leads to very different accumulation patterns. For example, the great ...

E-print Network

Education Zone in Civil Engineering

The website about careers and opportunities in civil engineering is divided by age group, offering young students interactive games to learn about engineering and older students resources for doing course work and learning about careers in engineering. Parents and teachers in the UK will also find a section that lists local events. "Welcome to the ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Paleoclimatology Slides

These slide sets have been produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to illustrate some of the concepts and methods involved in paleoclimate research. Each set of 20-40 slides includes vivid photographs of field research conducted around the globe, high-quality graphics of important datasets, and descriptive diagrams, making these sets ideal instructional aides. The ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Ice sheet and solid Earth influences on far-field sea-level histories.

Previous predictions of sea-level change subsequent to the last glacial maximum show significant, systematic discrepancies between observations at Tahiti, Huon Peninsula, and Sunda Shelf during Lateglacial time (approximately 14,000 to 9000 calibrated years before the present). We demonstrate that a model of glacial isostatic adjustment characterized by both a high-viscosity lower mantle (4 x ...


Glacial geology of the Hellas region on Mars

A glacial geologic interpretation was recently presented for Argyre, which is herein extended to Hellas. This glacial event is believed to constitute an important link in a global cryohydric epoch of Middle Amazonian age. At glacial maximum, ice apparently extended far beyond the regions of Argyre and Hellas, and formed what is termed ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Deglaciation Chronology of the Southern Sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (Invited)

The southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which extended as far as 39�S, was the largest ice mass to retreat early in the deglaciation hemicycle. Yet because of different source sectors, the general history of the ice sheet has yet to be placed into a global context with sufficient chronological resolution. Here we summarize ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Inferred accumulation and thickness histories near the Ross/Amundsen divide, West Antarctica

The United States ice coring community has identified the ice divide between the Ross and Amundsen Seas as the next site for a deep U.S. coring effort (Inland WAIS). As part of this program, we have used ground based radar-detected internal layers (assumed to be isochrones) to derive depth-age relationships for a prospective ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Coherent high- and low-latitude climate variability during the holocene warm period

A faunal record of sea-surface temperature (SST) variations off West Africa documents a series of abrupt, millennial-scale cooling events, which punctuated the Holocene warm period. These events evidently resulted from increased southward advection of cooler temperate or subpolar waters to this subtropical location or from enhanced regional upwelling. The ...


The Winter Olympics--On Ice.

Describes several science activities designed around the upcoming Winter Olympics ice skating events which demonstrate the scientific principles behind the sport. Students learn that increasing the pressure on ice will lead to the ice melting, the principle involved in the spinning swing, and the technology of ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Surface Roughness Due to Residual Ice in the Use of Low Power Deicing Systems.

Thicknesses of residual ice are presented to provide information on surface contamination and associated roughness during deicing events. Data was obtained from low power ice protection systems tests conducted in the Icing Research Tunnel at NASA Lewis Re...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Some limits on the paleoclimatic record from Antarctic subglacial lakes

Records show that some Antarctic subglacial lakes have thick sedimentary successions, (e.g. Lake Vostok -300m), potentially containing a rich paleoclimatic history of interior Antarctica. Glaciological models, distal proxy records (palenotology, oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios),and direct glacial deposits beyond modern ice sheet margins, indicate glacial activity since ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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The Migrating Boreal Forest - NASA Earth Observatory

And yet to survive climate change during and since the last ice age, trees and ... When the last ice age began to release the Earth from its wintry grip, warmer ...

NASA Website


The ice, which may approach ten million years in age, will be dated using argon .... the "Medieval Warm Period"(MWP), "Little Ice Age" (LIA) and present. ...

NASA Website

NAI: News Stories

In the coldest part of the Little Ice Age (about 1645 to 1715) there was very low ... The Maunder Minimum and the Little Ice Age stand out as a prominent ...

NASA Website

Martian Ice Age? - Solar System Exploration - NASA

Martian Ice Age? 8 Dec 2003 (Source: Jet Propulsion Laboratory) ... sometimes see persisting in protected spots long after the last snowfall of the winter." ...

NASA Website

Mars Orbiter Finds Traces of Past Ice Age - Astrobiology

Aug 3, 2001 ... Mars Orbiter Finds Traces of Past Ice Age ..... (NASA) - The map, released last year, reveals evidence of water on ancient Mars. ...

NASA Website

Mars Odyssey: Mars May Be Emerging From an Ice Age

Dec 17, 2003 ... The "pacemakers" of ice ages on Mars appear to be much more extreme than the comparable drivers of climate change on Earth. ...

NASA Website

Mars Exploration Program: What's New - Mars Exploration Program - NASA

In contrast to Earth's ice ages, a Martian ice age waxes when the poles warm, and water vapor is transported toward lower latitudes. ...

NASA Website

Little Ice Age Summer Temperatures and Annual ... - GCMD - NASA

Little Ice Age Summer Temperatures and Annual Precipitation, Northern United States .... Responsible NASA Official: Lola Olsen. Last Updated: August 2011.

NASA Website

Ice-Age Floods Through the Western Channeled Scabland

Field-trip guide on the Ice-Age floods for the Clay Mineral Society Annual Meeting, held in Richland WA.

Energy Citations Database

Ice Age/Thickness Histogram (rd30_iceage_thk.c) - NASA

... file the data in the metadata record and ice age histogram data from the .... The data pertain ** to the last observation of the cell up to the time of ...

NASA Website

Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir, Missouri: Ice Age ...

... Title : Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir, Missouri: Ice Age Climates: Plants and Animals of Western Missouri: A 50,000 Year Records of Change. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Global signatures and dynamical origins of the Little Ice Age and

The coldest temperatures of the Little Ice Age are observed over the interval 1400 to 1700 C.E., with greatest cooling over the extratropical Northern ...

NASA Website

Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

Little Ice Age Summer Temperatures and Annual Precipitation, Northern United States [EARTH_LAND_NGDC_LITTLE_ICE_AGE1] The data covers the time period from ...

NASA Website

Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)

These include large temperature excursions during the Little Ice Age (~1400-1900 AD) ... Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and 20th Century Temperature ...

NASA Website

Carbon Dioxide Did Not End the Last Ice Age : News

In contrast to what is often inferred from the geologic record, carbon dioxide did not cause the end of the last ice age, a new USC study published in Science ...

NASA Website

"Mini Ice Age" May Be Coming Soon, Sea Study Warns

Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age. Global warming is slowing ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

The third climate state: Proterozoic pan-glacial events

In Climate Through the Ages (1926), C.E.P. Brooks distinguished two discrete climate states in the Phanerozoic, non-glacial (no continental ice sheets) and glacial-interglacial (1-4 continental ice sheets). It now appears that pan-glacial climate states (ice sheets on all continents) existed near the beginning and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Oscillators and relaxation phenomena in Pleistocene climate theory

Ice sheets appeared in the northern hemisphere around 3 million years ago and glacial-interglacial cycles have paced Earth's climate since then. Superimposed on these long glacial cycles comes an intricate pattern of millennial and sub-millennial variability, including Dansgaard-Oeschger and Heinrich events. There are numerous theories about theses ...

E-print Network

Evolution Animation

This Flash animation provides a tour of the history of the universe, the solar system, and Earth. Moving the slider allows viewers to progress from the Big Bang, almost 14 billion years ago, to the beginnings of life on Earth in the Proterozoic era, through the age of the dinosaurs and finally to the time of Homo sapiens. When the slider stops moving, animations and text ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

The deglacial history of the Lake Michigan lobe in Illinois, USA, fleshed out by chronologies associated with ice-walled lakes

The onset of deglaciation of the Lake Michigan lobe (LML) in the western Great Lakes region of North America is well-defined by radiocarbon ages from terrestrial plant material that was buried by proglacial lake sediment and till. A small portion of the lobe began its final retreat during the Marengo Phase at about 24,780 C-14 yr BP (29,630 cal yr BP) [CalPal]; most of the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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New measures of multimodality for the detection of a ghost stochastic resonance.

Large-amplitude (10-15 K) millennial-duration warming events, the Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events, repeatedly occurred in the North Atlantic region during ice ages. So far, the trigger of these events is not known. To explain their recurrence pattern, a ghost stochastic resonance (GSR) scenario ...


New measures of multimodality for the detection of a ghost stochastic resonance

Large-amplitude (10-15 K) millennial-duration warming events, the Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events, repeatedly occurred in the North Atlantic region during ice ages. So far, the trigger of these events is not known. To explain their recurrence pattern, a ghost stochastic resonance (GSR) scenario ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A Simple Method to Correct Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Ice Core Data for Ice / Gas Age Difference Perturbations. (For Discussion)

Presented here is a simple approach for the compensation of perturbations in ice-core carbon dioxide time reconstructions resulting from ice/gas age differences. The method uses the correlation between the ice/gas age difference and measured carbon dioxide concentrations to predict the ...

E-print Network

Glacial Extent During the Late Early Miocene (18-16 Ma): Results from the ANDRILL AND-2A Drillcore, Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Antarctica

Litho- and sequence stratigraphic results from the ANtarctic Geological DRILLing Program (ANDRILL) Southern McMurdo Sound (SMS) AND-2A drill hole indicate that glacial conditions varied widely in the western Ross Sea between the two isotopic Mi events (i.e., inferred glacioeustasy) Mi1b (17.7 Ma) and Mi2 (16.2 Ma). Most of this interval had not been previously recovered from ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Origin of glacial fluvial landforms in the Azas Plateau volcanic field, the Tuva Republic, Russia: Role of ice magma interaction

The basaltic Azas Plateau volcanic field is located in the Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation. The area was glaciated multiple times, and the field is characterized by the formation of subglacial volcanoes called tuyas, but subaerial volcanoes and lava fields also exist. A combined study of remote sensing and field observations in the vicinity of the tuyas in the southeastern Azas Plateau ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Volcanic stratigraphy for the last 200 kyrs as recorded in EDC96 and EDC99 EPICA-Dome C ice cores

The historical reconstruction of intensity and frequency of volcanic eruptions allows the evaluation of the role played from this potential climatic driving force on the short-medium scale climatic variations. Emissions from past volcanic explosive eruptions occurred in the South Hemisphere (up to 20� N) can reach Antarctic ice sheet and can be revealed by spikes in sulphate ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Clim. Past, 3, 527�540, 2007

under a Creative Commons License. Climate of the Past New constraints on the gas age-ice age difference the surround- ing ice. Firn densification models are used to evaluate this ice age-gas age difference ( age- plied to the EPICA Dome C (EDC) site for ...

E-print Network

Northern Hemisphere Meltwater Discharge and the Last Ice-Age Termination (Invited)

The transient climate evolution of last Ice-Age termination (21,000 to 7,000 years ago) provides key observations for constraining climate sensitivity and understanding global carbon cycle. Here we present the first complete simulation of the last Ice-Age termination in a synchronously coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. Our simulation ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Seismic and Sediment Data From Herbert Sound, Northwestern Weddell Sea, Indicate a Long-Lived Holocene Ice Canopy

Seismic data and sediment cores from Herbert Sound, northern James Ross Island, Antarctica, were examined in order to constrain the timing of advance and retreat of the Peninsula Ice Sheet into the region during and after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Approximately 124 km of high-resolution seismic data and sixteen sediment cores were collected during a 1982 Deep Freeze ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Seismic stratigraphy of the Antarctic Peninsula pacific margin: A record of Pliocene-Pleistocene ice volume and paleoclimate

Multichannel seismic profiles across the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula show a series of oblique progradational sequences. These sequences exhibit a variety of unusual characteristics that suggest they were produced by the action of ice sheets grounded out to the shelf edge at times of glacial maximum. Reflection events from deeper stratigraphic ...

Energy Citations Database

Holocene history of the Larsen-A Ice Shelf constrained by geomagnetic paleointensity dating

A sedimentary record collected from beneath the former Larsen-A Ice Shelf reveals the Holocene history of the Larsen-A region. The record begins with the transition from grounded ice to a floating ice shelf, completed by 10.7 � 0.5 ka, and ends with the modern recession. The record contains several late Holocene diatomaceous ooze ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Northern Hemisphere Cryospheric Connections during Deglaciation: Expected and Unexpected Responses.

We present a high-resolution glaciomarine record for MD02-2496 (48�58.5N; 127�02.1W; 1243m water depth), collected from the Vancouver Island continental slope. 46 AMS 14C dates have been generated from both planktonic foraminifera carbonate and bulk sedimentary organic carbon. The presence of two 14C plateaus during deglaciation (~13.3 and ~14.8 14C kyr BP) provide a potential stratigraphic ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Meteoritic and bedrock constraints on the glacial history of Frontier Mountain in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

In 2001, a small H4 chondrite, Frontier Mountain (FRO) 01149, was found on a glacially eroded surface near the top of Frontier Mountain, Antarctica, about 600 m above the present ice level. The metal and sulphides are almost completely oxidized due to terrestrial weathering. We used a chemical leaching procedure to remove weathering products, which contained atmospheric 10Be ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Quaternary oceans and climate change: lessons for the future?

There is much interest in ice-age studies in recent decades, in the context of global warming. The relevant findings are these: large regular changes in climate occurred within the last million years, especially in the northern North Atlantic. Extreme conditions were similar, suggesting strong negative feedback at the edges of the range of variation. The nature of the periods ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Shelf ice glaciation in the Arctic Ocean? New results from northernmost Greenland

Bounding on the last remaining patch of permanent sea ice and capped by an ice sheet with meltwater sufficient to disrupt the thermohaline circulation, North Greenland is strategically located for contributing to the understanding of the climate system. The coastal plain, which faces the Arctic Ocean, more than 100 km long and 15 km wide, is covered by a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Preliminary 10Be Chronology for the Last Deglaciation of the Western Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Paleoclimatic trends in the polar region have become increasingly important following the recognition of a probable polar amplification to global warming. High latitude feedback mechanisms play an important role in the climate system, but in the absence of long term meteorological records, natural climate variability and feedback mechanisms remain poorly understood. Arctic areas are rich in ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Chronological refinement of an ice core record at Upper Fremont Glacier in south central North America

The potential to use ice cores from alpine glaciers in the midlatitudes to reconstruct paleoclimatic records has not been widely recognized. Although excellent paleoclimatic records exist for the polar regions, paleoclimatic ice core records are not common from midlatitude locations. An ice core removed from the Upper Fremont Glacier ...

Energy Citations Database

Ar-Ar Age Distributions of Glacially Derived Hornblende Grains in the Eastern Weddell Sea

How the East Antarctic Ice Sheet has responded to past changes in climate is an important question in paleo- and future-climate research. Subglacial water is increasingly recognized as a major weakness that allows the destabilization of glaciers, and thus an important avenue of provenance research around Antarctica is to characterize the composition of glaciogenic detritus on ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Ice stratigraphy at the Pa^kitsoq ice margin, West Greenland, derived from gas records

of geochemical parameters for climatic periods at the end of the last ice age as measured in GISP2 d18 Oice a [CH^kitsoq that range from full glacial conditions through the climate reversals at the end of the last ice age than deep ice-coring projects, but they also pose specific challenges. ...

E-print Network

PERSPECTIVES OCEAN SCIENCE: Global Warming and the Next Ice Age

A popular idea in the media, exemplified by the soon-to-be-released movie The Day After Tomorrow, is that human-induced global warming will cause another ice age. But where did this idea come from? Several recent magazine articles (1-3) report that abrupt climate change was prevalent in the recent geological history of Earth and that there was some early, ...

E-print Network

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Analysis of Seismo-Acoustic Emission from Ice Fracturing Events During SIMI'94.

In this thesis the analysis of natural ice events was carried out based on direct measurements of ice-borne seismo-acoustic waves generated by ice fracturing processes. The data analyzed in this thesis were collected during the Sea Ice Mechanics Initiativ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

NASA - Researchers Say Arctic Sea Ice Still at Risk Despite Cold ...

Mar 18, 2008 ... Right: February 2008 Arctic ice age distribution. ... 40 percent of the total ice pack last year to 30 percent of total ice this winter. ...

NASA Website

MEaSUREs: Small-Scale Kinematics of Arctic Ocean Sea Ice

Oct 27, 2010 ... The 4 types of products are: ice motion, ice deformation, ice age and thickness, and radar backscatter. The primary data source for the analysis ...

NASA Website

MEaSUREs: Small-Scale Kinematics of Arctic Ocean Sea Ice

The 4 types of products are: ice motion, ice deformation, ice age and thickness, and radar backscatter. The primary data source for the analysis is the Synthetic ...

NASA Website

Ice Core Studies and the past Atmospheric Environment of Polar Regions.

Ice sheets and glaciers in areas where no melting takes place are used to study past atmospheric environments. Bubbles of air trapped in the glacier ice are used to study CO2 and CH4 concentrations in the atmosphere during the last ice age. Changes in the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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