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Diane Sawyer should have gotten her facts straight...

Diane Sawyer should have gotten her facts straight. The threat of severe weather WAS forcasted and in the media for days before. The weather men in Alabama all did a great job of keeping us informed. Kudos to James Spann and all the others who were up all night keeping us informed. I personally dont have a NOAA Weather Radio, however I do have an App on my Smart Phone that alerts me of severe weather. I made sure the volume was set loud enough to wake me up. It did! Moments later my daughter came into my room as her boyfriend had called to alert us as well (as he lived in Concord and lost his home back in the April 27th tornado). We could barely hear the sirens outside ... but then again we did NOT and do NOT rely on them. The weather App worked great. However I do believe I will also purchase the NOAA Weather Radio as well. People there IS a way of knowing ... purchase a Weather Radio or download an App. Protect your family!!