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Results: 451 publication requests found.
Determining trace gas efflux from container production of woody nursery plants (Sep 2012)
Influence of kaolin particle film and deficit irrigation on varietal aroma components in Merlot grape (Vitis vinifera L.) (Sep 2012)
Influence of water activity on fumonisin and bikaverin gene expression and toxin production in fusarium verticillioides (Sep 2012)
Cellulosic butanol production from agricultural biomass and residues: Recent advances in technology (Sep 2012)
Identification of “duplicate” accessions within the USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System malus collection (Sep 2012)
Estimating soil solution nitrate concentration from dielectric spectra using PLS analysis (Sep 2012)
Genetic variation and distribution of Pacific crabapple (Sep 2012)
Converging stepped spillways: Simplified momentum analysis approach (Sep 2012)
Mixed-grass prairie canopy structure and spectral reflectance vary with topographic position (Sep 2012)
Feeding biofuels co-products to pigs (Sep 2012)
Impact of United States biofuels co-products on the feed industry (Sep 2012)
Genetic diversity of avian paramyxovirus type 1: Proposal for a unified nomenclature and classification system of Newcastle disease virus genotypes (Sep 2012)
Surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza virus among wild birds in Mongolia, 2005-2011 (Sep 2012)
Podophyllotoxin and essential oil profile of Juniperus and related species (Sep 2012)
Production of hydrogen peroxide and expression of ROS generating genes in peach flower petals in response to host and non-host pathogens (Sep 2012)
MHC class II DR allelic diversity in bighorn sheep (Sep 2012)
Molecular-genetic analysis of field isolates of Avian Leucosis Viruses in the Russian Federation (Sep 2012)
Vitamin A and immune function (Sep 2012)
Branching out: Agroforestry as a climate change mitigation and adaptation tool for agriculture (Sep 2012)
Biodiversity of important toxigenic fungi that threaten food safety (Sep 2012)
The ARS (NRRL) Culture Collection – An Important Resource for the Scientific Community (Sep 2012)
Synthetic materials to reduce exposure to mycotoxins in fermented foods and beverages (Sep 2012)
Growth development and morphological differences among native and non-native prickly nightshades (Solanum spp.) of the Southeastern United States (Sep 2012)
Survival of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum chlamydospores under solarization temperatures (Sep 2012)
Glycerol citrate polyesters produced through microwave heating (Sep 2012)
Genetic markers on BTA14 predictive for residual feed intake in beef steers and their effects on carcass and meat quality traits (Sep 2012)
Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM2): Model use, calibration, and validation (Sep 2012)
External visibility of spermatophores as an indicator of mating status of Lygus hesperus (Hemiptera: Miridae) females (Sep 2012)
Influence of flood-stress on ambrosia beetle host-selection and implications for their management in a changing climate (Sep 2012)
Forage nutritive value of Texas bluegrass harvested in the morning and afternoon in northwest Oklahoma. (Sep 2012)
Trichothecene triangle: toxins, genes, and plant disease (Sep 2012)
Influence of N-P base fiber reactive organophosphorus flame retardant on the thermal behavior (Sep 2012)
Influence of sugarbeet tillage systems on rhizoctonia-bacterial root rot complex (Sep 2012)
Registration of 'hammock' centipedegrass. (Sep 2012)
Genetic variation for morphology and maturity among the half-sib progeny of nine orchardgrass germplasm populations (Sep 2012)
Feedback from plant species change amplifies CO2 enhancement of grassland productivity (Sep 2012)
Characterization of EPG waveforms for the tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis Göthe (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), on tea plants and their correlation with stylet activities (Sep 2012)
Growth kinetics and model comparison of cronobacter sakazakii in reconstituted powdered infant formula (Sep 2012)
Infrared spectral properties of germ, pericarp, and endosperm sections of sound wheat kernels and those damaged by Fusarium graminearum (Sep 2012)
Protein Oligomerization Monitored by Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy: Self-Assembly of Rubisco Activase (Sep 2012)
The Japan Disaster and U.S. Hay Exports (Sep 2012)
Protection of probiotic bacteria in a synbiotic matrix following aerobic storage at 4 deg C (Sep 2012)
Next generation sequencing of crown and rhizome transcriptome from an upland, tetraploid switchgrass (Sep 2012)
Associations among school characteristics and food service practices in a nationally representative sample of U.S. schools (Sep 2012)
Ultra-low gossypol cottonseed: generational stability of the seed-specific, RNAi mediated phenotype and resumption of terpenoid profile following seed germination (Sep 2012)
Evaluation and interpretation of rectal mucosa biopsy testing for chronic wasting disease within four white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herds in North America (Sep 2012)
Incidence validation and relationship analysis of producer-recorded health event data from on-farm computer systems in the United States (Sep 2012)
Increasing biochar surface area: Optimization of ball milling parameters (Sep 2012)
Genomics of fruit ripening and related nutritional metabolites (Sep 2012)
Commonalities of carbon dioxide exchange in semiarid regions with monsoon and Mediterranean climates (Sep 2012)
Harvest impacts on alfalfa stem neutral detergent fiber concentration and digestibility and cell wall concentration and composition (Sep 2012)
Ruggedness testing and validation of a practical analytical method for great than 100 veterinary drug residues in bovine muscle by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (Sep 2012)
Inheritance and molecular mapping of an allele providing resistance to Cowpea mild mottle virus-like symptoms in soybean (Sep 2012)
Global estimation of evapotranspiration using a leaf area index-based surface energy and water balance model (Sep 2012)
Visual and electronic comparisons of detached strawberry leaves inoculated with two Colletotrichum species (Sep 2012)
Influence of maturity and ripening on aroma volatiles and flavor in avocado (Sep 2012)
Using biological control reserach in the classroom to promote scientific inquiry and literacy (Sep 2012)
Complete genome sequencing of a novel Newcastle disease virus isolate circulating in chicken layers in the Dominican Republic (Sep 2012)
Chemical signals that mediate insect-fungal interactions (Sep 2012)
Soil solarization and biological control for managing Mesocriconema xenoplax and Short Life in a newly established peach orchard (Sep 2012)
Association of freezing tolerance to LpCBFIIIb and LpCBFIIIc gene polymorphism in perennial ryegrass accessions (Sep 2012)
A leaf-rolling weevil benefits from general saprophytic fungi in polysaccharide degradation (Sep 2012)
Multibreed genomic evaluations using purebred Holsteins, Jerseys, and Brown Swiss (Sep 2012)
Auxin and ABA act as central regulators of developmental networks associated with paradormancy in Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) (Sep 2012)
Transcriptional changes associated with lack of lipid synthesis in parasitoids (Sep 2012)
Registration of ‘NC- Miller’ soybean with high yield and high seed oil content (Sep 2012)
Greenhouse studies reveal increased aggressiveness of emergent Canadian Fusarium graminearum chemotypes in wheat (Sep 2012)
Effect of purified oat ß-glucan on fermentation of set-style yogurt mix (Aug 2012)
Identification of source-sink dynamics in mountain lions of the Great Basin (Aug 2012)
Ovine herpesvirus 2 infection in american bison: virus and host dynamics in the development of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever (Aug 2012)
Heightened adaptive immune responses following vaccination with a temperature-sensitive, live-attenuated influenza virus compared to adjuvanted, whole-inactivated virus in pigs (Aug 2012)
Identifying cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genes induced in response to Aspergillus flavus infection (Aug 2012)
Capsules containing entomopathogenic nematodes as a Trojan horse approach to control the western corn rootworm (Aug 2012)
Effectiveness of SIMBLIGHT1 and SIMPHYT1 models for predicting Phytophthora infestans in the Northeastern United States (Aug 2012)
Surfactant effects on soil aggregate tensile strength (Aug 2012)
Exploring new forage options to address emerging dietary and environmental challenges in dairy forage systems: reducing excessive weight gain in dairy replacement heifers fed a corn-silage based diet (Aug 2012)
Prolonged field exposure after cut alfalfa receives rain reduces ensilability and nutritive value (Aug 2012)
Screening Saccharomyces cerevisiae Distillery Strains in Industrial Media (Aug 2012)
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D response to vitamin D3 supplementation 50,000 IU monthly in youth with HIV-1 infection (Aug 2012)
Foot and mouth disease virus non structural protein 2C interacts with Beclin1 modulating virus replication (Aug 2012)
Development of a core set of SSR markers for the characterization of Gossypium germplasm (Aug 2012)
Differential seedling performance and environmental correlates in shrub canopy vs interspace microsites (Aug 2012)
Characterization of novel soybean-oil-based thermosensitive amphiphilic polymers for drug delivery applications (Aug 2012)
Development of pilot-scale fermentation and stabilization processes for the production of microsclerotia of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneun strain F52 (Aug 2012)
Nutritional Quality of Lettuce (Aug 2012)
Inheritance of polyphenol oxidase activity in wheat breeding lines derived from matings of low polyphenol oxidase parents (Aug 2012)
Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the determination of the furaltadone metabolite, 3-amino-5-morpholinomethyl-2-oxazolidinone (AMOZ) in animal tissues (Aug 2012)
Effects of field variables on infield biomass bales aggregation strategies (Aug 2012)
Novel antiviral therapeutics to control foot-and-mouth disease (Aug 2012)
Submission to GenBank a set of differentially expressed transcript derived fragments (TDFs) upon water deficit stress in Gossypium hirsutum L - GenBank Accession No. JK512212-JK512358 (Aug 2012)
Competitive effect of commensal faecal bacteria from growing swine fed chlortetracycline-supplemented feed on beta-haemolytic Escherichia coli strains with multiple antimicrobial resistance plasmids (Aug 2012)
Liquid cultivation techniques for enhancing the effectiveness of yeast biocontrol agents (Aug 2012)
The draft genome of a diploid cotton Gossypium raimondii (Aug 2012)
Food Safety Issues: Mineral fertilizers and soil amendments (Aug 2012)
A Putative Gene sbe3-rs for Resistant Starch Mutated from SBE3 for Starch Branching Enzyme in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) (Aug 2012)
Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana expressing a barley UDP-glucosyltransferase exhibit resistance to the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (Aug 2012)
RcsB contributes to the distinct stress fitness between Escherichia coli O157:H7 curli variants of 1993 hamburger-associated outbreak strains (Aug 2012)
Glucansucrases from lactic acid bacteria which produce water-insoluble polysaccharides from sucrose (Aug 2012)
Ketonization of Cuphea oil for the production of 2-undecanone (Aug 2012)
2-monoacylglycerol acyl migration: Affect of fatty acid desaturation (Aug 2012)
Investigation of congugated soybean oil as drying oils and CLA sources (Aug 2012)
Glycerol inhibition of ruminal lipolysis in vitro (Aug 2012)
Atmospheric transport of endosulfan to Everglades and Biscayne National Parks (Aug 2012)
Developing novel approaches to characterize emissions from agricultural operations (Aug 2012)
Identification and characterization of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus, a putative new member of the genus Mandarivirus infecting Citrus spp. (Aug 2012)
Canopy cover and leaf area index relationships for wheat, triticale, and corn (Aug 2012)
Diffuse-Reflectance Mid-Infrared Spectral Properties of Soils under Alternative Crop Rotations in a Semiarid Climate (Aug 2012)
Effect of Isaria Fumosorosea (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaaceae) and Lysiphlebus Testaceipes (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae) on the brown citrus aphid: Preliminary assessment of a compatibility study (Aug 2012)
The next generation of superfruits: enhancing anthocyanin rich black raspberries (Aug 2012)
Ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass by recombinant Escherichia coli strain FBR5 (Aug 2012)
Current status of non-chemical methods for control of insect pests in dried fruits and nuts (Aug 2012)
Fuel properties of highly polyunsaturated fatty acid methyl esters: Prediction of fuel properties of algal biodiesel (Aug 2012)
Walnut diet reduces accumulation of polyubiquitinated proteins and inflammation in the brain of aged rats (Aug 2012)
Comparison of saw ginning and high-speed roller ginning with different lint cleaners of mid-south grown cotton (Aug 2012)
Diallel analysis of resistance to fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination in maize (Aug 2012)
Assessment tools in obesity- psychological measures, diet, activity, and body composition (Aug 2012)
Unraveling the KNOTTED1 regulatory network in maize meristems (Aug 2012)
A comparison of BOX-PCR and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to determine genetic relatedness of enterococci from different environments (Aug 2012)
Study of soybean oil-based polymers for controlled release anticancer drugs (Aug 2012)
Emission and movement of 1,3-dichloropropene and chloropicrin in a large field tarped with low permeability film (Aug 2012)
Evaluation of genetic diversity and root traits of sea beet accessions of the Adriatic Sea coast (Aug 2012)
Cellular damage of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and Salmonella spp. in apple juice treated with high hydrostatic pressure and thermal death time disks (Aug 2012)
Airborne flux of 1,3-dichloropropene and chloropicrin applied under totally impermeable film as a function of tarp cutting time (Aug 2012)
Microbial community diversity in agroforestry and grass vegetative filter strips (Aug 2012)
Effects of thinning on transpiration by riparian buffer trees in response to advection and solar radiation (Aug 2012)
Simulation of over-winter soil water and soil temperature with SHAW and RZ-SHAW (Aug 2012)
An investigation of a recent outbreak of nocardioform placentitis caused abortions in horses (Aug 2012)
Cloning and characterization of resistance gene candidate sequences and molecular marker development in gerbera (Gerbera hybrida) (Aug 2012)
Corn stover harvest: Likely effects on soil productivity (Aug 2012)
Precocious sexual signalling and mating in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) sterile males achieved through juvenile hormone treatment and protein supplements (Aug 2012)
Effect of supplementing activated charcoal on the intake of honey mesquite leaves by lambs (Aug 2012)
Indica and Japonica crosses resulting in linkage block and recombination suppression on rice chromosome 12 (Aug 2012)
Genotypic variation in physiological strategies for attaining cotton lint yield production (Aug 2012)
Exploring the use of anti-tick vaccine as tool for integrated eradication of the cattle fever tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus (Aug 2012)
Effects of monoacylglycerols on the cold flow properties of biodiesel (Aug 2012)
Production of phosphorous-containing oleochemicals through an epoxide route (Aug 2012)
Ongoing research and insecticide trials for cranberry pests (Aug 2012)
Fermentation technologies for ethanol production from wheat straw by a recombinant bacterium (Aug 2012)
Furfural and ethanol production from corn stover by dilute phosphoric acid pretreatment (Aug 2012)
Cloning and sequencing of CGTase genes of two Thermoanaerobacter strains (Aug 2012)
Complete genome sequence of the broad-host-range strain Sinorhizobium fredii USDA257 (Aug 2012)
Genetics and mapping of the R11 gene conferring resistance to recently emerged rust races, tightly linked to male fertility restoration, in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (Aug 2012)
Transcriptional and metabolic insights into the differential physiological responses of Arabidopsis to optimal and supraoptimal atomospheric CO2 (Aug 2012)
Weed suppression by grasses for orchard floor management (Aug 2012)
Population genetics of Eutypa lata in the major grape-growing regions of the world and historical patterns of viticulture. (Aug 2012)
Virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes to plum curculio, Contrachelus nenuphar: Effects of strain, temperature, and soil type (Aug 2012)
Selection pressure, cropping system and rhizosphere proximity affect atrazine degrader populations and activity in s-triazine adapted soil (Aug 2012)
Residual activity of methoprene and novaluron as surface treatments to manage the flour beetles, Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum (Aug 2012)
Cotton genotype differences in fiber-seed attachment force (Aug 2012)
Progress towards rapid identification of phytochemicals in plant extracts (Aug 2012)
Use of replication-defective adenoviruses to develop vaccines and biotherapeutics against foot-and-mouth disease (Aug 2012)
Research to practical use: on-the-ground success (Aug 2012)
Influence of color on dielectric properties of marinated poultry breast meat (Aug 2012)
Identification of tree-crop rootstocks with resistance to Armillaria root disease. (Aug 2012)
High resolution melting analysis of the cytochrome oxidase I gene identifies three haplotypes of the potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli, in the United States (Aug 2012)
Interactions between elevated atmospheric CO2 and defoliation on North American rangeland plant species at low and high N availability (Aug 2012)
Biochar affects macronutrient leaching from a soilless substrate (Aug 2012)
Imputation of Microsatellite Allele from Dense SNP Genotypes for Parentage Verification (Aug 2012)
Flavonoid intake and bone health (Aug 2012)
Systematics of Fusaria associated with Ambrosia beetles (Aug 2012)
Relationship between cotton yield and soil electrical conductivity, topography, and landsat imagery (Aug 2012)
Growth performance and resistance to Streptococcus iniae of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed diets supplemented with GroBiotic - A and Brewtech Dried Brewers Yeast (Aug 2012)
Whole genome snp discovery and analysis of genetic diversity in turkey (meleagris gallopavo) (Aug 2012)
RNA-seq study of microbially induced hemocyte transcripts from larval Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Aug 2012)
Sensitivity of grass and alfalfa reference evapotranspiration to weather station sensor accuracy (Aug 2012)
Managing for ecosystem services and livestock production: Are there tradeoffs? (Aug 2012)
Design and field tests of an access-tube soil water sensor (Aug 2012)
Predicting cotton stelometer fiber strength by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (Aug 2012)
Relationships between PrPSc stability and incubation time for United States scrapie strains in a natural host system (Aug 2012)
Flavor and Antioxidant Capacity of Peanut Paste and Peanut Butter Supplemented with Peanut Skins (Aug 2012)
Selection and validation of endogenous reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis in leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) (Aug 2012)
Leafhopper and psyllid pests of potato (Aug 2012)
Effects of fertilizer placement on trace gas emissions from nursery container production (Aug 2012)
Effects of plant tannins supplementation on animal response and in vivo ruminal bacterial populations associated with bloat in heifers grazing wheat forage (Aug 2012)
Western corn rootworm larval movement in a SmartStax seed blend scenarios (Aug 2012)
Persistence of E. coli introduced into streambed sediments with goose, deer, and bovine animal waste (Aug 2012)
Life-style transitions in plant pathogenic Colletotrichum fungi defined by genome and transcriptome analyses (Aug 2012)
From George Washington Carver to the genome: leveraging genetics and molecular biology to improve soybean (Aug 2012)
Analysis of the cell-wall xylan component of brown midrib mutants of Sorghum bicolor L. by LC-MS^n^ (Aug 2012)
Seed-caching by heteromyid rodents enhances seedling survival of a desert grass, Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides) (Aug 2012)
Odontonema cuspidatum and Psychotria punctata, two new cucumber mosaic virus hosts identified in Florida (Aug 2012)
Screening Rhizoctonia crown and root rot resistance of Beta PIs from the USDA-ARS, National Plant Germplasm System, 2011 (Aug 2012)
A systems approach for management of pests and pathogens of nursery crops (Aug 2012)
Transformation of herbicides under transient anoxia (Aug 2012)
Responses of metabolites in soybean shoot apices to changing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations (Aug 2012)
Woodland successional phase effects vegetation recovery after prescribed fire (Aug 2012)
Sugar beet germplasm evaluated for rhizomania and storage resistance in Idaho, 2011 (Aug 2012)
Sugar beet germplasm evaluated for resistance to rhizomania and fungal growth in storage in Idaho, 2011 (Aug 2012)
Beet curly top resistance in USDA-ARS Fort Collins Germplasm, 2011 (Aug 2012)
Molecular analysis of imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from US service members wounded in Iraq, 2003–2008 (Aug 2012)
Nematode control on peaches (Aug 2012)
Coconut, Date and Oil Palm Genomics (Aug 2012)
Eriosomatine aphids (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Eriosomatinae) associated with moss and roots of conifer and willow in forests of the Pacific Northwest (Aug 2012)
Modeling temperature responses of leaf growth, development, and biomass in maize with MAIZSIM (Aug 2012)
Blueberries and aging (Aug 2012)
A bacterial pathogen uses distinct type III secretion systems to alternate between host kingdoms (Aug 2012)
Niche engineering reveals complementary resource use (Aug 2012)
Temperature-dependent reproductive development of Lygus hesperus (Hemiptera: Miridae) (Aug 2012)
Biodiversity and native plant abundance decline with increasing abundance of exotic annual grass (Aug 2012)
PCR assays for diagnosis of postharvest fruit rots and early detection of Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis and Sphaeropsis pyriputrescens in apple fruit (Aug 2012)
Improving sterile male performance in support of programmes integrating the sterile insect technique against fruit flies (Aug 2012)
Tyrosine phosphorylation of the BRI1 receptor kinase occurs via a posttranslational modification and is activated by the juxtamembrane domain (Aug 2012)
Enhancing efficacy of Mexican fruit fly SIT programmes by large-scale incorporation of methoprene into pre-release diet (Aug 2012)
Inheritance of grain polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in multiple wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genetic backgrounds (Aug 2012)
Methoprene and protein supplements accelerate reproductive development and improve mating success of male tephritid flies (Aug 2012)
Methoprene treatment reduces the pre-copulatory period in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) sterile males (Aug 2012)
Food security and climate change: On the potential to adapt global crop production by active selection to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (Aug 2012)
The combined application of impinger system and permeation tube for the generation of volatile organic compound standard gas mixtures at varying diluent flow rate (Aug 2012)
Effect of methoprene application, adult food and feeding duration on male melon fly starvation survival (Aug 2012)
Genomic comparisons of two Bacillus subtilis biocontrol strains with different modes of actions (Aug 2012)
The role of trichothecenes in the Triticeae-Fusarium graminearum interactions (Aug 2012)
Loss of artemisinin produced by Artemisia annua L. to the soil environment (Aug 2012)
Dairy heifer manure management, dietary phosphorus, and soil test P effects on runoff phosphorus (Aug 2012)
Effects of plants and essential oils on ruminal in vitro batch culture methane production and fermentation (Aug 2012)
Genome-wide association study for oat (Avena sativa L.) beta-glucan concentration using germplasm of worldwide origin (Aug 2012)
Zein-based polymers formed by modifications with isocyanates (Aug 2012)
Analysis of Babesia bovis-induced gene expression changes in the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Aug 2012)
Response of a keystone rodent to landscape-scale restoration of desert grasslands (Aug 2012)
Protection from clinical disease against three highly virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus following in ovo application of an antibody-antigen complexed vaccine in maternally-antibody positive chickens (Aug 2012)
Local conditions, not regional gradients, drive demographic variation of Ambrosia trifida and Helianthus annus across northern US maize belt (Aug 2012)
Pollen biology and dispersal dynamics in waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) (Aug 2012)
The distribution of genes and repetitive elements in the Diabrotica virgifera virgifera genome estimated using BAC sequencing (Aug 2012)
Breeding broccoli adapted to high temperature environments (Aug 2012)
Avian influenza worldwide: current status and successful control tools (Aug 2012)
Fine mapping of copy number variations on two cattle genome assemblies using high density SNP array (Aug 2012)
Analysis of antimicrobial resistance genes detected in multiple-drug-resistant Escherichia coli isolates from broiler chicken carcasses (Aug 2012)
Aerobic growth of campylobacter in media supplemented with a-ketoglutaric, lactic, and/or fumaric acids (Aug 2012)
Aerobic growth of campylobacter in media supplemented with a-ketoglutaric, lactic, and/or fumaric acids (Aug 2012)
Biological conversion assay for determining plant feedstock quality (Aug 2012)
Identification of differentially expressed genes associated with changes in the morphology and pathogenicity of Pichia fermentans on apple and peach fruit (Aug 2012)
Use of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in diagnosis of Marek’s disease and reticuloendotheliosis in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumorous tissues (Aug 2012)
Large subunit of the ribonucleotide reductase gene is a virulent factor and plays a critical role in Marek's disease virus pathogenesis (Aug 2012)
Role of alveolar macrophages in dissemination of Marek’s disease virus from lungs to lymphoid organs (Aug 2012)
Identification of rice blast resistance genes using international monogenic differentials (Aug 2012)
Importin alpha8 (KPNA7) interacts with STL3, an oocyte-specific protein in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Aug 2012)
Genetic diversity of avian paramyxovirus type 1: defining Newcastle disease virus genotypes (Aug 2012)
Natural variation and evolution of the avirulence genes in Magnaporthe oryzae (Aug 2012)
Characterization and detection of Tomato necrotic stunt virus, a novel potyvirus infecting greenhouse tomatoes in Mexico (Aug 2012)
Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysis revealed Pepino Mosaic Virus in North-America has shifted to a more aggressive CH2 genotype (Aug 2012)
Role of a putative amino acid transporter in fungal disease resistance in alfalfa (Aug 2012)
Detection of small RNAs in Xylella fastidiosa (Aug 2012)
Population diversity of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ in southern China revealed by tandem repeat number variation in a hypervariable genomic locus (Aug 2012)
Yield and uptake of bahiagrass under flooded environment as affected by nitrogen fertilization (Aug 2012)
Physiological and proteomic characterizations of “Candidatus Liberibacter” associated diseases in citrus and potato plants (Aug 2012)
Genotyping and population genetic analysis of “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum”, bacterium associated with potato zebra chip disease (Aug 2012)
Chromosome location, DNA markers and rust resistance of the sunflower gene R5 (Aug 2012)
Comparative investigation of Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) in the determination of cotton fiber crystallinity (Aug 2012)
Global assessment of avian influenza control strategies with emphasis on vaccines and vaccination (Aug 2012)
Detection of swainsonine and isolation of the endophyte Undifilum form the major locoweeds in Inner Mongolia (Aug 2012)
Efficacy, metabolism, and toxic responses to chlorate salts in food and laboratory animals (Aug 2012)
The influence of ovarian fluid ph of stripped unfertilized channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus eggs on the hatching success of channel catfish x blue catfish I. furcatus hybrid catfish eggs (Aug 2012)
Avian influenza worldwide: current status and successful control tools (Aug 2012)
Primed acclimation of cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) through the use of deficit irrigation timed to crop developmental periods. (Aug 2012)
First report of Strobilurin resistance in populations of Cercospora beticola now published (Aug 2012)
A scientific note on the comparison of airborne volatiles produced by commercial bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) and honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies (Aug 2012)
A holistic strategy for adaptive land management (Aug 2012)
Fun and games and boredom (Aug 2012)
Ammonia emission from swine manure windrows: a case study of biomass reduction vs. potential nutrient loss (Aug 2012)
School-based obesity-prevention interventions in low- and middle-income countries: Do they really work? (Aug 2012)
Dietary supplementation with lacto-wolfberry enhances the immune response and reduces pathogenesis to influenza infection in mice (Aug 2012)
Low bone mass in behaviorally HIV-infected young men on antiretroviral therapy: adolescent trials network (ATN) study 021B (Aug 2012)
Identification of genes/loci and functional markers for seed oil quality improvement by exploring soybean genetic diversity (Aug 2012)
El control biologico de plagas(Biological control of pests) (Aug 2012)
Cool-season whole-plant gas exchange of exotic and native desert semiarid bunchgrasses (Aug 2012)
Cultural and environmental factors governing tomato production: Local food production under elevated temperature conditions (Aug 2012)
Glycerine and levulinic acid: renewable co-substrates for the fermentative synthesis of short-chain poly(hydroxyalkanoate) biopolymers (Aug 2012)
Comparison of physiological and antioxidant responses of Anoda cristata and cotton to progressive drought (Aug 2012)
Effects of plant water stress on vector feeding behaviors that control acquisition and inoculation of Xylella fastidiosa (Aug 2012)
Potential for phosphate mitigation from agricultural runoff by three aquatic macrophytes (Aug 2012)
Genetic mapping analysis of bread-making quality traits in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (Aug 2012)
Grapevine phenolics in xylem sap and tissues are significantly altered during infection by Xylella fastidiosa (Aug 2012)
Estimating crop biophysical properties from remote sensing data by inverting linked radiative transfer and ecophysiological models (Aug 2012)
Effects of feeding sericea lespedeza as a natural anthelmintic for haemonchus contortus in lactating does (Aug 2012)
Boar sperm quality in lines of pigs selected for either ovulation rate or uterine capacity (Aug 2012)
Needs assessment for future US pear rootstock directions based on the current state of pear production and rootstock research (Aug 2012)
Physcomitrella patens activates reinforcement of the cell wall, programmed cell death and accumulation of evolutionary conserved defense signals...upon Botrytis cinerea infection (Aug 2012)
Toxicokinetics of norditerpenoid alkaloids from low larkspur (Delphinium andersonii) orally administered in cattle (Aug 2012)
Re-evaluating the role of phenolic glycosides and ascorbic acid in ozone scavenging in the leaf apoplast of Arabidopsis thaliana L (Aug 2012)
Cotton (Aug 2012)
Bioactivities of acai (Euterpe precatoria mart.) fruit pulp, superior antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to Euterpe oleracea mart (Aug 2012)
Government success in partnerships: The USDA-ARS areawide ecologically-based invasive annual grass management program (Aug 2012)
Biochemical characterization of the small hydrophobic protein of avian metapneumovirus (Aug 2012)
A splice site mutation in a gene encoding for PDK4, a mitochondrial protein, is associated with the development of dilated cardiomyopathy in the Doberman pinscher (Aug 2012)
Transcriptome analysis of Stagonospora nodorum; gene models, effectors, metabolism and pantothenate dispensability (Aug 2012)
Evolution of H3N2v viruses in North American swine and humans, 2009-2011 (Aug 2012)
Assessment of glucose and stem dry weight among 16 Crotalaria juncea accessions for potential cellulosic ethanol (Aug 2012)
A simplified method for numerical simulation of gas grilling of non-intact beef steaks to elimate Escherichia coli O157:H7 (Aug 2012)
Whitefly population dynamics and evaluation of whitefly-transmitted Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)-resistant tomato genotypes as whitefly and TYLCV reservoirs (Aug 2012)
Chilling and chipping influence plant growth and reproduction of star-of-Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) (Aug 2012)
Adaptation by western corn rootworm to Bt corn: characterizing inheritance, fitness costs, and feeding preference (Aug 2012)
Assessment of Aquaflor (c), copper sulfate and potassium permanganate for control of Aeromonas hydrophila and Flavobacterium columnare infection in sunshine bass, Morone chrysops female x Morone saxatilis male (Aug 2012)
Improved surface volume estimates for surface irrigation balance calculations (Aug 2012)
Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase gene variants affect response to fish oil supplementation by healthy African Americans (Aug 2012)
First report of Gliocephalotrichum bulbilium and G. simplex causing fruit rot of rambutan in Puerto Rico (Aug 2012)
Approximate water and chemical budgets for an experimental in-pond raceway system (Aug 2012)
Effect of day and night temperature on the expression of male sterility of nuclear male-sterile (ms8ms8) soybean (Aug 2012)
Sodium and potassium intake among U.S. adults, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003-2008 (Aug 2012)
Beta-carotene in Golden Rice is as good as beta-carotene in oil at providing vitamin A to children (Aug 2012)
Spirulina is an effective dietary source of zeaxanthin to humans (Aug 2012)
Synthesis and cytological analyses of hybrids between hexaploid wheat, with and without Ph1, and diploid wheatgrass (Aug 2012)
Generation of ensemble streamflow forecasts using an enhanced version of the snowmelt runoff model (Aug 2012)
Characterization of within-day beginning times of storms for stochastic simulation (Aug 2012)
Genus vesiculoviruses (Aug 2012)
Current and potential trade in horticultural products irradiated for phytosanitary purposes (Aug 2012)
Comparison of bacterial communities in faeces of beef cattle fed diets containing corn and wet distillers grain with solubles (Aug 2012)
Location of the mechanism of resistance to Amphorophora agathonica (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in red raspberry (Aug 2012)
Enhanced attraction of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) to pheromone-baited traps with the addition of green leaf volatiles (Aug 2012)
Homologous RXLR effectors from Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis and Phytophthora sojae suppress immunity in distantly related plants (Aug 2012)
Errors in infiltration volume calculations in volume balance models (Aug 2012)
A comparative study of the retention and lethality of the first and second generation arthropod protein markers (Aug 2012)
The specific contributions of force and velocity to muscle power in older adults (Aug 2012)
Effect of gamma irradiation on microbial load, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of soybeans (Glycine max L. Merrill) (Aug 2012)
Comparison of real time polymerase chain reaction quantification of changes in hilA and rpoS gene expression of a Salmonella typhimurium poultry isolate grown at fast versus slow dilution rates in an anaerobic continuous (Aug 2012)
The Automated Self-Administered 24-hour dietary recall (ASA24): A resource for researchers, clinicians, and educators from the National Cancer Institute (Aug 2012)
Cassava about-FACE: Greater than expected yield stimulation of cassava (Manihot esculenta) by future CO2 levels (Aug 2012)
Transitional Effects of Double-Lateral Drip Irrigation and Straw Mulch on Irrigation Water Consumption, Mineral Nutrition, Yield, and Storability of Sweet Cherry (Aug 2012)
Development of indirect competitive fluorescence immunoassay for 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether using DNA/dye conjugate as antibody multiple labels (Aug 2012)
Virulence and metabolic characteristics of Salmonella Enteritidis sefD variants in hens. (Aug 2012)
Effects of different fresh-cut forages and their hays on feed intake, digestibility, heat production, and ruminal methane emission by Boer x Spanish goats (Aug 2012)
A highly sensitive single-tube nested PCR assay for the detection of Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-2 (PMWaV-2) (Aug 2012)
The USDA warm season grass collection: opportunities for ornamental breeding (Aug 2012)
Hydrologic and water quality models: Use, calibratin, and validation (Aug 2012)
Optimization of a host diet for in vivo production of entomopathogenic nematodes (Aug 2012)
Non-arginine-aspartate (non-RD) kinases are associated with innate immune receptors that recognize conserved microbial signatures (Aug 2012)
Conservation of US citrus collections using cryopreservation (Jul 2012)
Use of cryotherapy to eradicate pathogens from horticultural crops (Jul 2012)
Collateral effects of antibiotics on mammalian gut microbiomes (Jul 2012)
First report of strobilurin resistance in Cercospora beticola in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) in Michigan and Nebraska, USA (Jul 2012)
Development of a reproducible challenge model to investigate the virulence of Flavobacterium columnare genomovars in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) (Jul 2012)
Smart phone video game simulation of parent-child interaction: Learning skills for effective vegetable parenting (Jul 2012)
A tandem segmental duplication (TSD) in the green revolution gene Rht-D1b region underlies plant height variation (Jul 2012)
Winter protein management during late gestation alters range cow and steer progeny performance (Jul 2012)
Evolutionary patterns and biogeochemical significance of angiosperm root traits (Jul 2012)
Cryopreservation of Salix sp. dormant winter buds (Jul 2012)
Genomics of Tropical Fruit Tree Crops (Jul 2012)
Uncertainty analys for cotton gin PM10 emissions (Jul 2012)
Cotton gin particulate matter emissions-No. 1 dryer and cleanser (Jul 2012)
Cotton gin particulate matter emissions-No. 1 lint cleaner (Jul 2012)
Predicting seed cotton moisture content from changes in drying air temperature (Jul 2012)
Functional properties of plantain, cowpea flours and oat fiber in extruded products (Jul 2012)
Microwave drying of seed cotton (Jul 2012)
Pathogenic infection confounds induction of the estrogenic biomarker vitellogenin in rainbow trout (Jul 2012)
Topographic effects on denitrification in drained agricultural fields (Jul 2012)
Effectiveness of biochar as a phosphorus fertilizer source for cotton (Jul 2012)
Horizon nomenclature for quartzipsamments in the Carolina and Georgia Sand Hills, South Carolina (Jul 2012)
Mandarin flavor and aroma volatile composition are strongly influenced by holding temperature (Jul 2012)
HvWRKY10, HvWRKY19, and HvWRKY28 positively regulate Mla-triggered immunity and basal defense to barley powdery mildew (Jul 2012)
Curly Top Disease of Tomato (Jul 2012)
Microbial gene analysis of Mid-Atlantic CEAP wetlands (Jul 2012)
Efficacy of fungicide combinations, phosphoric acid, and plant extract from stinging nettle on potato late blight management and tuber yield (Jul 2012)
Research update: Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory avian tumor viruses (Jul 2012)
A faunistic survey of bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in the Black Belt Prairie of Mississippi (Jul 2012)
Spleen index and mannose-binding lectin levels in four channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus families exhibiting different susceptibilities to Flavobacterium columnare and Edwardsiella ictaluri (Jul 2012)
Responses of cotton and wheat photosynthesis and growth to cyclic variation in carbon dioxide concentration (Jul 2012)
Development of colonic microflora as assessed by pyrosequencing in dairy calves fed waste milk (Jul 2012)
Insect resistance of a full sib family of tetraploid switchgrass with varying lignin levels (Jul 2012)
Factors Influencing the Dielectric Properties of Agricultural Products and Food Materials (Jul 2012)
Techniques for Measuring the Dielectric Properties of Agricultural Products (Jul 2012)
Evaluation of center pivot sprinkler wind drift and evaporation measurement technique (Jul 2012)
Infiltration model for center pivot irrigation on bare soil (Jul 2012)
Water balance for a west and midwest watershed (Jul 2012)
An Automated Approach to Peanut dring with real-time monitoring of in-shell Kernel Moisture Content with a Microwave Sensor (Jul 2012)
Investigating influence of temperature on radio-frequency dielectrica properties of chicken meat (Jul 2012)
Evaluating Remote Sensing-based Crop Water Use Monitoring Methods Using Soil Moisture Sensors (Jul 2012)
Performance of a wireless sensor network for crop monitoring and irrigation control (Jul 2012)
Effects of alternative cryoprotectants, diluents, straw size and cholesterol addition on cryopreserved rooster sperm (Jul 2012)
Foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype O phylodynamics: genetic variability associated with epidemiological factors in Pakistan (Jul 2012)
Microwave meter for rapid, nondestructive determination of in-shell peanut kernel moisture content from dielectric measurements on cleaned and uncleaned pod samples (Jul 2012)
Selection of pea genotypes with partial resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum across a wide range of temperatures and periods of high relative humidity (Jul 2012)
Molecular mapping of a gene conferring resistance to Asian Soybean Rust in soybean PI 561356 and SNP Haplotype analysis of the Rpp1 region in 39 soybean accessions (Jul 2012)
Synergistic inhibition of interleukin-6 production in adipose stem cells by tart cherry anthocyanins and atorvastatin (Jul 2012)
Influence of a non-copper algicide on the cyanobacterium, Nostoc spongiaeforme, and the green alga, Hydrodictyon reticulatum, in field and laboratory experiments (Jul 2012)
Air-bar cotton lint cleaner (Jul 2012)
Micro array analysis of the intestinal host response in Giardia duodenalis assemblage E infected cattle (Jul 2012)
Raised seedbeds for soybean in twin rows increase yield over flat seedbeds (Jul 2012)
Water deficit induces swainsonine of some locoweed taxa, but with no swainsonine-growth trade-off (Jul 2012)
DNA repair and crossing over favor similar chromosome regions as discovered in radiation hybrid of Triticum (Jul 2012)
Differential immunoreactivity of goat derived scrapie following in vitro misfolding versus mouse bioassay (Jul 2012)
Megachile timberlakei Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): Yet another adventive bee species to the Galapagos Archipelago (Jul 2012)
Purification of 2-monoacylglycerols using liquid CO2 extraction (Jul 2012)
Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Aa protoxin intoxication of Tenebrio molitor induces widespread changes in the expression of serine peptidase transcripts (Jul 2012)
Enhanced flame retardant property of fiber reactive halogen-free organophosphonate (Jul 2012)
Histone methylation analysis and pathway predictions in chickens after MDV infection (Jul 2012)
Virion packaging of multiple cleavage isoforms of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus nonstructural protein 2 (Jul 2012)
Illumina sequencing of green stink bug nymph and adult cdna to identify potential rnai gene targets (Jul 2012)
Potassium influences forage bermudagrass yield and fungal leaf disease severity in Mississippi (Jul 2012)
Description of Globodera ellingtonae n. sp. (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) from Oregon (Jul 2012)
Genetic and phenotypic diversity and random association of DNA markers of the fungal plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from soil on a fine geographic scale. (Jul 2012)
A critical evaluation of combustible/explosible dust testing methods-part 1 (Jul 2012)
Organic highbush blueberry production systems research – management of plant nutrition, irrigation requirements, weeds, and economic sustainability (Jul 2012)
Compositional and thermal evaluation of lignocellulosic and poultry litter chars via high and low temperature pyrolysis (Jul 2012)
Cool-season annual pastures with clovers to supplement wintering beef cows nursing calves (Jul 2012)
Bait formulations of attractants and phagostimulants for targeted, area-wide fruit fly control (Jul 2012)
Wood and Chemistry – or How to Combine Bob Heath's Two Passions into Entomology Research (Jul 2012)
Adventures in Fruit Fly Attractants – Multiple Phases of Bob Heath’s Research to Develop the Food-based Attractant for Tropical Tephritids (Jul 2012)
Nondestructive NIR reflectance spectroscopic method for rapid fatty acid analysis of peanut seeds (Jul 2012)
Growing season greenhouse gas flux from switchgrass in the northern Great Plains (Jul 2012)
Full length genome analysis of Vesicular Stomatitis New Jersey Virus strains representing the phylogenetic and geographic diversity of the virus (Jul 2012)
Transcriptome and methylome interactions in rice hybrids (Jul 2012)
Biochemistry of plant class IV chitinases and fungal chitinase-modifying proteins (Jul 2012)
Suppression of Bromus tectorum L. by established perennial grasses: mechanisms-Part One (Jul 2012)
Being Selective (Jul 2012)
A grain scale non-equilibrium sediment transport model for unsteady flow (Jul 2012)
Field Evaluation of a Kudzu/Cottonseed Oil Formulation on the Persistence of the Beet Armyworm Nucleopolyhedrovirus (Jul 2012)
Genome-wide identification of differentially expressed genes under water deficit stress in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (Jul 2012)
Distinct soil bacterial communities revealed under a diversely managed agroecosystem (Jul 2012)
Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes on ham and bologna using pectin-based apple, carrot, and hibiscus edible films containing Carvacrol and Cinnamaldehyde (Jul 2012)
Spatial interrelationships between wheat phenology, thermal time, and terrain attributes (Jul 2012)
Showy partridge pea [Chamaecrista fasciculate (Michx.) Greene] with potential for cultivation as a multi-functional species in the United States. (Jul 2012)
Prohexadione-Ca improves the establishment and subsequent yield of alfalfa interseeded into silage corn (Jul 2012)
LAMP (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification of DNA) - A technique for biotype discrimination in Bemisia tabaci (Jul 2012)
Genome-wide identification of host genes directly regulated by Marek’s disease virus (MDV) oncoprotein Meq (Jul 2012)
The effects of integrated treatment of UV light and low dose gamma radiation on Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica on grape tomatoes (Jul 2012)
Thermal inactivation of shiga toxin-producing 0157:H7 (ECOH) and non-0157:H7 shiga toxin-producing (STEC) Escherichia coli cells in wafers of ground beef (Jul 2012)
Prevalence and levels of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) in ready-to-eat foods (RTE) at retail. (Jul 2012)
Prevalence and enumeration of microorganisms on catfish nuggets (Jul 2012)
Incidence and inactivation of Listeria spp. on frozen shrimp (Jul 2012)
Inactivation of foodborne pathogens on crawfish tail meat using cryogenic freezing and gamma radiation (Jul 2012)
Effect of storage and cooking on viability of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in/on goetta (Jul 2012)
Comparison of 2010-2011 H3N2 influenza A viruses isolated from swine and the A(H3N2)v isolated from humans in 2011 (Jul 2012)
Potential odorous volatile organic compound emissions from feces and urine from cattle fed corn-based diets with wet distillers grains and solubles (Jul 2012)
Initial analysis of copy number variations in Holstein cattle selected for high or low feed efficiency (Jul 2012)
The kinetics of urinary fumonisin B1 excretion in humans consuming maize-based diets (Jul 2012)
Moth pheromone receptors and deceitful parapheromones (Jul 2012)
Notice of release of sugarcane variety Ho 05-961 (Jul 2012)
Quantifying gaps in understanding of crop and ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 (Jul 2012)
Identifying physiological gains in the historic Midwest soybean germplasm (Jul 2012)
Comparative transcriptomics implicates glutathione as a key regulator of ozone tolerance in legume crops (Jul 2012)
Effect of storage temperature on the survival and growth of Listeria monocyotogenes populations in the presence of indigenous surface microflora of fresh-cut cantaloupes (Jul 2012)
Nutrient losses in runoff from conventional and no-till pearl millet on pre-wetted ultisols fertilized with broiler litter (Jul 2012)
Effects of simulated acid rain on the allelopathic potential of invasive weed Wedelia trilobata (Jul 2012)
Brachypodium as a model for investigations of nonhost resistance to stem rust (Jul 2012)
To stop or not to stop, that's the question: A guide to terminating Lygus controls (Jul 2012)
A genome-wide regulatory framework identifies maize Pericarp Color1 (P1) controlled genes (Jul 2012)
Analysis of E. coli O157:H7 strains isolated from raw beef contamination events (Jul 2012)
Characterization of E. coli O157:H7 strains associated with super-shedding cattle (Jul 2012)
Cell culture attenuation eliminates rMd5deltaMeq-induced bursal and thymic atrophy and renders the mutant virus as an effective and safe vaccine against Marek's disease (Jul 2012)
Causes and implications of colloid and microorganism retention hysteresis (Jul 2012)
Chapter 05: energy metabolism in fasting, fed, exercise and re-feeding states (Jul 2012)
Manipulation of microbial community in fly development media to develop novel control strategies (Jul 2012)
The hordeum toolbox - the barley CAP genotype and phenotype resource (Jul 2012)
Ingestion of a novel galactoglucomannan oligosaccharide-arabinoxylan (GGMO-AX) complex affected growth performance and fermentative and immunological characteristics of broiler chicks challenged with Salmonella typhimurium (Jul 2012)
Effects of oligosaccharides in a soybean meal-based diet on fermentative and immune responses in broiler chicks challenged with Eimeria acervulina (Jul 2012)
A century and a half of research on the Stable Fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae), 1862-2011: an annotated bibliography (Jul 2012)
Soil carbon accumulation after short-term use of rye as a winter cover crop (Jul 2012)
The contribution of arbusclar mycorrhizal fungi to the success or failure of agricultural practices (Jul 2012)
Early weaning in Northern Great Plains beef cattle production systems: III. Steer weaning, finishing and carcass characteristics (Jul 2012)
New species and previously unknown males of neotropical cleptobiotic stingless bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Lestrimelitta) (Jul 2012)
Retention of heavy metals in a Typic Kandiudult amended different manure-based biochars (Jul 2012)
The chicken frizzle feather is due to an a-keratin (KRT75) mutation that causes a defective rachis (Jul 2012)
Homology modelling and analysis of structure predictions of the bovine rhinitis B virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) (Jul 2012)
Last Modified: 09/16/2012
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