2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_01

2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_01

Archie Elam, U.S. Military Academy Class of 1976, said his attendance at the 2012 West Point Diversity Leadership Conference, was because of his lifelong passion on the topic which has greatly impacted his life. The theme of the 13th annual conference, Oct. 3-4, was “Diversity: The Road to Readiness.” Photo by Mike Strasser/USMA PAO

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2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_02

2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_02

Dr. Klon Kitchen spoke on religious diversity within Army culture during the first day of the conference and the next day on diversity and religious liberties. The two-day conference featured lectures, panel discussions and presentations on a variety of diversity leadership topics—with focus on urban outreach, faith and belief, gender, bullying and hazing. Photo by Mike Strasser/USMA PAO

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2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_03

2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_03

Gen. Dennis L. Via, commanding general of the U.S. Army Materiel Command, spoke briefly with Class of 2014 Cadet Jozlyn Mccaw and Class of 2013 Cadet Triada Cross, when he attended the 13th annual Diversity Leadership Conference, Oct. 3. Photo by Mike Strasser/USMA PAO

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2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_04

2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_04

U.S. Corps of Cadets Commandant Brig. Gen. Theodore Martin opened the panel discussion about bullying and hazing Oct. 3 at Eisenhower Hall for the 13th annual West Point Diversity Leadership Conference. Photo by Mike Strasser/USMA PAO

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2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_05

2012 Diversity Leadership Conference_05

Gen. Dennis L. Via, the commanding general of U.S. Army Materiel Command, spoke at the 13th annual West Point Diversity Leadership Conference to a luncheon audience of more than 100 attendees inside Eisenhower Hall Oct. 3. Photo by Mike Strasser/USMA PAO

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