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ITL/HPCVG Contribution to IEEE Conference Wins Best Paper Award

October 2009


A paper co-authored by four ITL (two HPCVG) computer scientists, was cited as Best Paper at the 20th Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC) held in Tokyo, Japan on September 13-16, 2009. PMIRC is a major conference of the IEEE Communications Society; some 648 papers were presented there this year. The cited paper, "A Statistical Path Loss Model for Medical Implant Communication Channels,", describes a new model to characterize RF propagation from medical implants. The model was obtained using data from extensive computational simulations of four near surface and two deep tissue implants in a typical male human body. In addition, the team developed a novel immersive visualization facility to perform postprocessing and analysis of the simulation results. The path loss models obtained in this study have been adopted by the IEEE 802.15 task group TG6 on body area networks. The paper results from a collaboration among Kamran Sayrafian-Pour, Wen-Bin Yang, John Hagedorn, and Judith Terrill of ITL and Kamya Yekeh Yazdandoost of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology in Yokosuka, Japan. The effort was enabled by ITL's program on Pervasive Information Technology.


  • John G. Hagedorn
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