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Biological Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

November 2007

Dick Smith Elected to HUPO Council

Congratulations to Dick Smith, who was elected to a 2-year term to the Council of the Human Proteome Organisation at the HUPO World Congress in Seoul, Korea, October 10. HUPO is an international scientific organization representing and promoting proteomics through international cooperation and collaborations by fostering the development of new technologies, techniques and training. The HUPO Council is the organization’s decision-making body.

Dr. Smith, a Battelle Fellow who is Chief Scientist and Director of Proteomics for the Biological Sciences Division, is an internationally known proteomics expert. His current research emphasis involves the development and application of new methods for quantitatively probing the proteome, which is the entire array of proteins expressed by a cell, tissue or organism. Smith is Director of the Proteomics Research Resource for Integrative Biology at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He has authored or coauthored more than 600 publications, and has been awarded 30 patents and seven R&D 100 Awards.

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