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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Technology Assessment: Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Post-Discharge Care in Heart Failure

Table of Contents

Appendix C

C1a. Cost among patients with interventions beginning inpatient versus control

Author Year Country Centers Intervention y N patients Followup months Quality N-Intervention Cost_
P-Value Comments
Naylor 2004 USA M 1997-01 239 12   118 7636 121 12481   0.002 US Dollars
Koelling 2005 USA S 2001-02 223 6   107 5369 116 8292 -2823 0.035 US Dollars
Capomolla 2002 Italy S   234 12   112 2244 122 2409     Euros
Kasper 2002 USA M 1996-98 200 6   102 16182 98 8789   NS US Dollars
Laramee 2003 USA S 1999-00 287 3   141 23054 146 25536   NS US Dollars
Cline 1998 Sweden S 1991-3 190 12   80 2294 110 3594   NS US Dollars (cost in survivors)
Stewart 1998 Australia S nd 97 6   49 3200 48 5400   NS Australian Dollar
Atienza 2004 Spain M   338 16 A 164 2912 174 5417 -2505   Euros
Del Sindaco 2007 Italy M 2001-02 173 6   86 149660.2 87 248372.3 -98712.1   Euros
Barth 2001 USA S nd 34 3   17 401.81 17 124.68     US Dollars
Rich 1995 USA S 1988-89 98 3   63   35   -460   US Dollars (per patient per month = - $153)
McDonald 2002 UK S 1998-00 98 3   51 9974 47 47190 -37216   Euros

C1b. Combined endpoints of mortality or readmission in the intervention beginning inpatient compared with control group

Author Year N patients Followup months N-Interventions Combined events N Control Combined events RR P-Value   Primary endpoint
Del Sindaco 2007 173 6 86 40 87 56 0.36 <0.001 RRR 0.167-0.509 yes
Ledwidge 2005 130 3 62 4 68 12 0.37 0.04 OR = 0.07-0.84 yes
Atienza 2004 338 16 164 0.7 174 1.17 0.47 <0.01 Patient per year yes
Stewart 1998 97 6 49 0.8 48 1.4 0.56 0.03 Patient per year yes
Koelling 2005 223 6 107 50 116 74 0.65 0.018 0.45-0.93 yes
Kasper 2002 200 6 102 50 98 72 0.67 NS P=0.03, Poisson model yes
Dunagan 2005 151 12 76 53 75 57 0.69 ns 0.47-1.01 No
Linne 2006 230 6 122 58 108 55 0.93 ns   yes
Cline 1998 190 12 80 56 110 79 0.97 NS   No
Nucifora 2006 200 6 99 95 101 90 1.08 NS   yes

C2a. Cost incurred among interventions post discharge versus control group

Author Year Country N patients Followup months N-Intervention Cost intervention N control Cost control Difference P-Value Comments
Stewart 1999 Australia 200 6 100 490300 100 922600 -432300.00 ns Australian $
Krumholz 2002 USA 88 12 44 14420 44 21935 -7515.00 0.02  
Riegel 2006 USA 134 6 69 10015 69 13967 -3952.00 nd  
Morcillo 2005 Spain 70 6 34 314.8 36 1505.6 -1190.80 <.001 Euro
Riegel 2002 USA 358 6 130 1192 228 2186 -994.00 ns Inpatient Heart failure cost
Jerant 2001       12 28888 12 21595 7293.00 ns Group telesupport vs usual care
Jerant 2001 USA 37 6 13 29701 12 21595 8106.00 ns Home telecare vs usual care
Benatar 2003 USA 216 12 108 677710 108 500343 177367.00 ns Home Nurse Visit vs. Nurse telemanagement

C2b. Combined endpoints of mortality or death among interventions post discharge versus control group

Author Year Followup months N-Intervention CombEvents Intervention N Control CombEvents Control RR P-Value Quality
Thompson 2005 6 58 15 48 21 0.59 nd C
Stewart 1999 6 100 77 100 129 0.60 0.02 A
Krumholz 2002 12 44 25 44 36 0.69 0.01 B
Stromberg 2003 12 52 29 54 40 0.75 0.03 A
Doughty 2002 12 100 68 97 61 1.08 ns C

C3. Combined end points and costs incurred in patients beginning intervention in the outpatient clinic versus control group

Author Year Country Centers Intervention y N patients Followup months N-Intervention combined_
RR P-Value Comments
Sisk 2006 USA M 2000-02 406 12 203   203   #DIV/0!    
GESICA 2005 Argentina M 2000-01 1518 16 760 299 758 339 0.88 0.057  
Bouvy 2003 Netherlands M 1998-00 152 6 74 19 78 19 1.05 ns  
Murray 2007 USA M 2001-04 314 12 122   192   #DIV/0!   Mean Difference - $2960 per patient (-$7603 to $1388)


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