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Concise statement (5000 words or less) of the purpose, scope, and major findings of work reported in a scientific and technical information (STI) product.

Access Limitation

Intellectual property or distribution limitation category of an STI product

AN 241.1 (AN 241.1 Reference Copy)
A webform used by DOE Headquarters Programs and DOE site/facility management contractors to transmit metadata about an STI Product to OSTI for announcement, as appropriate.  The 241.1 metadata can also be provided to OSTI via harvesting or batch file submission.


AN 241.3 (AN 241.3 Reference Copy)

A webform used by financial assistance recipients and DOE non-site/facility management contractors to transmit metadata about an STI product to OSTI for announcement, as appropriate.


AN 241.4 (AN 241.4 Reference Copy)

A webform used to transmit metadata about a Software Product to ESTSC for announcement, as appropriate.



Transmission to the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) of an announcement record/metadata (DOE F 241.1, DOE F 241.3, or DOE F 241.4) or announcement record/metadata and entire STI product.  OSTI will control access based upon the needs of the STI product.


Announcement Record

Record containing metadata used to describe an STI product for announcement and availability.  The record is based on required data elements as well as optional data elements and transmitted to OSTI via the DOE F 241.1 (webform, harvesting, or batch submission), DOE F 241.3, or DOE F 241.4.


Applied Technology (Subset of OUO) 

Unclassified category of information established by DOE's Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (NE) to preserve the foreign trade value of certain NE-funded progress and topical reports containing engineering, development, design, construction, and operation information pertaining to particular programs, as designated by the cognizant NE program office.  Such designation is indicated through contractual requirements or in the task orders under which such information is developed.


Availability Statements


Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

Certain unclassified information requiring safeguarding and dissemination controls mandated by statute or policy. Examples of such information within DOE include Official Use Only (OUO), Export Controlled Information (ECI), Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI), Unclassified Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information (U-NNPI), and Protected Personally Identifiable Information (PII).  Within DOE, other terms have been used, such as Unclassified Controlled Information (UCI) and Sensitive Unclassified Information (SUI), to refer to information that warrants protection as CUI.  Note: Current government-wide efforts are underway to standardize CUI markings.


Copyright Notice

Statement that retains the nonexclusive right for the government to copy STI that was funded by a government agency although the copyright may be owned by a nongovernment entity.  For more information, review STI and Copyright



End product or outcome of a funded project or program and identified in a contract or work proposal.


Decentralized Electronic Environment

Sites have the option to host STI products in one of the acceptable electronic formats on their site’s server therefore providing an opportunity for OSTI to either link to the product or to harvest it. 


Departmental (or DOE) Elements

First‑tier organizations at Headquarters  (DOE organizations located in the Washington Metropolitan Area )and in the field (DOE sites (excluding individual duty stations) located outside of the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area). First‑tier at Headquarters includes the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretary, and secretarial officers (assistant secretaries and staff office directors). First‑tier elements in the field are managers of the eight operations offices, managers of the three field offices, and the administrators of the power marketing administrations.


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

A DOI is a unique identifier assigned to a digitized item that is used to identify information about the item and where it can be found on the Internet.  DOIs are permanent and do not change, although different versions of an article (i.e. preprint and published) can have different numbers.



A repudiation or denial of responsibility or connection. Specific disclaimers may be required based on funding agreements and characteristics of STI products.


Document Type Definition (DTD) 

The document type definition defines the document structure with a list of legal elements of a document.  



Refer to Digital Object Identifier.


Dublin Core

A set of meta-data elements used to describe electronic resources.


Export Controlled Information (Subset of OUO)

Unclassified technical information whose export is subject to export control and whose unrestricted public dissemination could help proliferates or potential adversaries of the United States.


Extensible Markup Language (XML)

XML (version 1.0 or above) is a true subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), designed to make it easy to interchange structured documents over the Internet.  XML files always clearly mark where the start and end of each of the logical parts (called elements) of an interchanged document occurs.  XML somewhat restricts the use of SGML constructs and defines how Internet Uniform Resource Locators can be used to identify component parts of XML data streams created specifically for use on the World Wide Web.  XML is an abbreviated version of SGML, omitting the more complex and less‑used parts of SGML in return for the benefits of being easier to write applications and more suited to delivery and interoperability over the Web.  XML files may still be parsed and validated in the same way as any other SGML file.


File Format(s)

The electronic format of an electronic STI product.  Acceptable electronic formats have been identified for the STI products posted on site’s Web pages and transmitted to OSTI.


Foreign Trip Reports

Foreign trip report information is maintained in a secure database accessible to DOE and authorized users.  It is sponsored by the Office of Nonproliferation and National Security (NN).



Harvesting is a tool for providing metadata about an STI Product to OSTI for announcement on STI Products, as appropriate.


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

HTML is a nonproprietary format for publishing documents on the Web.  Based upon SGML, HTML can be created and processed in a wide range of tools from simple plain text editors to sophisticated authoring tools.  HTML uses tags to structure text into headings, paragraphs, lists, hypertext links, etc.  HTML documents that conform to the HTML 3.2 or 4.0 document type definition (DTD) are by definition fully compliant SGML documents for the STI electronic environment. 


Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD)


Legacy Collection

Comprised of STI products, presently available only in paper form, spanning the period from the late 1940s to 2001, produced by government contractors, and by predecessors to the U.S. Department of Energy, i.e., the  Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), and the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA).


Life Cycle Information Management

Life Cycle information management indicates that information resources need to be managed as long as they are useful.  The activities involved include planning, coordinating, budgeting, organizing, protecting, delivering, storing, and disposition.


Limited Rights Data (Subset of OUO)
Formerly Proprietary/Trade Secrets.  Information that embodies trade secrets developed at private expense outside of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement and commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. (B)(4) and that is marked as proprietary information.  Information that contains trade secrets or commercial or financial information which is privileged or confidential, and may only include such information that  (a) has been held in confidence by its owner; (b) is of a type customarily held in confidence by its owner; (c) has not been transmitted to other entities except on the basis that it be held in confidence; and (d) is not otherwise available to the receiving party from another source without restriction on its further dissemination.


M&O Contractors

Management and operating contractors.  An organization that enters into an agreement under which the Government contracts for the operation, maintenance, or support, on its behalf, of a Government-owned or -controlled research, development, special production, or testing establishment wholly or principally devoted to one or more major programs of the contracting Federal agency.


Major Site/Facility Management Contractors

Term used to describe M&O contractors.



Data that describes the attributes of a document or other type of STI product and is

used for announcement and retrieval.


Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information

Information and/or hardware concerning the design, arrangement, development, manufacturing, testing, operation, administration, training, maintenance, and repair of the propulsion plants of Naval Nuclear Powered Ships including the associated shipboard and shore-based nuclear support facilities.


Non-Major Site/Facility Management Contractors

Term used to describe a non-M&O contractors.


Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)

The DOE office within the Office of Science that is the central point of coordination for the Department’s Scientific and Technical Information Program.  While scientific and technical information is primarily generated and managed at DOE field and contractor sites, the OSTI facility is the central point of coordination for customer access to DOE’s scientific and technical information resource and the ultimate repository for DOE STI.


Official Use Only

Information designated as Official Use Only is unclassified information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act.



A Web‑based database of all Departmental documents that have been declassified and determined to be publicly releasable, sponsored by the Headquarters Office of Classification and Information Control,  Non-STI OpenNet documents and metadata should be submitted to the Department via webform DOE F 475.1 which directly feeds the OpenNet database. STI OpenNet products and metadata should be submitted to OSTI via the DOE F 241.1 or batch file which will feed the OpenNet database. 


Originating Site

A term used in this Handbook to denote the organization that prepares and makes available an STI product.  In some cases, it is the same as the originating research organization (either DOE or DOE contractor).  For non-M&O generated STI products, the DOE awarding office may fulfill or delegate this role.  


Patent Pending (Subset of OUO)

A phrase that often appears on manufactured items, meaning that someone has applied for a patent on an invention that is contained in the manufactured items. Serves as a warning that a patent may issue that would cover the item and that copiers should be careful because they might infringe if the patent issues.


Persistent Identifier (PI)

A maintainable identifier that remains with a digital object, i.e., continues to provide access to the resource even if the resource has moved to a different location on the Internet.  See digital obejct identifier (DOI); persistent uniform resource locator (PURL); uniform resource locator (URL).


Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (PURL)

Uniform Resource Locator that is used to redirect the location of the requested Web resource. If a Web resource changes location, a PURL pointing to it can be updated. A user of a PURL always uses the same Web address, even if the item itself has moved. See digital object identifier (DOI); persistent identifier (PI); Uniform Resource Locator (URL).


Presentation Formats

Formats that capture the presentation form of a document (i.e., the look of the document when printed).  Presentation formats may or may not be full‑text searchable.  OSTI prefers to receive full‑text searchable versions of documents.


Portable Document Format (PDF)

Open file format specification invented by Adobe Systems Incorporated.  The PDF maintains almost complete fidelity to the original document and is an efficient solution for providing electronic access to documents. 


Portable Document Format (PDF) Non-Searchable

PDF non-searchable, also known as PDF Image, is a version of PDF that allows indexing.


Portable Document Format (PDF) Searchable

PDF searchable, also known as PDF Normal, is a version of PDF that allows indexing.


Program Determined OUO

Specific unclassified information that a program office has determined to be OUO and that is reflected in approved formal guidance.


Protected Data (Subset of OUO)


Publicly Releasable Information

Unclassified unlimited information that can be made available to anyone via the world-wide-web or any other means of availability.


R&D Project Identification Number

A unique and permanent project identifier that is assigned to an R&D project by either the DOE operations office, DOE program office, DOE laboratory, or other DOE organization.  The project ID may be included as a reference on the STI deliverable or accompanying transmittal document to relate the deliverable to the appropriate R&D funding source.



A copy of a journal article or similar document obtained from the publisher in the form in which it was published and may be copyrighted by the publisher.


Scientific and Technical Information (STI)

Scientific and Technical Information (STI) consists of the experimental, observational, and analytical findings and conclusions resulting from research and development activities, as well as other relevant associated information and data. DOE STI is the body of scientific, technical, or associated knowledge identified as having value to accomplish DOE's missions and support the advancement of science.


Scientific and Technical (S&T) Accomplishment Report

An S&T accomplishment report describes an outcome of R&D that has significantly affected commerce or standard of living or is recognized as a major scientific or technical advancement.  It reports scientific or technical results, as opposed to a research highlight, which describes a noteworthy current R&D project or field of investigation that, if successful, could lead to an S&T accomplishment.


Security Sensitive Information (Subset of OUO) 

Unclassified information of a sensitive nature, that if publicly disclosed could be expected to have a harmful impact on the security of Federal operations or assets, the public health or safety of the citizens of the United States or its residents, or the nation's long-term economic prosperity; and which describes, discusses, or reflects:  1) the ability of any element of the critical infrastructure of the United States to resist intrusion, interference, compromise, theft, or incapacitation by either physical or computer-based attack or other similar conduct that violates Federal, State, or local law; harms interstate, international commerce of the United States; or, threatens public health or safety; 2) any currently viable assessment, projection, or estimate of the security vulnerability of any element of the critical infrastructure of the United States, specifically including, but not limited to vulnerability assessment, security testing, risk evaluation, risk-management planning, or risk audit; and 3) any currently applicable operational problem or solution regarding the security of any element of the critical infrastructure of the United States, specifically including but not limited to the repair, recovery, redesign, reconstruction, relocation, insurance, and continuity of operations of any element.



Refer to Originating Site.



A generic, all‑encompassing term used to describe documents that provide a specified set of mandatory or discretionary rules, requirements, or conditions concerned with performance, design, operation, or measurements of quality to accomplish a specific task.  Standards may include Federal laws, regulations, State laws, Federal agency directives, national and international technical standards, codes of conduct, or even organizational or internal use only documents.  A standard includes a specified set of discretionary rules or conditions concerned with the classification of components; delineation of procedures; definition of terms; specifications of materials, performance, design, or operations; or measurements of quality in describing materials, products, systems, services or practices.


Sponsoring Organization

Also known as the funding office, the sponsoring organization is typically the DOE Headquarters program office that funds or sponsors the research activities.




Technical Report

Technical reports describe the results and findings of research and development projects and other DOE‑funded activities.  For direct‑procurement type awards, technical reports are formal documents usually identified as required reporting deliverables and may cover a specified time frame referred to as the reporting period.  For major site/facility contractors, in addition to formal reports, these may be any technical document that contains technical information useful to others, including the results of research determined not appropriate or rejected for open literature publication.



Refer to Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information.


Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI)

Certain unclassified but controlled government information concerning nuclear materials, weapons, and components whose dissemination is controlled under section 148 of the Atomic Energy Act.


Unclassified Unlimited Information (UNL)

Unclassified information that is publicly releasable.


Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

A global address for documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.









Last updated: April 13, 2011