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Agriculture Headlines

Emerald Ash Borer Found in Middle Tennessee for the First Time

  September 20, 2012

Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive insect that destroys ash trees, has recently been found in Smith and Jefferson counties. Smith is the first county in Middle Tennessee where EAB has been found. Both cases have been confirmed by USDA. ....Learn More

Tennessee's Apple Crop Down - But Still Delicious - Despite Challenging Season

  September 19, 2012

Despite weather challenges in 2012, Tennessee apple orchards will yield about 7.5 million lbs. of apples for harvest before a hard freeze ends the season....Learn More

TDA Now Accepting Water Quality Grant Proposals

  September 14, 2012

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture is now accepting grant proposals for projects that will help improve water quality and reduce or eliminate nonpoint source pollution....Learn More

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About the Tennessee Department of Agriculture

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture promotes local produce and products and ensures safe and dependable food and fiber for all while conserving our natural resources. Farming and forestry not only preserve a time-honored way of life, but they also fuel the state's economy. Agricultural production generates more than $2.8 billion annually in farm cash receipts and nearly $300 million generated by timber sales. The Department touches the lives of Tennesseans everyday through the food we eat, the fuel we pump, the clothes we wear, the wood products we use and the land we enjoy.

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