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In the News

USDA Announces 45th General Sign-Up for Conservation Reserve Program (Link to news release.)

Microloans are now available up to $35,000. (Link to news release.)

USDA Announces Important Updates on the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) Program. (Link to news release.)

Claims Period Deadline is March 25 for Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers (Link to English and Spanish release and materials )
If you are a Hispanic or woman farmer or rancher who believes you have received discriminatory treatment at USDA because you are Hispanic or female, you may be eligible to submit a claim and receive a payment. (Link to further information.)

California Meetings Upcoming for Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers

- Camarillo - Mar. 6, 5:30 pm
- Salinas - Mar. 7, 5:30 pm

Notice to Hispanic and/or Women Farmers or Ranchers

Reminder: Hispanic and Women Farmers and Ranchers Claims must be postmarked by March 25.

Click below if you are a woman or Hispanic farmer and believe you were improperly denied farm loan benefits by USDA between 1981 and 2000. You may be eligible for compensation.


HISPANIC and WOMEN Claims - Order Claim Forms


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In the Spotlight



Farm Bill 08
Farm Bill Programs


  • See “Important Dates” under Hot Links on this website for program deadlines.

  • Be sure to contact your local office NOW for an appointment or more information.


Risk Management Requirement in LFP, ELAP, SURE

FSA disaster assistance programs now include a Risk Management Requirement for eligibility. Carrying crop insurance or Noninsured Crop Assistance Program (NAP) coverage meets this requirement but there are differences between program requirements.

For the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) eligibility requires that only the grazed land in the LFP application be covered by crop insurance or NAP

The ELAP and SURE programs stipulate that all crops in all counties must be covered by crop insurance or NAP to maintain eligibility, something to remember when applying for those programs on any crop. The extended deadline for 2008 crop year SURE applications has just passed. Watch for further information regarding SURE application deadlines for crop years 2009 and 2010.



Disaster Programs

  • SURE Fact Sheet. Find a comprehensive Fact Sheet about the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments program by clicking here.

  • SURE Program Calculator - To access this self-help tool for the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments program, click here.

  • Find a chart describing the general provisions of the 2008 Farm Bill Disaster Assistance Programs by clicking here: Chart.


USDA Enacts Farm Program Eligibility Changes in Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and Attribution Criteria (see release)


From the State Executive Director ...

Val Dolcini
I am honored to serve as the State Executive Director for the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) in California and I welcome you to our state website. Our primary mission is to assist California's farmers and ranchers secure the greatest possible benefit from programs administered by FSA such as farm loans, commodity price support, disaster relief, conservation, and other available resources. The hard working men and women of California's 30 county offices are at the forefront of our efforts and they remain the primary contact for program participation and related questions.

California's diverse agricultural bounty feeds the entire world and I look forward to working with farmers and ranchers from throughout our great state on the issues and challenges ahead. I encourage you to contact me at FSA's California State Office with any questions you may have about our programs or operations.

All the best,

Val Dolcini
State Executive Director


Obama Administration Names Appointees to USDA's Farm Service Agency State Committee in California (click here for more information)

Ronald Kelley
Ronald Kelley

Reis Soares
Reis Soares
Michael Honig
Michael Honig











Pete Navarro
Pete Navarro

June Van Wingerden
June Van Wingerden


Who we are:

The Farm Service Agency is a federal agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Located in all 50 states, our mission is to help American farmers provide reasonably priced food and fiber to the nation and the world.

In California, the State Office is located in the Richard Lyng USDA Building in Davis, California, just west of Sacramento. County Service Centers are located in 30 California towns and serve the needs of area farmers and ranchers. For County Office phone numbers and addresses: County Information pages.

The Farm Service Agency State Committee in California oversees the activities of the agency. The members are appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture each year. They hear appeals from local farmers and guide the direction of agency policy.


Call or write to us at:
United States Department of Agriculture
Farm Service Agency
430 G Street, Suite 4161
Davis, CA 95616-4161
(530) 792-5520





Last Modified: 02/19/13 3:19:51 PM

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