Enriching lives by protecting, restoring and utilizing Nebraska's tree and forest resources

Nebraska Forest Service: A Brief Overview

Forests and trees are an important resource in Nebraska. The native and planted woodlands of Nebraska provide benefits for all citizens, including protection for our valuable soils, recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat, wood products and beauty.

As a part of the University of Nebraska, the Nebraska Forest Service provides education and services to the people of Nebraska covering all aspects of planting, protection, care and utilization of our forest and tree resources.

Learn more about Nebraska's forest resources by visiting the State Forester's page and find out about NFS technical assistance, programs and resources.

We have authored a variety of publications and provide access to publications and online resources from forestry organizations and agencies across the country.

If you have a tree question or any question about Nebraska Forest Service programs, ask a forester!

Nebraska Forest Facts

1.24 million

There are approximately 1.24 million acres of forest land in Nebraska.

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Eighty-eight percent of Nebraska’s forest land is owned by private landowners.

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1.1 million

Approximately 94 percent (1.1 million acres) of Nebraska’s forest land is capable of producing commercial timber. This is nearly twice Nebraska’s timberland acreage in 1984.

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1.8 billion

The estimated volume of all live trees on Nebraska timberland is approximately 1.8 billion cubic feet (38 million dry tons).

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1.8 million

Nebraska's forests produce 1.8 million net tons/wood/year each year.

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5.7 million

Approximately 5.7 million cubic feet (91,000 tons) of industrial roundwood was harvested from Nebraska forests in 2000; approximately 95 percent of this lumber was sawlogs. Of this, 70 percent was processed at Nebraska sawmills.

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Eighty-nine percent of wood residue generated in Nebraska’s sawmills is used for products such as specialty boards, animal bedding, litter, mulch and industrial fuel.

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Nebraska's annual economic output from the forest products industry is $286 million.

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2,200 people are employed in the Nebraska forest products industry.

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Community trees provide $92 million in benefits from protection, pollution removal, and carbon capture and storage.

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There are more than 13,000 miles of farmstead and acreage windbreaks that save Nebraskans millions in increased crop yields and provide protection for soil and water.

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More than 500,000 acres of Nebraska burned in the 2012 wildfires, the largest on record.

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No longer is the Pine Ridge the single largest continuous expanse of ponderosa pine in Nebraska. That honor now belongs to the Niobrara River Valley, with 225,000 acres.

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There are 38,000 new acres of eastern redcedar forest every year in Nebraska.

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More than 200,000 tons of eastern redcedar biomass is added to Nebraska's forests each year.

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54 million

There are more than 54 million ash trees in Nebraska, representing about 12% of all community trees, which could be threatened by Emerald Ash Borer in the near future.

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13.3 million

There are more than 13.3 million public and private trees in Nebraska communities.

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Potential revenue from eastern redcedar utilized as biofuel in Nebraska: $9.8 million.

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The redcedar-fueled boiler at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis heats more than 200,000 square feet of building space.

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An estimated 48,000 pines and spruces are at risk of dying from drought following a hot, dry 2012.

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Nebraska Forest Service's estimated annual economic impact and public benefit: $34 million.

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The Nebraska Forest Service has refurbished more than 480 used military vehicles for use by rural fire districts.

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The Nebraska Forest Service has saved Nebraska fire departments more than $45 million by refurbishing and repurposing used military vehicles into usable fire equipment.

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