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Chemical & Materials Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

February 2011

Roger Rousseau Elected to Advise National User Facility

Congratulations to Dr. Roger J. Rousseau, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, on being elected to the User Advisory Committee at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory. Rousseau, an active EMSL user, is well known for his expertise in molecular science computation with current applications in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.

"I've always been very impressed with the people who work at EMSL. It's an honor to be elected as ambassador for the users of this vital community," said Rousseau.

Rousseau delves into the computational descriptions of matter and energy at the atomic level, focusing on the science of surfaces and catalytic reactions. He participates in the Center on Molecular Electrocatalysis and PNNL's Institute for Integrated Catalysis. Rousseau's projects highlight his ability to integrate theoretical and experimental data in heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis.

"Roger's contributions to the scientific community demonstrate a close coupling between well-designed experiments and theoretical modeling. It's just what EMSL encourages to accelerate scientific discovery," said Mark Engelhard, EMSL surface scientist.

The User Advisory Committee at EMSL was chartered to represent the needs and views of scientists who use the facility to the EMSL Director. The committee has access to user surveys, and collects input from the staff and EMSL administration to make recommendations. EMSL is a Department of Energy national scientific user facility located at the PNNL.

Rousseau is one of 13 scientists elected from around the world to support the EMSL user community. See more information on the UAC.

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