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Biological Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

October 2011

Josh Adkins to Participate in Keck Futures Initiative Conference

Congratulations to systems biologist Dr. Joshua Adkins, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, who is one of three PNNL scientists invited to participate in the ninth annual National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Conference, November 10-13 in Irvine, CA. The conference brings together the country's leading researchers in diverse scientific fields to jointly tackle a complex, pressing problem with a multidisciplinary approach.

This year's conference focuses on how to best balance the benefits that humans receive from ecosystems with the planet's environmental needs. Adkins has been assigned to the "How do ecosystem services affect infectious and chronic diseases?" team.  Attendees can also compete for grant funding to pursue new ideas generated during the conference.

Adkins has conducted research at PNNL since 2001. His research centers on comprehensive characterization of proteins through space and time to better understand biological systems. Currently, Adkins is Director of the Center for Systems Biology of EnteroPathogens, funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the leader of a Protein Structure Initiative: Biology Center from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. These Centers are using high-throughput experimental 'omics technologies with multidisciplinary researchers for the better understanding of bacterial-based infectious diseases, such as foodborne Salmonella and vector borne Yersinia.

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