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Chemical & Materials Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

August 2011

Bridging the Catalysis Divide

Symposium at American Chemical Society brings together scientists from across the disciplines

Congratulations to Dr. Donghai Mei and Dr. Roger Rousseau, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Dr. Wei-Xue Li, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, on organizing a week-long symposium to connect across the various divides in catalysis. The symposium will cover molecular and heterogeneous catalysis, theory and experimentation, and fundamental science and applied research in biofuels, batteries, and other energy sources.

"To drive the field forward, we need all of these perspectives," said Rousseau.

The people presenting at the event and those attending are from North America, Europe, and  Asia. By bringing the experts together to present their work and answer questions, the organizers are taking an important step in forging a common understanding of different terms and studies.

"Our goal is to bring people together to bridge the different scientific backgrounds and vocabularies in catalysis," said Mei.

The symposium will be held at the 242nd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition as part of the Division of Fuel Chemistry. The runs from August 28 to September 1 in Denver, Colorado. 

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