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Chemical & Materials Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

August 2011

Greg Exarhos to Present Brazilian Scientific Congress Plenary Lecture

Congratulations to Dr. Greg Exarhos, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, on being invited to give a prestigious conference-wide talk at the Brazilian Congress on Applications of Vacuum in Industry and Science. At this annual event, held this year in Itajubá, in the Minas Gerais state of the Federative Republic of Brazil, fundamental and applied researchers exchange information on vacuum technologies and applications, including alternative energy solutions.

In his plenary talk, Exarhos will discuss how thin film vacuum deposition technologies and post deposition film modification have enhanced the performance of conjungate property films. Such materials combine multiple properties together in a non-intuitive way. For example, a conjungate property film could be both transparent and conduct electricity, making it ideal for use in solar photovoltaic or solid state lighting applications. In addition to giving his talk, Exarhos will actively participate in the graduate student poster session.

"Getting to talk with the students and being able to answer their questions, really engaging with them, makes the trip worth it," said Exarhos.

Having Exarhos give the talk was a natural choice because of his pioneering research in thin film deposition and properties modification. His studies have opened up venues in optical and electronic coatings and nanoscale material design. He is also active in the scientific community. Currently, he serves as Chair of the Governance Committee for AVS, a U.S. scientific society. He has served as AVS President, Board of Directors member, Publications Committee Chair, and Long Range Planning Committee Chair.

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