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Computational Sciences & Mathematics Division
Staff Awards & Honors

July 2009

Daniel Chavarria Spoke on Applying Cray XMT for Large-Scale Graphs

Daniel Chavarria, a senior computational researcher at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, gave a presentation at the 2009 Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Annual Meeting as part of the symposium on High-Performance Computing on Massive Real-World Graphs.  Chavarria's invited talk, titled "Scalable & efficient parallelization of graph methods for Boolean satisfiability and power grid analysis on the Cray XMT," focused on the challenges and successes in the implementation of graph-based algorithms on the Cray XMT system at PNNL.

"Graph-based algorithms have broad applicability to many different areas of science and technology.  Unfortunately, executing them efficiently for large-scale graphs requires a significant time and resource investment on traditional HPC systems," says Chavarria. "The Cray XMT multithreaded architecture provides specialized hardware designed for the efficient parallel execution of highly irregular codes, such as those derived from graph algorithms."

The SIAM'09 meeting was held from July 6 through July 10.

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