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Chemical & Materials Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

July 2012

Johannes Lercher Invited to Give First Vladimir Haensel Invitational Lecturer in Catalysis

Johannes Lercher
Johannes Lercher,
First Vladimir Haensel Invitational Lecturer in Catalysis, UOP LLC

Congratulations to Dr. Johannes Lercher, Director of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Institute for Integrated Catalysis, on being selected as the first Vladimir Haensel Invitational Lecturer in Catalysis. This lecture, organized by UOP LLC, honors Haensel's pioneering work with platinum catalysts, vital to the refining and petrochemicals industry.

As the recipient of the lectureship, Lercher will give an hour-long talk at UOP, meet with technical leaders, and host an informal discussion. UOP is the leading international supplier and licensor for the refining, gas processing, and petrochemical production industries. Today, more than 60 percent of the world's gasoline and 85 percent of biodegradable detergents are made using UOP technology.

This invitation recognizes Lercher's contributions to the fundamental science of catalysis. His work includes research into catalyzed reactions involving fossil fuels and alternative feedstocks such as biomass. In particular, this invitation recognizes Lercher's work in zeolite structure-function relationships, which exemplify the contributions Haensel cherished.

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