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Chemical & Materials Sciences Division
Staff Awards & Honors

August 2011

Jay Grate Named EMSL Research Fellow

Congratulation to Dr. Jay Grate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, on being selected as a Wiley Research Fellow at EMSL, a national scientific user facility. The Research Fellow program recognizes scientists who make significant contributions to EMSL and its user program outside of individual research efforts. Grate is an internationally recognized leader in sensors and nanostructured materials in analytical chemistry and holds the position of Laboratory Fellow at PNNL, where EMSL is located.

Grate integrates chemical, material and measurement sciences into new microanalytical principles, methods and systems. He has contributed significantly to EMSL since it opened in 1997, particularly in advancing microtechnologies such as micromodeling experimental capabilities, developing sensing methods for microenvironments, and revitalizing the microfabrication facility. Grate was interim associate director of EMSL from 2000 to 2001. His current roles associated with EMSL include principal investigator for development of fluorescent sensing "optodes" to measure oxygen concentrations and gradients within micromodels; contributing investigator for sensing and surface modification to support the PNNL Carbon Sequestration Initiative; and mentor for several staff scientists.

As a Research Fellow, Grate will contribute to EMSL decision-making processes, including serving on advisory committees and participating on new capability proposals. In 2011, Grate was named a Battelle Distinguished Inventor.

The Fellows program is named after William R. Wiley, a former PNNL Director who was the driving force for realizing the vision of EMSL as a world-class user facility. Wiley believed that EMSL would help the world respond to scientific challenges that depended on environmental molecular science.

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