Better Plants Logo
    Better Plants Challenge Logo

    10 leading manufacturers have stepped up to the Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge. Challenge Partners provide transparency around their market-leading strategies, actions, and results to help other organizations replicate their success.

    The Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge is the industrial component of the Better Buildings Challenge – a national, multi-sector energy efficiency leadership initiative. Leading CEOs and executives of U.S. companies, universities, school districts and state and local governments are taking the Challenge and committing to reduce the energy used across their building portfolios by 20% or more by 2020.

    114 Better Buildings, Better Plants Program Partners are demonstrating their commitment to energy savings by signing a voluntary pledge to reduce energy intensity by 25% over ten years. Partners are implementing cost-effective energy efficiency improvements that save money, create jobs, promote energy security, and strengthen the competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing sector. Collectively, these companies are showing that good energy management practices are good for business, good for the economy, and good for the environment.



     List of Program Partners

    Read the Program guidePDF and FAQs. Learn how other companies are achieving their goals: watch webinars, read case studies, and view presentations from showcases. ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance certification are helping companies achieve their goals along with DOE tools and training. Some companies are sharing DOE resources with their supply chains and encouraging them to set their own energy savings goals. For more information, email

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    Any company in the U.S. manufacturing sector can become a Program Partner, regardless of size or level of energy management expertise. Partners set ambitious energy efficiency goals and champion continuous improvement in energy management throughout their companies.

    Companies joining the Better Plants Program:


    Sign a voluntary pledge to reduce energy intensity by 25% over ten years corporate wide


    Develop an energy use baseline and track the change in energy intensity


    Designate a corporate energy manager and have an up-to-date energy management plan for internal use within one year


    Report energy data, number of plants involved, and progress each year.

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    Benefits companies receive by participating in the Better Plants Program include national recognition and technical support from DOE.

    National Recognition

    Program Partners receive national recognition when they sign the pledge and achieve progress toward energy intensity targets, including:

    • Welcome letter from DOE and feature on DOE website

    • Congratulatory letter from DOE after achieving an annual improvement rate equal to or better than 2.5%

    • Letter and plaque from DOE upon achieving 10-year target.

    Promotional materials including program logo are available to publicize participation, both internally and externally.

    Technical Support

    By partnering with DOE, Program Partners can:

    • Access a technical account manager

      • Receive help in establishing and analyzing key energy use data and metrics for the development of baselines and energy management plans

      • Obtain support in identifying emerging, energy-efficient technologies applicable to plant operations

      • Apply for in-plant trainings on how to identify, prioritize, implement, and replicate energy saving projects.

    • Participate in training on financing options, advanced technology, energy analysis software, energy management, and other topics

    • Use proven energy analysis software tools and other technical resources from DOE, states, utilities and other partner organizations.

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