Mission and Goals


 Data Center Cooling

 Thermoplastic Molding

 Low-Power Server

Aerial image of Yahoo!'s data center in Lockport, New York.

Photo credit: Yahoo!

Yahoo!: Data Center Coop Concept for Cooling

  • Design based on chicken coop uses ambient air for cooling 99% of the time

  • 125 full-time jobs created in Lockport, NY

Induction molding press with seatback tool installed in the press at AjaxTOCCO, Madison Heights, Michigan.

Photo credit: The Boeing Company

Boeing: Induction Consolidation Molding of Thermoplastic Components

  • Enables rapid component manufacturing cycles

  • In aerospace sector, lowers energy intensity 75%

  • In wind turbine blade manufacture, reduces
    energy intensity 40%

Image of a SeaMicro motherboard.

Photo credit: SeaMicro

SeaMicro: Low-Power Server

  • Reduces power use by volume servers 75%

  • Shrinks footprint to 1/6th of conventional volume servers

  • Created 95 high-paying U.S. jobs in 2011; more expected


  • Develop and demonstrate new, energy-efficient processing and materials technologies at a scale adequate to prove their value to manufacturers and spur investment.

    • Develop broadly applicable manufacturing processes that reduce energy intensity and improve production.

    • Develop and demonstrate pervasive materials technologies, enabling improved products that use less energy throughout their lifecycles.

  • Conduct technology deployment activities that promote use of advanced technologies and better energy management to capture U.S. competitive advantage.


Reduce by 50% in 10 years the life-cycle energy consumption of manufactured goods by targeting the production and use of advanced manufacturing technologies.