USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program

Recent Publications
Selected New Publications
Selected recent publications representative of the Toxic Substances Hydrology Program's scientific contributions and accomplishments.
  Upcoming Publications
Selected upcoming (in press) publications from the Toxic Substances Hydrology Program to look for in the coming months.
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Publications by Category in the Bibliography
Pages with listings of publications in the Toxics Program's bibliography by categories (publication type, crosscutting topic, investigation, ...).

On-Line Fact Sheets
The Toxics Program publishes short fact sheets on a variety of topics.
The Toxics Program's bibliography includes:
  • 5,611 total references
  • 4,170 on-line publications
  • 2,446 articles in peer reviewed journals
  • 720 publications on models and model applications
  • 929 publications on field and laboratory methods
  • 161 student dissertations
Recent Publication Headlines   Graphs
Highlights of specific accomplishments associated with Toxics Program publications.

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Graph of the number of publicaitons each year in the bibliography
Number of publicaitons each year in the bibliography.

Graph of the number of journal articles each year in the bibliography
Number of peer reviewed articles each year in the bibliography.

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Page Last Modified:Monday, 11-Apr-2011 13:57:28 EDT