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Sustainable Polymers Group

The Sustainable Polymers Group provides measurement methods, data and technology enabling the use of polymeric materials which conserve natural resources through expanded use of biomass feedstocks, green chemistry and advanced technologies for water quality and infrastructure. Our broad range of expertise, including synthetic organic polymer chemistry, continuous flow processes, macromolecular characterization, thin film and bulk mechanics of soft materials and efficient methods for structure and morphology characterization of soft materials, enables us to to address other critical national needs, such as measurements of ballistic fibers and other polymeric materials used in personal body armor.

COMPLETED:  Macromolecule and Nanoparticle Composition and Architecture—We develop quantitative methods for the analysis of macromolecules having complex architectures and nanoparticles having organic functionalities. Our approaches leverage new concepts in mass …

Membranes for Clean Water—The goal of this project is to develop quantitative measurement methods for determining the structure, dynamics, and mechanical properties of polymer membranes used in water purification, enabling …

Sustainable Composites—The objective of this project is the develop of tools to measure the fundamental structure-processing and structure -property relations …

Personal Body Armor—Our goal is to prevent the catastrophic failure of ballistic body armor by developing measurements and predictive models to test and determine the long-term reliability of polymers used in …

Renewable Polymers—Economic growth, such as that experienced in developed countries over the last century, cannot continue into the next century nor spread to less developed countries unless industries and societies …

COMPLETED:  NIST Combinatorial Methods Center (NCMC)— Our goal is to enable industrial acquisition of combinatorial and high-throughput measurement approaches for polymeric materials research and development. Leveraging a unique “open …

COMPLETED:  Polymer Formulations—Our goal is to develop combinatorial and high-throughput measurement approaches for rapid characterization of the structure and phase behavior of multicomponent fluid mixtures, as needed to advance …

COMPLETED:  Nanoscale Thermal Properties Project—Our goal is to develop measurement techniques to characterize the changes in thermal transport and thermal transition temperatures in polymeric and hybrid materials induced by nanoscale confinement …

COMPLETED: Combinatorial Approaches to Thin Film Nanomaterials—Our goal is to develop combinatorial library approaches for measuring and optimizing the effect of substrate chemical functionalization on the structure and performance of polymer thin film …


Material Measurement Laboratory (MML)

Polymers Division
Kathryn L. Beers, Group Leader

301-975-2113 Telephone
301-975-4924 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8542
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8542