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Dr. Martin L. Green

Research Interests

  • Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainable Development
  • Combinatorial materials science
  • Thermoelectric materials
  • Novel film deposition processes, e.g., atomic layer deposition
  • MEMS-based nanocalorimetry
  • Novel materials for silicon microelectronics, to enable further "Moore's Law" scaling

Figure 1(left): Combinatorial thin film synthesis tool (sputtering and pulsed laser deposition); Figure 2(center): Combinatorial determination of the thermoelectric power factor as a function of composition for La- and Sr- doped Ca3Co4O9; Figure 3(right): An array of nanocalorimeter devices

Postdoctoral Research Opportunities in My Group

  • Currently, a major challenge for the US economy is to provide inexpensive, efficient, compact, safe, and environmentally-friendly technologies for energy generation and conversion. Thermoelectric materials enable the direct conversion between thermal and electrical energy through the Seebeck and Peltier effects. This project addresses innovations required to measure those properties, as well as the establishment of standards for thermoelectric materials. For more information...
  • The Si microelectronics industry is currently faced with major materials challenges to enable further miniaturization (scaling) of integrated circuit devices and adherence to Moore’s Law. Combinatorial materials science methodologies, ideally suited for this complex problem, will be utilized to yield a wealth of materials data, from which the optimized composition and structure of the advanced gate stack can be determined. For more information...
  • Develop MEMS-based nanocalorimeters to detect and quantitatively measure thermal behavior of materials with nanojoule sensitivity. This research is at the intersection of materials science and nanofabrication, and utilizes the state-of-the-art NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology. For more information...

Awards and Honors

  • Kurtz Memorial Visiting Scientific Fellow, Technion, Israel, 1978
  • AMAX Fellow, 1974-1977
  • Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Xi




Materials Research Engineer
Ceramics Division
Functional Properties Group

Employment History:

2003-present: Group Leader, Functional Properties Group, NIST
2001-2003: SEMATECH Assignee (from Agere Systems) to IMEC, Belgium
1978-2003: Research Scientist, Bell Laboratories/Lucent Technologies/Agere Systems
1966-1970: Naval Applied Science Laboratory


Ph.D., Materials Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1978
M.S., Metallurgical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1972
B.S., Metallurgy, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn,1970

Professional Activities:

  • Member, MRS, TMS and ECS
  • President, Materials Research Society (MRS), 2001

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Phone: 301-975-8496
Email: martin.green@nist.gov
Fax: 301-975-5334