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DNA Science Group


Conducts research on understanding of chemical mechanisms of oxidatively induced DNA damage and its repair in living organisms; develops methods and standards for the measurement of different types of lesions in DNA and their repair in living cells by the use of mass spectrometric techniques such as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry; conducts research on development, validation and measurement of biomarkers and on development of standards for early detection of cancer; conducts research on the toxicity of biomedically relevant nanomaterials in human cells and on the measurement of DNA damage caused by these materials.


Development of Biomarker-based Systems for Cancer Detection and Therapy— Biomarkers play an increasingly important role in disease detection and treatment. As one of the Biomarker Reference Laboratories (BRLs) in the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) - an …

Biocompatibility of Photoluminescent Silicon Nanoparticles—Photoluminescent silicon nanoparticles have a bright and stable fluorescence and are promising candidates for use in bio-imaging, cell staining and drug delivery. In collaboration …

Standards for Immuno-Histochemical Imaging: A Biomarker Protein Expression Chip—Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is used to visualize antigens in tissue sections by specific antigen-antibody interactions, an advantage over traditionally used staining techniques that can identify …

Protection Against Ionizing Radiation in Extreme Radiation-Resistant Microorganisms— We measured the levels of modified DNA bases following ү-irradiation of the halophilic archaeon, Halobacterium sp. str. NRC-1. In this first study to quantify DNA base modification in a …

Fundamental Interaction Mechanisms of Engineered Nanomaterials with DNA— We utilized isotope-dilution liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) to determine the levels of the oxidatively damaged DNA bases, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) and …

Development of SRMs for Serum Proteomics—Serum proteomics, the detection and measurement of as many proteins in a serum sample as possible, could be an important element of personalized medicine enabling diagnosis of early stages of …


3D Image of DNA

Credit: Image ©Bowlin/courtesy Shutterstock



Dr. Steven Choquette
Acting Group Leader
301-977-0587 (fax)