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Bioprocess Measurements Group


The Bioprocess Measurements Group develops measurement methods and standards that support a variety of application areas, particularly those relevant to biological industrial processes. Areas of current active interest include: 

  • Standards & new methods for counting & characterizing protein particles in biotherapeutics
  • Novel sensors for monitoring health and industrial manufacture of biological products
  • Innovative device platforms and signal processing methods
  • Affinity-based assays of the glycosylation (sugar decoration) patterns in biotherapeutic proteins
  • Protein conformation studies, in solution and adsorbed to surfaces. 

We combine expertise in instrumentation science, nanomaterials, and chemical and physical characterization of surfaces, sensor materials, and biological molecules. 


Surface Characterization of Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles—This work examines the surface chemistry of conjugated gold nanoparticles, where the molecular modifiers are linked to the gold NP via a gold-sulfur bond, including obtaining information on the …

Rapid Measurement of Aggregation of Protein Therapeutics During Biomanufacturing—Protein therapeutics is the largest class of drugs made by the biotechnology industry. Aggregation of protein therapeutics is a major safety concern because aggregates can cause adverse, even …

Nanocalorimetry—Nanocalorimetry using micromachined devices has the capability to provide quantitative data to support the development of advanced metal silicide metallizations for semiconductor devices. The …

Chemical/Biochemical Microsensor Science—The Process Sensing Group at NIST is investigating a range of fundamental and technological issues related to next-generation chemical and biochemical measurements with solid state devices. A …


Affinity assay of biotherapeutic, rituximab, by a lectin, Con A

Credit: A. Dutta

Modified surface used to study the affinity binding of a protein therapeutic, Rituximab, with a lectin, Con A.


General Information:
Dr. Dean C. Ripple
301-975-4801 Telephone
301-975-2643 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8362
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8362