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Gas Metrology Group


The Gas Metrology Group is responsible for developing, critically evaluating, and applying techniques for the identification and measurement of gaseous species in atmospheres (urban, rural, and pristine) and process streams (automobile and stack). The group applies these techniques to certification of gas standards in support of industries responding to U.S. and state regulations, environmental concerns, fairness in trade issues, and global climate change. The primary concern is to provide the infrastructure for high-quality, traceable gas measurements, allowing better decision-making by industry, regulators, government officials, research scientists, and the public.  Measurement services are provided through the development of reference materials including NIST Traceable Reference Materials (NTRMs), Reference Materials (RMs), Standard Reference Materials (SRMs).


International Collaborations to Improve the Accuracy of Gas Primary Standards— The Gas Metrology Group periodically participates in bilateral and multi-laboratory international comparisons. During the past two years comparisons have taken place for sulfur dioxide, ethanol, …

Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases—The Gas Metrology Group has undertaken a major climate change program that involves collaborations with key stakeholders in the United States and internationally. NIST has developed a …

New Gas Standard Reference Materials to Support the Automotive Industry— The American Industry/Government Emissions Research (AIGER) Consortium is working to facilitate the automobile industry meeting more stringent 2003 Federal Tier II and California LEV II emission …

NIST Traceable Reference Material Program for Gas Standards— Two NIST programs provide calibration gas standards with NIST analyses and concentration value assignment: the Standard Reference Material (SRM) program and the NIST Traceable Reference Material …

Measurements and Standards to Support Global Climate Change Studies— Much of the world's assessment and critical evaluation of currently available data on contributions to climate change comes from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Science (IPCC). IPCC was …

Chemical Metrology in Support of the US Hydrogen Infrastructure— Under the initiative "Enabling the Hydrogen Economy," NIST will apply its unique facilities and expertise in the multi-agency effort to make hydrogen fuel an effective economical and …

Reference Materials and Standards for Fossil Fuels, Electric Utility Emissions, and Coal Combustion By-Products— National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) fossil fuel Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) continue to be in high demand by the petroleum industry and the fossil fuel-based electric …

Development of Standards for the World Meteorological Organization, Global Atmosphere Watch Program— The presence of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere has become important to climate change assessment studies due to their role as precursors to ozone production, particulates, and oxidizing capacity. …

Traceable Calibration Gases: SRMs, NTRMS, and Protocol Gases— The Gas Metrology Group in the Analytical Chemistry Division is tasked with providing traceability in gas analysis for the U.S. This group works with regulators, gas suppliers, and international …

Establishing Measurement Traceability for Gaseous Mercury Emissions Monitoring— As a result of the environmental impact of mercury and the neurotoxic risk associated with trophic transfer of methyl mercury to humans, the reduction of mercury emissions from coal-fired electric …

Development of Standards in Support of Hydrogen-Fueled Vehicles— The Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE) has proposed a Hydrogen Fuel Quality Specification Guideline. Several contaminants, in particular sulfur-containing compounds, have been …

Audit of EPA Protocol Gas Suppliers—EPA Protocol gas mixture calibration standards are obtained by users to measure emissions of regulated gaseous species to ensure that they comply with US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) …

CCQM Activities in the Gas Analysis Working Group— NIST's Analytical Chemistry Division Gas Metrology group has participated in over 20 Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance-Metrology in Chemistry (CCQM) Gas Analysis Working Group …

The NIST Standard Reference Photometer for Ozone Measurement Traceability— The NIST Standard Reference Photometer (SRP), developed jointly with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), has provided an infrastructure for the calibration and traceability of ozone …

International Comparisons— Because of NIST's role as the National Metrology Institute (NMI) in the U.S., the Analytical Chemistry Division's measurement capabilities must be benchmarked against the capabilities of …

Gas Standards in Support of NASA’s Space Shuttle Monitoring Program— The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Kennedy Space Center requires accurate gas mixtures containing argon, helium, hydrogen, and oxygen in a balance of nitrogen to calibrate …

Interdisciplinary Programs and Projects
Fundamental Chemical Metrology

General Information:
Franklin Guenther, Group Leader
301-975-3939 Telephone
301-977-8392 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive Stop 8393
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8393