News in MML- Metallurgy

  • Stretching Exercises: Using Digital Images to Understand Bridge Failures

  • 11/22/11
  • New Magnetic-Field-Sensitive Alloy Could Find Use in Novel Micromechanical Devices

  • 11/08/11
  • Are Electron Tweezers Possible? Apparently So.

  • 08/30/11
  • Iron ‘Veins’ Are Secret of Promising New Hydrogen Storage Material

  • 06/21/11
  • Nanowire-based Sensors Offer Improved Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds

  • 03/30/10
  • NIST Researchers Holding Steady in an Atomic-Scale Tug-of-War

  • 09/22/09
  • Therapeutic Nanoparticles Give New Meaning to Sugar-Coating Medicine

  • 06/30/09
  • Unexpectedly Long-Range Effects in Advanced Magnetic Devices

  • 01/27/09
  • Taking the Stress Out of Magnetic Field Detection

  • 06/24/08
  • New Process Creates 3-D Nanostructures with Magnetic Materials

  • 04/15/08
  • Metal Detectives: New Book Details Titanic Investigation

  • 01/08/08
  • Rough Times: NIST's New Approach to Surface Profiling

  • 08/03/06
  • New X-Ray Microbeam Answers 20-Year-Old Metals Question submicron xray beam

  • 02/16/06
  • Boettinger Elected to Engineering Academy

  • 02/17/98
  • Failure of Tiny Rivets May Have Sunk 'Unsinkable' Liner
  • microphone 


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