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Examines, diagnoses, and treats diseases and injuries of musculoskeletal system by surgical and conservative means. Manages orthopedic surgery services.



Duties And Responsibilities

Duties And Responsibilities
Duties And Responsibilities
Examines, diagnoses, and treats diseases and injuries of musculoskeletal system by surgical and conservative means and application of corrective mechanical devices. Prepares and reviews case histories and obtains data through interviews. Examines patients and determines x-ray examinations and clinical laboratory tests required. Interprets test results and evaluates examination findings. Determines procedures for preoperative and postoperative care such as administering sedatives, prescribing diets, and preparing operative area of patients. Applies surgical procedures and coordinates operation with anesthesiologist. Reduces and immobilizes fractures by open or closed methods, using such corrective devices as braces, casts, and splints. Administers and prescribes such conservative measures of treatment as antibiotics, drugs, and compresses. Treats patients suffering from surgical shock, postoperative hemorrhage, and other complications. Manages orthopedic surgery services. Formulates plans and procedures for orthopedic surgery services. Schedules operations and assigns surgeons, nurses, and medical technicians. Directs nurses in procedures for preoperative and postoperative care and operating room techniques. Advises on kind and quantity of orthopedic supplies and equipment. Coordinates orthopedic surgery services with other medical activities. Instructs interns and residents in orthopedic surgery procedures. Serves as consultant on orthopedics.


Specialty Qualifications

Specialty Qualifications
Specialty Qualifications
Knowledge. Fulfillment of education requirement satisfies this requirement.

Education. For entry into this specialty, a doctor of medicine degree or a doctor of osteopathy degree from an approved school of medicine or osteopathy is mandatory.