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Oregon State Statutes:
opens new window ORS §746.135
Health Insurance Nondiscrimination,
Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination
If a person asks an applicant for insurance to take a genetic test in connection with an application for insurance, the use of the test must be revealed to the person tested and informed consent to conduct testing is required. Favorable genetic information may not be used to induce the purchase of insurance. Genetic information may not be used to reject, deny, limit, cancel, refuse to renew, increase the rates of, affect the terms and conditions of or otherwise affect any policy for hospital or medical expenses, and the genetic information of a persons blood relative may not be used to reject, deny, limit, cancel, refuse to renew, increase the rates of, affect the terms and conditions of or otherwise affect any policy of insurance.

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Last Reviewed: April 9, 2010
