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Data current through February 12, 2013.

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ttl/(tennis and (racquet or racket))
isd/1/8/2002 and motorcycle

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When searching for specific numbers in the Patent Number field, patent numbers must be seven characters in length, excluding commas, which are optional.
Field Code Field Name   Field Code Field Name
PN Patent Number IN Inventor Name
ISD Issue Date IC Inventor City
TTL Title IS Inventor State
ABST Abstract ICN Inventor Country
ACLM Claim(s) LREP Attorney or Agent
SPEC Description/Specification AN Assignee Name
CCL Current US Classification AC Assignee City
ICL International Classification AS Assignee State
APN Application Serial Number ACN Assignee Country
APD Application Date EXP Primary Examiner
PARN Parent Case Information EXA Assistant Examiner
RLAP Related US App. Data REF Referenced By
REIS Reissue Data FREF Foreign References
PRIR Foreign Priority OREF Other References
PCT PCT Information GOVT Government Interest
APT Application Type