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Patent Application Publication Data Products

A patent application is a document submitted by an inventor requesting a patent be issued.

A patent application document contains bibliographic front page information, an abstract (summary), specification and claims as originally filed, and drawings depicting the invention.

Patent Application Publication Multi-Page Images (2001-present)

This data contains the images of each patent application publication published weekly (Thursdays) from March 15, 2001 to the current Calendar Year in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) with CCITT Group 4 Compression. This product is extracted from the USPTO's USAApp optical disc product, which is discontinued as of December 31, 2011. (The data will no longer be available in optical disc format, only online format at the web site below as of December 31, 2011.)

Average file size is 6 GB (compressed).

Choose this product if you need multi-page format which includes bibliographic (front page) information, drawings, specification, and claims for patent application publications.

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Patent Application Publication Single-Page Images (current Calendar Year)

This data contains the single-page image of each patent application publication published weekly (Thursdays) in the current Calendar Year (January through December) in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) with CCITT Group 4 Compression. Each weekly file contains approximately 5,000 published patent applications. 

Average file size is 6 GB (compressed) per week.

Choose this product if you need single-page image format with bibliographic front page information, all drawings, specification, and claims for patent application publications.

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 (*An annual subscription for the current Calendar Year is available on blu-ray discs for $5,200. Contact for ordering information.)

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Patent Application Publication Full-Text (2001-current Calendar Year)

This data contains the full text of each patent application publication published weekly (Thursdays) (excludes images/drawings) from 2001 to the current Calendar Year. These files are a subset and concatenation of the Patent Application Publication Data/XML. 

Average file size is 85 MB (compressed).

Because of the concatenation of the individual documents, these files are not well-formed XML. These files contain non-repeatable (not unique) tags. For example, each XML document within the file should have one start tag and one end tag. Concatenation creates a file that contains 5,000 plus start/end tag combinations. This means that the file will not parse successfully or open/display by default in Internet Explorer. If you put these files along with the appropriate Document Type Definition (DTD) in the same directory and double click on these weekly files, Internet Explorer will give you an error:

Access is denied. Error processing resource 'us-pap-v15-2001-01-31.dtd'. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Do... <!DOCTYPE us-patent-application-publication SYSTEM "us-pap-v15-2001-01-31.dtd" [ ]>  

But if you take one document out of the Patent Application Publication Full Text file and place it in a directory with the correct DTD and then double click that individual document, Internet Explorer will open the file successfully.

*Note:  You may receive a warning about Active X controls. Additionally, if you take one document out of the Patent Application Publication Full Text file and open it with MS Excel as an XML List, it will import the data under column headings from the XML tags.

*Note:  All Patent Application Publication Full Text files will open successfully in MS Word; NotePad; WordPad; and TextPad. 

Choose this product if you need bibliographic front page information, specification, and claims.

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File Formats

2001  2002-2004 2005 2006 2007-present
SGML Version 2.4  SGML Version 2.5  XML Version 4.0 XML Version 4.1   XML Version 4.2

 (*An annual subscription for the current Calendar Year is available for $2,500. Contact for ordering information.)

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Patent Application Publication Full-Text with Embedded Images (2001-current Calendar Year)

This data contains the full text, images/drawings, and complex work units (tables, mathematical expressions, genetic sequence data, and chemical structures) of each patent application publication published weekly (Thursdays) from 2001 to the current Calendar Year. 

Tables and sequence data are included using CALS markup. Mathematical expressions are included using MATHML markup and external Mathematica Notebook (NB) files. Chemical structures are represented by external CambridgeSoft Corp. ChemDraw (CDX) files and MDL Information Systems (MOL) files. Drawings, mathematical expressions, and chemical structures are also included as external TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) with CCITT Group 4 Compression. Each weekly file contains approximately 5,000 patent application publications. 

Average file size is 1.5 GB (compressed) per week.

Choose this product if you need bibliographic front page information, specification, claims, embedded images, and drawings.

Refer to the following for additional Patent Application XML information to include the Document Type Definitions (DTDs):

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File Formats

2001  2002-2004 2005 2006 2007-present
SGML Version 2.4  SGML Version 2.5  XML Version 4.0 XML Version 4.1   XML Version 4.2

 (*An annual subscription for the current Calendar Year is available on DVD-ROMs for $5,200. Contact for ordering information.)

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Patent Application Publication Bibliographic (2001-current Calendar Year)

This data contains the bibliographic text (i.e., front page) of each patent application publication (non-provisional utility and plant) published weekly (Thursdays) (excludes images/drawings) from 2001 to the current Calendar Year. These files are a subset and concatenation of the Patent Application Publication Data/XML. 

Because of the concatenation of the individual documents, these files are not well-formed XML. These files contain non-repeatable (not unique) tags. For example, each XML document within the file should have one start tag and one end tag. Concatenation creates a file that contains 5,000 plus start/end tag combinations. This means that the file will not parse successfully or open/display by default in Internet Explorer. If you put these files along with the appropriate Document Type Definition (DTD) in the same directory and double click on these weekly files, Internet Explorer will give you an error:

Access is denied. Error processing resource 'us-pap-v15-2001-01-31.dtd'. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Do... <!DOCTYPE us-patent-application-publication SYSTEM "us-pap-v15-2001-01-31.dtd" [ ]>  

But if you take one document out of the Patent Application Publication Full Text file and place it in a directory with the correct DTD and then double click that individual document, Internet Explorer will open the file successfully.

*Note:  You may receive a warning about Active X controls. Additionally, if you take one document out of the Patent Application Publication Full Text file and open it with MS Excel as an XML List, it will import the data under column headings from the XML tags.

*Note:  All Patent Application Publication Full Text files will open successfully in MS Word; NotePad; WordPad; and TextPad. 

Average file size is 2.7 MB (compressed).

Choose this product if you need bibliographic front page information.

Refer to the following for additional Patent Application XML information to include the Document Type Definitions (DTDs):

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File Formats

2001  2002-2004 2005 2006 2007-present
SGML Version 2.4  SGML Version 2.5  XML Version 4.0 XML Version 4.1   XML Version 4.2


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United States Patent and Trademark Office
This page is owned by Public Information Services Group.
Last Modified: 2/29/2012 8:16:15 AM