• A mid-afternoon veiw down the expanse of Isle Royale National Park.  Photo taken from the Mount Ojibway Fire Tower.

    Isle Royale

    National Park Michigan

Be A Junior Ranger

Children 6 to 12 years of age can participate in the exciting and challenging Junior Ranger Program, which takes a day or two to complete. Children work with their parents and rangers to solve the riddles of life on Isle Royale. The program will highly challenge the minds of all children who become involved. Graduates are awarded a badge and certificate by a ranger.

Did You Know?

The morning sun burns through fog on the shoreline of Isle Royale.

Isle Royale’s inland lakes are home to an amazing diversity of invertebrates.  Freshwater clams, sponges, bryozoans, snails, and insects exist in an abundance of forms and in huge sizes not seen since the late 1800’s.