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Russian Billionaire installs anti-photo shield on his giant yacht. Lasers sweep the surroundings and when they detect a CCD, they fire a bolt of light right at the camera to obliterate any photograph.

LuckyBdx4 0 points1 point 13 minutes ago[-]

That is his older, smaller yacht.. Read the small print at the bottom of the article..

I was removed as a mod of this subreddit (even though i created and maintain -- who wants to take credit for this? I'm told its ketralnis

LuckyBdx4 0 points1 point 9 hours ago[-]

It seems that the Top and Controversial headers have been disabled by someone as well ??

I was removed as a mod of this subreddit (even though i created and maintain -- who wants to take credit for this? I'm told its ketralnis

LuckyBdx4 0 points1 point 10 hours ago* [-]

Avoiding the issue much.. He has been online..

Have you had any replies from jokermatt999 or MrDubious, I PM'd them..

Jokermatt999 has been online today..

Traveston dam or desalination, or are there better options?

LuckyBdx4 0 points1 point 10 hours ago* [-]

Hinze Dam, not Heinz mate, Lived up there, The Gold Coast had amazing Population Growth.. When we arrived in 67, it was about 20-25 K with an influx on the weekends from Brissie..The Hinze Damm before it was finished had the Dam walls raised by 10/ may have been 12 feet/ Memory failure effectually tripling + the volume and then in 88 (Expo) tear they ran a pipeline down from Brissie to the Coast.. Current Pop of the Gold Coast is what 650K?

Mate Works at a Special School in Brissie north side and IIRC he put in 3 large tanks a few years ago and has 270K+ litres to play with..

Indian man gambles daughter away

LuckyBdx4 [S] -4 points-3 points 1 day ago[-]

should also probably be submitted in /r/wtf..


Ask Reddit Guns: How Effective Is a High-Power (say, 225 lumens) Flashlight as a Self-Defense Tool?

LuckyBdx4 2 points3 points 1 day ago[-]

A selective fire weapon overcomes that..

Spray and Pray, it's the American way..

Pedophile witch-hunt vigilante violence: grow up, Australia!

LuckyBdx4 -1 points0 points 1 day ago[-]

How it it fix things - He would be taken out of the equation..

End of that problem..

Next Question ?

Now seriously go away and have a Bong, it will calm you down..

Police say two boys have found nearly $100,000 in cash while fishing on the New South Wales north coast.

LuckyBdx4 [S] 0 points1 point 1 day ago[-]

The Govt is going to keep the monies, probable proceeds of crime etc.. The boys should at least get a 30% spotters fee if not the lot..

Pedophile witch-hunt vigilante violence: grow up, Australia!

LuckyBdx4 -1 points0 points 1 day ago[-]

My Children are well adjusted 24 and 26 year olds and don't do drugs, as I said to her stick another cone in your bong, Yes I do drink recreationally, I have had a bottle of wine with dinner.. I suppose that makes me an alcoholic in your Dope addled eyes.. Stick to posting in /r/drugs and you won't have to justify your actions..

As for Killing the Pedophile, it was a Hypothetical question and I answered it truthfully, If you are o.k with a Pedophile fucking your children and not taking action I feel rather sorry for you as a Parent,,

Anyway as a suggested earlier have another cone sweetheart.. It will make you feel warm and glowing..

I was removed as a mod of this subreddit (even though i created and maintain -- who wants to take credit for this? I'm told its ketralnis

LuckyBdx4 0 points1 point 1 day ago* [-]

You should have distinguished that to show you were a Mod Mate..

Although the way this shitfight is going it probably will not be for long..

I was removed as a mod of this subreddit (even though i created and maintain -- who wants to take credit for this? I'm told its ketralnis

LuckyBdx4 1 point2 points 1 day ago* [-]

FWIW, This all came about after I replied to a Question in the above post, I Stated some facts about what I would do..

Question Asked:-

From the editors we want to apologize to the redditors/reddit community. some of our contributors are not following the reddit best practices. we have more than 200 journalists/bloggers writing for us and we're working to get them in line. What can we do to rectify?

My Reply:-

If, your business model is anything like and your journalist/bloggers start filling up the new page, we will get reports to RTS. If we start getting too many reports, I will PM the moderators of the reddits that the reports are generated from asking them to look at banning the individual users. I will also contact your ISP and complain that we are getting SPAM from your users. I do this quite eloquently, I sometimes also do this rather less than politely.. Your journalist/bloggers have been noticed. Just my 2 bits..

Keltranis's Comment:-

Note: LuckyBdx4 is not an admin of, what he says is not necessarily definitive. In fact, he's frequently a pain in inappropriately harassing people that he feels are spammers.

Bang I was deleted as Moderator by ketralnis shortly after he posted this..

Note that I did not say anywhere in my Post that I was reddit Admin,

I Pm'd the other Mods of RTS


to jokermatt999 sent 4 days ago Ketralnis sacked me. Cya round

Bumped did not think My post in that topic was objectionable and re-instated me as a mod of RTS which lasted a matter of hours and then he was kicked as a Mod of RTS also for reinstating me..

I Personally don't give a shit about my Banning, I probably did get on Admins case a few times about their laxity in dealing with Spam and am prepared to pay the price but for Ketralnis to have a hissy fit and dump Bumped is not fucking on, My wife has been doing childcare for 26 years+ and It's the sort of behaviour i expect from a 3 year old..

Full thread is here..

and if you read it to it's end you will see that I initially did come on heavy handed and then after looking at the site thought that they had some good content and was fairly o.k. with it..

LuckyBdx4 Ex Moderators of RTS

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