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TTBGov Importer of Tobacco Products

Consumer Corner

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Importer of Tobacco Products

The law requires that everyone who intends to import tobacco products that are not for their personal use or consumption must first obtain a permit from TTB. 

To apply for a permit, you must complete the forms and other required documentation in the online application packet and return them to the TTB National Revenue Center

If you have questions, call us at 513-684-7150 or 1-877-882-3277.

Getting Started

Read the brief introductory Information Letter in the permit application packet before you begin to fill out the required forms.  This letter describes TTB’s requirements for importing into the United States tobacco products manufactured in a foreign country, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands, and provides a printable checklist so you can track the steps of the application process as they are completed.

Importer of Tobacco Products Permit Application Packet

Importer of Processed Tobacco Application Packet

More information is available at: