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Charles F. McMillan, LANL Director

Charles F. McMillanCharles McMillan has more than 22 years of scientific and management experience in weapons science and stockpile certification, hands-on experience in both experimental physics and computational science, and demonstrated success at balancing mission performance with security and safety.

McMillan previously led the Laboratory’s weapons physics organization since 2006, when Los Alamos National Security, LLC, began managing the Laboratory. Prior to joining the Los Alamos, McMillan served in a variety of research and management positions at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.

McMillan is married with three college age children. He is an avid photographer and an accomplished musician, playing both the piano and organ as well as the recorder. His interest in early music dates back to his high school days when he considered majoring in music. Although he continues to perform ensemble music his intellectual fascination with science led him to study mathematics and physics and he continues to practice an active interest in astronomy and telescopes.

He holds a doctorate in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and physics from Columbia Union College. He has been awarded two DOE Awards of Excellence, one of which for development of an innovative holographic tool that enhances the ability to predict nuclear performance.

"I have great optimism for the future," said McMillan. "This is a complicated time, but also a time of great opportunity for the program, an opportunity to work with the Administration to shape tomorrow’s nuclear security complex while effectively managing the nuclear stockpile along the way. The service we provide to the nation is as important now as it ever was."


Site Characteristics

- 36 square miles
- 47 separate technical areas
- More than 2,100 individual facilities containing 8-9 million gross square feet with a $5.9 billion replacement value

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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