Hastings Praises Introduction of Bipartisan Senate Bill to Replace Obama's Offshore Drilling Plan
Senate move follows bipartisan House vote to reject and replace the President’s plan

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 25, 2012 - House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings released the following statement today regarding the bipartisan offshore drilling bill introduced by U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), John Hoeven (R-ND), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Jim Webb (D-VA) and Mark Warner (D-VA):

“The House has voted on a bipartisan basis to reject President Obama’s proposed offshore drilling plan and replace it with a bipartisan plan that will expand offshore energy production and create jobs. I’m pleased that a bipartisan group of Senators has introduced legislation to do the same. The clock is ticking and it’s now time for the Senate to act. Under law, Congress has 60 days to review the President’s proposed plan and it’s the Senate’s turn to heed the call of the American people who want more American energy and more American jobs. The President’s plan is unacceptable and failure to act by the Senate would be an active endorsement of the President’s no-new-drilling, no-new-jobs plan. The Senate must vote before the 60-day clock runs out.”


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Contact: Jill Strait, Spencer Pederson or Crystal Feldman 202-226-9019