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    Evaluation of the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole’s Violation Sanction Grid

    Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jun. 18, 2010

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    • Evaluation of the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole’s Violation Sanction Grid

    ANNOTATION: Individuals using a violation sanction grid (VSG) can compare their outcomes to this study to determine where they stand. Those people thinking about implementing a VSG will be well informed on what outcome they can use to evaluate VSG performance. This report contains the following sections: introduction; background; the Pennsylvania context; the current study; data; results according to an overview, technical violations and criminal behavior, and parole re-incarceration; and cost and recommendations. The authors “found a generally high degree of conformity to the VSG sanction recommendations, indicating that the VSG is an effective guide for decision-making” (p.53).

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