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Public User's Meeting

Public Records Division/Public Information Services Division
Public User’s Meeting
August 15, 2007 2:00 p.m.
Jefferson Building Conference Center

The Public User's Meeting was held at 2:00 p.m. in the 1st floor conference room 1D70/1D80 at the Jefferson Building, 500 Dulany Street , on the USPTO campus in Alexandria, Virginia. Amanda Putnam, Manager of the Public Records Division, chaired the meeting. There were 6 members of the public in attendance.

Public Search Facility (PSF) Updates

A notice is posted on the removal of the Datamaxx terminals effective August 31, 2007. The public was thanked for their input on the replacement screen that is now available on UPWS.

Lighting survey is completed and the data has been collected. Results are forth coming.

Question: Are there any early indications? Answer: Not yet.

There was a power outage yesterday in the PSF. However, the UPWS workstations came back up automatically when power was restored. There were no reports of workstations not coming back or malfunctioning.

There were more reports of slow image flip rates in EAST.

Users complained about repetitive entering of information when using the employee locator. This access may be driven by security reasons.

A user asked about access to PCTs in Public PAIR. When he clicked on it, an error message popped up that access to that URL is blocked. Will explore.

According to a user trying to access IPC data he could not get the IPCR field to come up filled. It came up blank or empty. Reminders to the public include: prior to IPC edition 8, you cannot do one search for all versions. You have to enter which version of IPC you need to search. Also, if EPO does not fill in the field, then there is no data in the field. We offer access to what is provided.

The public is experiencing parking problems at Carlyle. Some of the public have reported their parking privileges were revoked. OCS has not yet responded to calls from the public about the parking situation. A request will be extended to OCS to attend the next meeting to address the public's concerns.

Members of the public are experiencing problems with wireless connectivity. Doug informed them that they have to call the OCIO helpdesk for assistance.

Public Records Division Updates

There are no updates or announcements at this time.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm

Next meeting: 2:00pm Sept. 19, 2007 in Jefferson conference center room 1D70/1D80.

United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 9/29/2009 4:17:53 PM