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Rx for Kids

June 18, 2012

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New research shows Moms and Dads are making fewer trips to the pharmacy for their kids.

The Food and Drug Administration poured over nearly a decade's worth of data from retail pharmacies, and found overall, prescriptions for children dropped 7 percent between 2002 and 2010. 14% fewer prescriptions were written for antibiotics during that time period though they were still the most frequently dispensed drugs for the under 17 set. Other noteworthy categories on a downward trend: allergy meds, as well as drugs for pain and depression.

On the other side: The study published in the journal Pediatrics found a 46 percent increase in pediatric prescriptions for ADHD medications and an uptick in treatments for asthma. Prescriptions for adults during the same time period increased by 22-percent.

I'm Dr. Cindy Haines of HealthDay TV, with the news that doctors are reading; health news that matters to you.