Friday, December 17, 2010
ORNL in the News

Bentley Selected to Join Consortium for US-China Clean Energy Research Center on Building Energy Efficiency

(Distributed Energy) Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for the infrastructure that sustains our world, today announced that it has been selected to join the consortium, led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for a U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC) focused on building energy efficiency...The consortium includes research partners Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Natural Resources Defense Council (Beijing branch), ICF International (Beijing branch), National Association of State Energy Offices, Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and University of California, Davis...12/16

G. Samuel Hurst -- the 'Tom Edison' of ORNL

(Oak Ridger) This past summer the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and our community, lost one of its most illustrious members. Sam Hurst came to Oak Ridge from Bell County in his home state of Kentucky in 1948...In 1979, Sam was named as one of the first three corporate Fellows at the laboratory...12/14


Plasan R&D leaving town

(Bennington Banner) The research and development arm of Plasan Carbon Composites is moving to a small town in Michigan, lured by state and local government tax breaks, and its proximity to a rebounding auto industry...According to, the Michigan facility is part of a "three-pronged strategic shift" for the company. It will maintain production in Bennington, but pursue process development in Michigan. Plasan will also continue research and development at a facility in Tennessee in conjunction with Oak Ridge National Laboratory...12/16


DOE to Fund up to $50 Million to Demonstrate Innovative, Cost-Competitive Solar Energy Technologies

(DOE Press Release) Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced the Department's intent to fund up to $50 million to test and demonstrate innovative technologies that will lead to cost-competitive solar energy technologies...12/16

Secretary Chu Announces up to $184 Million Available for Advanced Vehicle Research and Development

(DOE Press Release) U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu announced today the Department is accepting applications for up to $184 million over three to five years to accelerate the development and deployment of new efficient vehicle technologies that will reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, save drivers money, and limit carbon pollution...12/16

Salazar, Chu Announce Next Step in Nation's March toward Renewable Energy Future

(DOE Press Release) Today Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu announced a comprehensive environmental analysis that has identified proposed 'solar energy zones' on public lands in six western states most suitable for environmentally sound, utility-scale solar energy production...12/16


Congress Sends Tax Legislation To The White House

(NPR) A massive bipartisan tax package preventing a big New Year's Day tax hike for millions of Americans is on its way to President Barack Obama for his signature. ....12/17

East Tennessee

TVA plugs seepage at Kingston Plant gypsum pond

(AP) The Tennessee Valley Authority discovered and fixed a seepage of rain water from a gypsum pond at the Kingston Plant where a breach in an earthen dam caused a huge spill of coal ash two years ago...12/16

State & Regional

Grants fueling solar energy

(Knoxville News Sentinel) ...The Tennessee Solar Institute announced earlier this week that it had approved nearly $7.28 million in what are known as innovation grants, providing funds for Tennessee solar companies to reduce energy, train their work force and adopt technologies to better serve the solar market...12/17

TVA signs deal for 20 years of Iowa wind power

(USA Today) The Tennessee Valley Authority has made a deal that will provide 44 megawatts of power from a wind farm in Iowa...12/15


energy & science policy

'Synthetic biology' holds promise, but vigilance needed

(USA Today) Far more promise than peril lurks in "synthetic biology," the emerging technology of man-made life, a presidential panel reports today...12/16

Inside Energy Extra

12/16 A daily report on U.S. energy policy
[ORNL users only]

science & technology

Spintronics: A New Way To Store Digital Data

(NPR) Scientists at the University of Utah have taken an important step toward the day when digital information can be stored in the spin of an atom's nucleus, rather than as an electrical charge in a semiconductor...12/17

Loss of Arctic Ice May Promote Hybrid Marine Mammals

(Science Daily) Scientists have expected for some time that the Arctic Ocean will be ice-free in summer by the end of this century...12/16

An English House That Generates as Much as It Consumes

(NY Times) ...The house is not entirely self-sufficient, since it is still connected to the national grid and water supply, but the goal was to have a carbon-neutral footprint...12/16

Other Stories

6 things I learned about the Nissan Leaf

(Forbes) One down and 20,000 to go. That’s the number of people who put down $99 to make a Leaf reservation, and Nissan says they’ll all have their cars by the end of the summer...12/16

Stuxnet? Bah, That's Just the Beginning

(The Atlantic) Stuxnet has fascinated and horrified the cybersecurity community for a big chunk of 2010. Its many zero-day exploits, its ability to hide itself, its ability to precisely control the operation of industrial machinery!...12/16

As China premier Wen visits India, tension over oil markets not far from surface

(Washington Post) During Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to the Indian capital this week, he won over high school students with a declaration rendered in his perfect Chinese calligraphy: "India and China are friends."...12/16