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Welcome to the Bureau of Air

The Bureau of Air works to improve air quality by identifying air pollution problems, proposing appropriate regulations, conducting inspections, and reviewing permit applications. It also operates a vehicle emissions testing program.

Recent News

Illinois Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program Revision
The The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) is accepting public comment on proposed revisions to its State Implementation Plan for ozone relating to the Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Program. Written comments on the proposed SIP revision must be postmarked by November 5, 2012 unless a Public Hearing is requested. Requests for a Public Hearing must actually be received not later than November 5, 2012. If a timely request for a Public Hearing is received, a hearing will be held on November 13, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. in the Chestnut Room at the Illinois EPA's Headquarters at 1021 North Grand Avenue East, Springfield Illinois. If a Public Hearing is conducted, the written public comment period will be extended to December 13, 2012. The Illinois Register “Notice of Public Information” dated October 5, 2012, contains the details for the submission of comments and requests for public hearing. The legal and technical support for the “Revisions to the Illinois Inspection and Maintenance Program” is being made available electronically. Due to the voluminous nature of the attachments, they may be viewed at the addresses contained in the Notice.

Illinois Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan for 2013
The Illinois Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan for 2013 is now available for review. The Illinois EPA is accepting comments until June 30, 2012.

Current Features

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) for Area Sources:  Many area source NESHAPs are being promulgated by USEPA for smaller facilities. Information and forms for these regulations can be found on the Illinois Small Business Environmental Assistance website at :

Permit streamlining project for minor construction permits - In June 2007 the Bureau of Air, Permit Section initiated a streamlining project aimed at minor construction permit applications. A "Kaizen Event" was held in June 2007 and a plan of action aimed at improving the minor construction permit application process was developed.

Mercury and Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) Rulemaking
Information on Illinois’ rule to reduce mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants by 90 percent is now online.

Illinois Alternate Fuels Rebate Program
The Alternate Fuels Rebate Program provides rebates for businesses, local governments, organizations, and individuals in the State of Illinois who acquire an alternate fuel vehicle, convert an existing conventional vehicle to an alternate fuel vehicle, or purchase domestic renewable fuel to operate an alternate fuel vehicle.

Stage I & II Vapor Recovery Programs
Updated information on these programs is now available along with the registration form which is available for download in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

MACT Training Programs
Each quarter, Illinois EPA in conjunction with the Lake Michigan Air Director's Consortium and the Region V Training Committee plan to focus on a different MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) standard.

Air Quality Annual Report
Highlights information obtained from the Bureau of Air's statewide air monitoring network, which incorporates more than 300 monitors that track the measurements of a variety of pollutants and air toxic compounds.

Illinois Green Fleets
A voluntary program where businesses, government units, and other organizations in Illinois gain recognition and additional marketing opportunities for having clean, alternative fuel vehicles in their fleet.

Electric Power Plant and Generating Unit Projects Since 1998 - list is updated regularly.

Summary Information on Fuel Ethanol Plants in Illinois - Based on Information in the Bureau of Air’s Permit And Application Files. The list is updated regularly.

Summary Information on Bio-diesel Plants in Illinois - Based on Information in the Bureau of Air’s Permit And Application Files. The list is updated regularly.

Air Menu

About the Bureau of Air
Annual Emission Report (AER)
Air Quality Information
Vehicle Emissions Testing
Partners for Clean Air
Permitting of Air Pollution Sources
Open Burning Permits
Emissions Reduction Market System (ERMS)
Asbestos Program
Other Bureau of Air Programs
NOx SIP Call and CAIR NOx Trading Programs
Illinois Green Fleets
MACT Training
Regulatory Development of Key Rules (CAIR/Mercury)
Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group
Registration of Smaller Sources (ROSS)
Small Business Environmental Assistance Program
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