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Informing Food and Nutrition Assistance Policy: 10 Years of Research at ERS

by Victor Oliveira

Miscellaneous Publication No. (MP-1598) 62 pp, December 2007

cover image for mp1598 Since 1998, Congress has provided funds to ERS to study and evaluate the Nation’s domestic food and nutrition assistance programs. ERS has become the premier source of food and nutrition assistance research in the United States, sponsoring over 600 publications on a wide range of topics related to food and nutrition assistance. This report, prepared at the 10-year anniversary of the FANRP program, highlights some of the key research conducted during the program’s first decade.

Keywords: Food and nutrition assistance, FANRP, Food Stamp Program, child nutrition programs, WIC, economic linkages, income volatility, welfare reform, food security, childhood obesity, dietary reference standards, data development

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See also FANRP Research Findings.

Last updated: Sunday, May 27, 2012

For more information contact: Victor Oliveira