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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
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Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge Gets Help from Local ROW Maintenance Company
Northeast Region, September 14, 2012
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Staff, SCA students, and Volunteers from M&N Operating Company
Staff, SCA students, and Volunteers from M&N Operating Company - Photo Credit: USFWS photo by Beth Goettel
Volunteers Clearing Boundary
Volunteers Clearing Boundary - Photo Credit: USFWS photo by Beth Goettel

For the second year in a row, the workers of the M&N Operating Company, which maintains Rights-of-Ways in Maine for several energy companies, dedicated their annual community service day to Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). In their version of a busman's holiday, teams of workers, each with their own chainsaw operator, spent the day clearing boundary for us. What they did in a day would have taken our small staff many, many days. Since this refuge is unstaffed, and the nearest staff are almost two hours away, the work was very important and greatly appreciated. The company also donated $1,000 to the Friend of Sunkhaze Meadows NWR.

Contact Info: Beth Goettel, 207-236-6970, beth_goettel@fws.gov

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