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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
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New Temporary Cabin Erected on Ship Island for Island Researchers
Northeast Region, September 14, 2012
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Staff and Volunteers Unload Cabin Sections
Staff and Volunteers Unload Cabin Sections - Photo Credit: USFWS by Beth Goettel
Cabin Complete!
Cabin Complete! - Photo Credit: USFWS by Beth Goettel

On May 2, 2012, just a week before island researchers were to arrive, the staff of Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex transported the pre-fabricated pieces of a small cabin to Ship Island. By noon, the pieces had all been landed and moved up from the beach to the cabin site, and by 8 pm, the new structure, complete with windows and doors, stood on the platform that had previously held just a wall tent. The work was an impressive demonstration of James Fortier's building skills and staff teamwork. We are sure the island researchers will greatly appreciate this upgrade in their accommodations!

Contact Info: Beth Goettel, 207-236-6970, beth_goettel@fws.gov

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