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Bureau of International Labor Affairs

Division of Trade Policy and Negotiations (TPN)

The Division of Trade Policy and Negotiations (TPN) provides staff support for the Department of Labor's participation in the interagency development and implementation of U.S. policy related to multilateral and bilateral trade and investment issues. The Division, for example, participates actively in the Doha Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations under the auspices of the WTO, the negotiation of U.S. free trade agreements, and the administration of U.S. trade preference programs. In addition, the Division has devoted substantial resources to worker rights issues in the context of international trade, including the implementation of the worker rights' provisions of U.S. trade legislation.

The Division is also active in the development, negotiation, and implementation of international commodity agreements, particularly in the area of textiles and apparel. The Division helps formulate U.S. policy in the area of import relief for imports that injure or threaten to injure domestic industries and their workers. The Division also participates in interagency deliberations concerning the elimination of certain unfair trade practices and provides input into other trade policy areas (such as trade remedies and national security investigations) that may have an impact on U.S. workers.